Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 949: stalker

The two followed the direction of the dragon-hundred plate, and it turned out that they found a medium tortoise spar under a rock!

Qi Yanran couldn't believe his eyes.

Li Zongjiu smiled when he saw Qi Yanran's unbelievable excitement, but Li Zongjiu did not tell Qi Yanran that the dragon hunting plate would fall into his hands after hundreds of years.

The emergence of this dragon-hunting plate also caused a **** rain on the mainland. In fact, most of this blood-storm was brought by Li Zongjiu for this dragon-hunting plate.

The function of the dragon hunting plate is to hunt for treasure.

The one involved is an ancient tomb of the emperor Long Di.

A long time ago, someone found this dragon-hunting plate in order to find the ancient tomb of the ancient emperor. Li Zongjiu was still waiting for the appearance of the dragon-hunting plate. Who knows that this thing came out by itself.

And in Qi Yanran's hands, it's just making things happen.

Li Zongjiu gave Qi Yanran the use of the initial level. As for the way of it, Li Zongjiu himself was not clear, so it was difficult to explain to Qi Yanran.

"How do I feel like this thing is yours?"

Qi Yanran expressed this feeling, as if the dragon hunting plate was born for Li Zongjiu, which was originally a thing belonging to Li Zongjiu.

"Aren't you mine?"

Li Zongjiu looked at Qi Yanran's eyes and said seriously, who knew that this guy suddenly showed such a trick, which made Qi Yanran himself caught off guard.

"You ... you're enough for you."

"Haha, you use this and the dragon-hunting plate to look for flint crystals around me, and I will not waste any time. In this volcanic place, the elements of fire converge, just to quench my flesh!"

Li Zongjiu said.

Qi Yanran listened to Li Zongjiu's words, suddenly surprised,

Recalling what Li Zongjiu did on the flying boat before, he looked at this guy with an excited look.

"What do you want to do!?"

"Rest assured, I will be fine."

Li Zongjiu said that he immediately took off his clothes and jumped down towards the hot lava river.


Li Zongjiu's body sank directly into the magma.

Although Qi Yanran was worried about Li Zongjiu, he did not stop the latter.

Becoming a woman of Li Zongjiu was never to stop him from doing things, but to support him to do anything.

See Li Zongjiu plunged into the magma.

Qi Yanran was also impressed by Li Zongjiu's perseverance. This guy just likes it, but if he doesn't suffer, how can he have the ability that others don't have.

Born genius is not terrible.

The scary thing is that these talented people work harder than you.

In the eyes of Qi Yanran, Li Zongjiu belongs to that kind of talent, and he is working very hard.

Li Zongjiu was in the magma and used the fire of magma to temper his pagoda body.

Qi Yanran stopped after a long distance.

"Sneaky all the way, what's the matter? Come on."

Qi Yanran seemed to be speaking to the vacant.

However, when Qi Yanran's words fell, there was a fluctuation behind him.

Behind a rock, a figure came out

The man who came out glanced at the dead branches under his feet.

"I didn't expect you to be very careful."

Qian Xiaojia came out from behind the rock, holding a lancet in her arms.

Along the way, many times I couldn't help but want to solve Li Zongjiu, but remembered the pain that Li Zongjiu gave himself and hurt his family, Qian Xiaojia could not let Li Zongjiu die in this way.

Li Zongjiu must be allowed to taste the pain of losing his loved ones.

Finally waited for the opportunity for the two to separate.

But what Qian Xiaojia did not expect was that Qi Yanran had already discovered him.

Qi Yanran turned to look at the person behind him.

"With your means, you are just sending death, why bother." Qi Qiran did not know who the person in front of was, but the murderous spirit released from time to time along the way had already told Qi Yanran that the person in front of What is it for here? I have never shot it all the way before, so

Qi Yanran has been patient until now.

Because Qi Yanran did not want to increase the burden on Li Zongjiu.

On the contrary, Qi Yanran was thinking to help Li Zongjiu and solve the trouble.

She is not just a beautiful-looking vase, she is also capable and capable of solving these troubles that are in front of her.

"Oh, that kid killed my family and insulted my family, I killed him a woman, but not too much."

