Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 953: Black Channel Temple

Jin Wenfeng had decided that after he went out, he would definitely find a chance to deal with Li Zongjiu and deprive him of the talents on him. This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. Watching

He, this made Jin Wenfeng's heart very angry.

Li Zongjiu feels like a monkey.

However, Jin Wenfeng has not yet escaped.

Li Zongjiu raised his magic hammer in his hand.

Immediately above the magic hammer, a thunder that was pulling above the sky fell.

It was incredibly precise on Jin Wenfeng's body.


Jin Wenfeng didn't even have time to send out a distress signal, so he was slashed by the **** thunder summoned by Li Zongjiu.

Immediately Jin Wenfeng's body could not help but straighten.

The fire beast below was also rushing up, and in an instant it was to clean the body of Jin Wenfeng.

Everything on his body is burnt and burnt.

The prescription saw his eyes straight.

I can't believe my eyes, but Jin Wenfeng, the king of Liupin Yuan, was still alive just now, and was killed instantly.

Almost no corpse was found now. ,

"This man is so pitiful."

Li Zongjiu shook his head, and seemed to be very sympathetic to Jin Wenfeng's end.

Qi Yanran didn't say anything. Li Zongjiu never killed innocent people. This is clear in Qi Yanran's mind. However, ordinary people are not worthy of Li Zongjiu's shot at all. This Jin Wenfeng can be regarded as cheap .

Turned out to attract Li Zongjiu's shot.

"Remedy, why did you say he was so miserable and was eaten by a group of fire beasts?"

Li Zongjiu and the prescription said.

Immediately, the prescription nodded.

"Yeah ... that's pitiful, we're late, elder ..."

In the tone of the prescription, it also seemed to be very sorry.

For the prescription of the prescription, Li Zongjiu also patted the latter's shoulder. As everyone knows, Jin Wenfeng killed by Li Zongjiu is a seed genius secretly cultivated in this temple of the black canal. Li Zong

For a long time, then was easily killed by this.

Naturally, it was these fire beasts who killed Jin Wenfeng.

Lin Lin, who had already left in the distance, sensed the thunder and lightning that had just fallen, and looked back, telling Lin Lin intuitively that this thunder and lightning was obviously not simple.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Lin Lin, she must continue to look for the spar.

Each player also has his own way to find the beacon spar, but how efficient this method is, it is difficult to say.

Li Zongjiu did not take the prescription to find the beacon spar.

Instead, Qi Yanran and the two continued to search for the spar, and at the same time, they strolled around the eruption volcano.

King Heiqu. There is a temple in the inner city. There is no one near this temple. Only a few people dressed in robes and sacrifices dress in and out, and no one outside can approach here. Generally, they are not eligible

among them.

There was a room in the temple at the moment, and five bright lights were lit in the room.

One of the lights suddenly blew, and went out without wind. The black sacrifice for the guards flashed a panic on his face. These things have never happened. It turned out that such a thing happened. This light goes out, it means there is a What the temple knows

The genius of heart training has died.

"Why haven't you returned!"

The black clothing sacrifice played a decree, but never thought of the bright light in front of him, there was no reaction at all.

The sacrifice of the Black Canal Temple all has a means of soliciting souls. Although some people are dead, as long as the soul is still alive, they can save people.

But this time, there was no movement at all, and the only explanation was that the gods and gods disappeared.

"The big deal is bad!"

The black ritual immediately ran out with horror.

Report this up.

These seed geniuses are cultivated in different ways, each of which is extremely precious. At the moment, such a thing happened and was destroyed. Then the Heiqu Temple must find the reason behind it.

After some census, it was quickly determined that one of the five dead, Jin Wenfeng, who is now participating in the Three Dynasties Danhui, is also the weakest one.

Several cardinals gathered to discuss. "If you die, you will die. Don't worry, you will soon send Li Zongjiu of the Holy Yan Dynasty and the herd of cattle and cattle of the Tianyan Dynasty into the mystery. Then they will deprive them of their talents. Just fine, this waste, wasted

The hard work of the temple! "

A cardinal opened his mouth and concluded. After having alternatives, it became even more unscrupulous. For the existence of Li Zongjiu and Mu Qingniu, Heiqu Temple naturally attached importance to it. Heiqu Temple itself was very strong, but it still would not Let go of any

Opportunity to grow stronger.

As long as it is found, it will be necessary to get these people over, and that is why the Heiqu Temple will become more and more powerful.

Never be proud until you unify the entire continent!

"However, this matter can not be sloppy. It is clear that several families on this continent have not been so friendly towards us recently, maybe they also acted."

Said the Cardinal.

"Yes, bishop!"

The sacrifices in black clothes under their hands also dispersed, and acted separately, at least to find out what the situation is, and then bring the corpse back.

Two days later.

The sun is setting.

People who entered the volcano also gradually stepped out and came to the direction of the west exit.

Only one of the people used the flare of the organizing committee.

That is Nan Pei Xuan. In the past two days, it was already a miracle that Nan Peixuan was able to survive. If you want to cross from such a distance, it is almost equivalent to let Nan Peixuan go to death, so Nan Peixuan did not hesitate Found a photo

To a safe place, let someone bring him back.

When Nan Peixuan's figure fell down, he also blushed, because only he called for support alone.

But at least Nan Peixuan survived.

People who appeared afterwards, including Lin Lin and others, were somewhat injured.

Ling Yan came out with limping, anyway, and she was also a beautiful woman. This limping looked very peaceful, but she also admired Ling Yan's will and unyielding spirit!

This woman will not be easy in the future.

Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran also appeared.

Before appearing, Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran were slightly misaligned with the spar in their hands.

In the end, twenty elementary beacon crystals were given, five medium beacon crystals were added, and the rest were all put into flame **** by Li Zongjiu.

Including a superb beacon spar!

The remaining two dynasties returned with full members.

But Jin Wenfeng of the Heiqu dynasty did not return for a long time.

What surprised everyone was the amount of money. After the time was up, the referees of the competition committee directly judged that Jin Wenfeng was disqualified, first after taking stock of the spar in the hands of everyone.

Only then sent someone to search for the whereabouts of Jin Wenfeng among the volcanoes.

But this is often futile.

These people have been walking around the volcano for so long, but have they seen any body?

Naturally not.

The temperature here is higher than the crematorium, and no corpses can be stored here. So looking for it is no different than finding a needle in a haystack. Unless someone knows the specific location, it can still capture a little breath.

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