Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 927: Underworld

"Do you want to pay for my hammer?"

Li Zongjiu carefully looked at Mr. Gao in front of him.

I'm not sure if the person in front of me is drinking or talking nonsense.

"Yes, as long as you make an offer." Mr. Gao Gao said confidently, in this Heiqu King City, there are really very few things that Mr. Gao can't do. Since he put his words here today, As long as Li Zongjiu can prescribe a condition, it can certainly be satisfied

Li Zongjiu.青 Zhao Qingxuan stared at Li Zongjiu ahead, because he subconsciously felt the change of breath in Li Zongjiu's body, and it was not so simple. Li Zongjiu would certainly not agree so easily, because he did not know Mr. Gao at all

I do n’t know the status of the highest level of Hell Arena in Heiqu King City.

If Li Zongjiu dares to mess up, the end will be very miserable.

"Okay, give me half a million top-grade stones, or ten thousand top-grade stones, and I'll sell it to you."

Speaking of it, Li Zongjiu also slammed on the table, and put a hammer on his waist, looking at Mr. Gao in front of him.

Take the things out directly, and the price has already been marked. It seems to be very sincere to conduct a transaction, but in Mr. Gao's view, Li Zongjiu is threatening.

In this way, I'm telling Mr. Gao in front of me. Even if I put something here for you today, you shouldn't even take it away. Lao Tzu is not afraid of you grabbing it!

Mr. Gao's eyes gradually quieted, staring at Li Zongjiu, the corner of his mouth was also slightly the same,

"Xie Zun, your name is not good, it's crazy, it will offend. I will change it for you, and you will be called the evil worm."

Mr. Gao said lightly. Then he glanced at the magic hammer on the table. It seemed that the hammer itself did not have any power, and it was just an ordinary hammer. This made Mr. Gao doubtful, either it was fake or it was inside the hammer. also

What's the mystery? As for the price quoted by Li Zongjiu, Mr. Gao didn't care. He just said that you should ask for a price. He didn't say that after you opened it, he would give the money. There is nothing wrong with it, just letting you play. What to say


"I think your face is ugly. If you want to add 200,000 purple coins, I will help you to look at it and make your face look better."

Li Zongjiu came to Mr. Gao and said lightly. ,

The distance between the two is only half a meter away. If this distance is started, no one can run away.

Neither Li Zongjiu nor Mr. Gao can escape. Mr. Gao grinned immediately after listening to Li Zongjiu's words. In this way, it seems that he really likes the kid in front of him. He has never seen such a proud person, but he dared to harden his **** camp. Top level,

The master of the nineteenth floor, Mr. Gao!

"You are very good. I like it. I won't kill you today. I don't want your hammer. Interesting. I want to see how well you can do in my arena."

Suddenly, Mr. Gao's style of painting changed, and people didn't understand what it meant. In the end, whether Li Zongjiu killed or did not kill, whether he wanted to hold him or kill him. In Mr. Gao's opinion, Li Zongjiu is an interesting ant. If it is an ant, then you can play it well, then let him see what kind of storm you can turn out, anyway. No matter how tumbling

And couldn't pull out the palm of his hand.

So at this moment Mr. Gao is also willing to let Li Zongjiu go and let Li Zongjiu leave.

Willing to let Li Zongjiu make a living.

Zhao Qingxuan's heart was relieved.

I've seen Li Zongjiu ’s strength. It was n’t a joke on the competitive platform. So many masters are there. Without the true skill, it is impossible to survive, and it is impossible to say that everyone bought a show ,

Since Mr. Gao is willing to let Li Zongjiu go, he will at least not do it directly today.

Unfortunately, these people are too overestimating themselves, at least in front of Li Zongjiu.

Kill or kill, and die.

It's not up to you, the surnamed lord.

"Do you think you are the master? I will make a deal with you today, either, one hundred thousand top-quality stones, or just land on my head."

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

But at this moment, he returned to his position.

With both legs straight on the table, looking at the opposite Mr. Gao, and this Zhao Qingxuan.

