Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 963: Markup

Ancient burial family.

It can be said that he was famous in the Heiqu dynasty. If your social status is insufficient, it will not be enough to know such a horrible family. No one is recommended.

You will never reach this level.

The list of ordinary people and the people of the ancient burial family will not accept it.

However, once the assassination order is accepted, the entire family will be exhausted to complete the task. At this point, it is almost always a 100% completion rate.

Therefore, such word of mouth is here, it goes without saying that the price aspect, ordinary people spend a lifetime of time, can not even afford this money.

Of course, some orders that ca n’t be fulfilled are more likely to be returned, so that they ca n’t be completed.

No matter what method is used, this ancient burial family will guarantee their mission completion rate.

This time I received an order from Qian's family.古 The ancient burial family was accepted happily, because I heard that this target is only a foreigner, so it is more convenient. If the forces in this dynasty, maybe they will die for a while, and follow-up issues will be handled.

kind of hard.

But such foreigners need not worry at all.

However, during the preparation of the next few days, the people of the ancient burial family found that the mission objectives of this time were not as simple as imagined.

After several investigations, I found that the task was much more difficult than expected.

Plus a series of things.

In the end, it was found that Qian's owner was killed.

This is enough, so the ancient funeral family immediately began a comprehensive evaluation of Li Zongjiu. The owner of the Qian family is the employer of the order, and it is also the order under the name of Qian Tianding. Now that everyone is dead, what use is there? This order is considered a dead order in the hands of the ancient burial family. That is to die

That kind of thing, unless you don't want your own word of mouth.

Since this list cannot be cancelled anymore, it seems that the difficulty has increased a bit.

So this ancient funeral family also sent a representative to this Qian family,

Discuss with the new owner.

The theme of this discussion is to add money.

There is no way to cancel the order, but the money must be increased.

Qian Hailong and others met the representative from the ancient burial family.

"What, add money? This money has been paid in one lump before. You still want to add money. This is the starting price for sitting on the ground. Is it that the burial family is the one who uses this method to make a profit!"

The elders couldn't sit still when they heard about adding money.

Recently, these elders have also changed into some new faces. After all, the new officer takes office, of course, it is necessary to stabilize his position. I heard that Qian Xiaojia is also dead. This is really exciting.

The people in Qian's family earn a lot of money, and their ability to keep money is also very good. They have to hold the money in their pockets tightly, and they must not easily give up.

As soon as I heard that I needed to add money, and the number added was still so scary, it was almost three times the price of the previous order. With this money, what was they doing badly? I had to do it.

"This order does not need to be done. You did not need to pay the money before." Qian Hailong said very calmly. He had ordered the assassination of Li Zongjiu just to earn some money for the Qian family, but now Everyone Li Zongjiu killed directly in your family and killed the current owner directly.


So if it is not necessary, try not to provoke Li Zongjiu, not to mention that people are leaving now, and if you are still catching up, you are on your own.

Therefore, Qian Hailong will not try to provoke him without recruiting Li Zongjiu. Sooner or later, this guy will have more powerful people to accept him. There is no need to let Qian Hailong take the shot.

If it was shot, then Li Zongjiu would have to be killed. Otherwise, Li Zongjiu would definitely come back to find the difference.

Qian Hailong is convinced of this.

But the same, the burial family is not easy to provoke.

Sure enough, the eyes of the ancient burial family immediately became sharp.

"Are our ancient funeral families the ones who collected money and didn't do anything?"

"I'm not here to discuss with you, but to inform you! The cost is to be added later, after all, the cost of this action will be very large!"

The ancient burial family said lightly.

There is an undeniable attitude in the tone. If the power behind this is not strong, no one in this area would dare to come to the Qian family to spread out.

"Our ancient burial family must do what we say. As long as we take the order, we will definitely complete the task. If the Qian family cannot afford the price, we are teasing our ancient burial family."

With that said, the man's finger also knocked at the table.

Teasing an ancient burial family?

There were some families once because they were burdened and teased the reputation of the ancient burial family, so they were finally settled by this ancient burial family, and one remained.

And the ancient burial family did things not by directly killing them, but by solving them one by one in secret, and not by one day, but by several days.

But without exception, none of these people can escape,

Even if you want to hire a guard, no one will pick up the list at all. After all, it provokes this death family. Is there any good ending? The only ending is to be easily slaughtered. It ’s a relief for those who have been killed and already dead, but it ’s a torture for those who are still alive, because you do n’t know at all when the horn of death will be Will fall on

On you.

Qian Hailong and a group of elders from Qian's family looked at the person in front of them. The people here were so arrogant that they dared to persecute Qian's family. Even after ordering, even if they wanted to withdraw.

The money must be made up.

"Okay, since it ca n’t be undone, you do n’t need to revoke it, but I hope that your ancient burial family can guarantee that you have collected the money, and you must do it!"

Qian Hailong said. If these people can handle Li Zongjiu after taking the money, then this is also a good thing, at least not to suffer so much, otherwise Li Zongjiu offends here, and the ancient funeral family is not good at it, and provoked himself Hemp


Such things are not worth it.

So being able to spend money on these things is naturally the best,

"Rest assured, our ancient burial family, Yinuoqianjin! No, Yinuoqianjin!"

The visitor of the ancient burial family laughed.

Qian Hailong also grinned. It is naturally the best to have such confidence. If these two entangled guys entangle each other, such a thing is also something Qian Hailong would like to see.

No matter what happened to him, Qian Hailong is still happy!

Tian Dan Ge.

On the flying boat, Chu Tairan also hosted a celebration party for everyone.

Since the end of the game, they have been sent directly to the Heiqu Temple. Until now, everyone is free to gather together.

"Did you drink and eat meat all day? Didn't you slacken your cultivation?" Li Zongjiu was sitting at the table. All these people spent a lot of time drinking wine, and they were really chic and comfortable, and what Li Zongjiu said was naturally Tai Ran and Zhou Zheng are two people. Although these two people are strong, they cannot be lazy.


"Old, the future of Tange Pavilion depends on you young people to support it. We are all old, of course, just responsible for enjoying life."

Chu Tairan laughed and said.

The flying boat sailed into the sea of ​​clouds. The journey back was obviously faster than when I came. Once the road was clear and the second came because the dark cloud storm had disappeared, there was nothing to worry about.

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