Qian Xiaojia smiled coldly, then pulled out the lancet in his hand.

His momentum is gradually rising.

Step by step into Qi Yanran, the only cold eyes in his eyes.

And Qi Yanran also watched Qian Xiaojia's own momentum, reaching the threshold of Yuan Wang's peak, and then broke through Yuan Yuan's peak easily, and reached the realm of Yuan Huang instantly!

Yuanhuang class.

No wonder it was so bold that they dared to follow Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran along the way.

Facing Yuanhuang class strong again.

Qi Yanran's heart was not the same as last time, so excited, and even felt a desperate feeling.

At first Qi Yanran thought it would be very good to be able to resist one or two moves.

However, this time, Qi Yanran only wanted to kill the person in front of him to eliminate future troubles.

The only explanation for the enemies who chase here is the people of the Qian family.

"I'll cut off your head and soak in the potion and let that Li Zongjiu drink it!"

Qian Xiaojia's body suddenly emerged, her feet suddenly exerted force, directly approaching Qi Yanran's body.

Seeing this, Qi Yanran gently shaken the marrow in his hand, and rolled toward Qian Xiaojia.

"too slow!"

When Qian Xiaojia saw Qi Yanran throwing out the barren marrow, he directly took up the lancet in his hand and wanted to smash the barren marrow.

As long as there is sufficient speed and accuracy, any weapon in Qian Xiaojia's hands will instantly become fragments.

However, when Qian Xiaojia's lancet hit each other's barren marrow, he slammed.

The Yuan Emperor's body air was directly broken by the barren marrow.


Qian Xiaojia was full of confidence, and even had a look of killing, his face changed instantly.

"how can that be!":

The long whip transformed by the barren sky's marrow was passing by the top of Qian Xiaojia's head in an instant, and it was just this momentary movement that also made Qian Xiaojia feel a kind of coldness on his head.


Long whip fell to the ground.

A big pit burst into the ground instantly.

These stones are the kind of extremely hard stones, but under Qi Yanran's long whip, they are so easily broken.

Qian Xiaojia stepped back a few steps, avoiding Qi Yanran's attack.

When preparing to withdraw.

Two branches suddenly emerged from the floor, directly binding Qian Xiaojia's legs.

The barren marrow of Qi Yanran fell to Qian Xiaojia's head.


Qian Xiaojia's body was directly bombarded, half of her body cracked directly, and the scar was shocking.


Qian Xiaojia couldn't believe his eyes.

Although Qi Yanran is powerful in front of him, he is just the realm of Yuan Wang, and there is no way to break even his protective spirit.

However, the weapon in his hand was almost the nemesis of his defense.

Easy to break his defense.

If you want to run away, there is no chance.

Behind Qian Xiaojia, an ancient tree appeared.

The power of the barren sky is also suspended beside Qi Yanran, and with a slight wave, it can exert its power to destroy the sky and the earth.

At this moment Qian Xiaojia was seriously injured and could not move.

Unexpectedly, a woman beside Li Zongjiu was so strong!

"Do you think Zongjiu didn't find you?"

Qi Yanran looked at the poor vengeful man before him.

With such a strength, she couldn't even pass this level, she even wanted to seek revenge from Li Zongjiu.

Qian Xiaojia listened to Qi Yanran's words, and her eyes gradually showed her despair,

Qi Yanran also just figured it out. If you think about it, you will know. With Li Zongjiu's strength, how could it not be possible to find Qian Xiaojia with Lao Tzu for so long.

The reason for Qi Yanran to solve it by himself is also to know that Qi Yanran has the strength to settle Qian Xiaojia.


What Qian Xiaojia wants to say.

Qi Yanran didn't have any interest in listening, and the barren sky fell down, and Qian Xiaojia was blasted into pieces.

Soon, the body that had lost Yuanli's protection was directly around and was roasted into a pile of bones.

The bones continued to be scorched again, and soon became a wind blow, or a pile of ashes.

Fold up the heavenly marrow. Qi Qiran was turned and walked in the direction before Li Zongjiu jumped down, and began to look for the fiery spar.

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