"If you want, give me a billion purple coins. I'm not a greedy person. Your life is worth the price. If you don't give it, consider for yourself. I will give you a minute."

What Li Zongjiu later said was that of Zhao Qingxuan.

An opening turned out to be two lives.

Li Zongjiu is not too arrogant, let alone threaten Mr. Gao, even if it is Zhao Qingxuan's own hands, he has the full confidence to leave Li Zongjiu.

"Presumptuous, dare to speak wildly in front of Mr. Gao!"

Without Mr. Gao's instructions, Zhao Qingxuan flew up and smashed into Li Zongjiu's head with one palm.

At this moment, just when Li Zongjiu left the hammer, at least the hammer was horrible. As long as the evil demon in front of him didn't touch the hammer, there was still some chance.

Li Zongjiu must be suppressed.

Actually threatened Mr. Gao, this is against the entire Hell Arena!

So Zhao Qingxuan's shot was considered extremely in place. Being able to climb up to this position step by step is enough to prove Zhao Qingxuan's strength. At least he must be qualified for 15 wins before he can sit in this position. If there are no two brushes, how?

Be able to calm down these people. After breaking into the fifteen wins and trying to continue, it will hurt the talents specially trained in the arena, or it will hurt the interests of other parties. In short, it is not very cost-effective, especially some have great potential.

If you continue to climb up, it is likely to be beheaded. At this time, it is very wise to send people directly to Zhao'an, and it will not cause much harm.

Both parties can maximize their own interests!

This is a win-win situation.

Zhao Qingxuan's palm was as strong as the wind, and his palm was approaching. He was already gathering the horrors of the surrounding forces, and slashed towards Li Zongjiu's body.


However, Zhao Qingxuan fell, but found that Li Zongjiu's body had disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, he actually appeared beside him.

Reaching out, Li Zongjiu's fingers clenched Zhao Qingxuan's throat like an eagle's claw. Although he once broke into the fifteenth floor, Zhao Qingxuan's strength is still in the level of Yuan Wang, and even the Yuan emperor does not look at it. Besides, only Zhao Qingxuan, who is only in the realm of Yuan Wang, also came to take the initiative. Naturally

You are polite.

"I know your choice." After finishing the speech, Li Zongjiu's fingers were pressed for a moment, Zhao Qingxuan wanted to use his own power to break through Li Zongjiu's attack, but never thought that his power had rushed to Li Zongjiu's face, even There is no threat at all, fluttering, such as

Same as cotton.

After that, it was hard for Zhao Qingxuan to feel any more, just knowing his throat, a shattering sound appeared at this time.

Everything after that has nothing to do with Zhao Qingxuan.


Zhao Qingxuan's head fell to the ground.

Look at Mr. Gao right now.

It seems that Mr. Gao is making this decision himself. I thought I was at the highest level and had some strength, so I wanted to master Li Zongjiu's life and death. This kind of thing is like a joke for Li Zongjiu. If he wants to dominate his life, you have this surname. real

Power is still not enough.

"Very good, although you have great potential, you are useless to me."

Mr. Gao looked at Li Zongjiu in front of him and said lightly.

After speaking, he was already standing up.

When I got up, the space around me suddenly changed.


Means of Yuanhuang class strong.

When Mr. Gao exhibited his field, he already had Li Zongjiu's life in his hands, at least Mr. Gao thought so.

"Into the realm of my sin, no one can go out alive."

Mr. Gao said lightly.

Under words, there is also a strong self-confidence.

The power coming from around gave people an extreme discomfort, which made Li Zongjiu feel clearly.

This is the power of the evil barrier.

Li Zongjiu's heart moved slightly.

"Your field is really interesting?"

A trick that Li Zongjiu studied only a while ago is worried that he hasn't exerted the power of this trick too much, and now he just makes the guy in front test his skills.

"Sin barriers are engulfed, six are broken!"

Mr. Gao didn't care too much, he just did his best and performed a big move.

And Li Zongjiu put on a stance. "Floating Tu Palm!"

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