Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 980: Sun Moon Skills

Although this is true, it is always strange that Li Zongjiu said so directly in his mouth. Anyway, give her Zixuan Pavilion a face,

"Ahem, for now, it's just that there are some disagreements."

"Your Zixuan Pavilion's attributes tend to be cold and cold. If you remember correctly, you should practice Luna."

Li Zongjiu looked at the master of Yunqi Palace.

Some of the methods of the Zongmen belong to secrets, and some belong to some news that has just been opened. After all, their Zongmen methods are powerful, and speaking out is also an intangible deterrent.

However, the lunar power is the secret of Zixuan Pavilion.

Only the palace master can practice.

How could Li Zongjiu know?

Therefore, when speaking out, it also changed the face of Yunqi Palace Master.

"How do you know."

But soon the host of Yunqi Palace also relaxed his face. After all, Li Zongjiu had captured the Nine Prince for some time, and it was not difficult to know this information.

"Yueshen Gong is actually an incomplete practice. At this point, your cabinet master should have told you that I have the full version of the sun and moon here."

Li Zongjiu said, then took out a scroll that had been prepared from the Southland ring.

What is recorded in this scroll is the sun and moon magic.

To say that the power of the sun and moon is also quite great. Li Zongjiu met a person who practiced this sun and moon, but this person was not a person from Zixuan Pavilion.

However, in the last days, the cultivation method of the magical power of the moon and moon fell directly into the hands of Li Zongjiu. At that time, Li Zongjiu wanted to get something, which was very convenient.

"What, in your hands, there is sun and moon magic !?"

Yunqi stood up directly from his seat.

Frost and Snow both closed the doors and windows with great interest, and retreated from them.

Just the magic of the sun and the moon is not what they can hear.

Li Zongjiu and the owner of Yunqi Palace remained in the whole house.

Li Zongjiu didn't cover it in the slightest, and handed the sun and moon magic power copied from his own memory to Yun Qi.

When Yun Qi opened the scroll in his hand, after just reading a few lines, he knew that the thing in this hand was absolutely authentic!

Orthodox practice.

Right in the hands of Li Zongjiu, no, now it is in his own hands. ,

A long time ago, the strength of Zixuan Court was also good,

But a series of events later, even the Zongmen address no longer exists, and only some people are wandering around.

It is very difficult to keep these classics and even this practice.

Up to now, Zixuan Pavilion has also gone to the decline.

The Xuanmin Palace Master wanted to attach to a more powerful strength, and wanted to use this to restore the former glory of Zixuan Pavilion. ,

This is obviously a matter of getting into the tiger's mouth, how could there be such a good thing.

Just think about it.

However, the people under the hands of Xuan Min Palace have never had too much contact with the people of Yun Qi Palace. A great Zixuan Pavilion has not collapsed under the crisis of drug poisoning in southern Xinjiang.

Rather, it is the situation at hand that has caused them an irreparable crisis.

It also made Yunqi Palace owner very distressed. The fall of the cabinet owner also makes it difficult for the people below to gather, because the identity rights of Yunqi and Xuan Min are the same. Both people have the opportunity to become the new cabinet owner. Since no one will succumb to the other , Then only


Even seeing this Xuan Min's strength increased a little bit.

Originally, Yunqi could rely on the nine princes to cushion it a bit, but now the nine princes are also abolished, so it is a matter of time before Yunqi loses.


All this happened before Li Zongjiu appeared.

After Li Zongjiu appeared.

In other words, the form of sun and moon in this hand will completely reverse the form.

With the power of the Sun and Moon power in this hand, this is something that the ancestors began to lose. There is no doubt that when the Sun and Moon power is cultivated, anyone in Zixuan Pavilion should call the Lord.

If Yunqi practiced, he would become the new owner of this Zixuan Pavilion.

This is also the ancestral motto, what was left over from ancestors.

Now falling into Yun Qi's hands, letting luck be excited.

Thinking that Zixuan Pavilion finally had a chance to reunify.

Yun Qi's heart was rejoicing.

But at this critical moment realized the problem,

Li Zongjiu didn't know where to get the sun and moon magic.

Take it out to her now.

Obviously there is a picture.

The price of such a valuable thing is naturally considerable.

Yun Qi forcibly pressed the excitement in his heart, and gently placed the scroll of the sun and moon **** in his hand on the table.

"Li Gongzi, what are the conditions, please say."

Although it was put down, the fieryness in Yun Qi's eyes was not fake. As long as Li Zongjiu's request did not exceed her bottom line, it would be promised even if she suffered further losses

If you think about it, even though Li Zongjiu is a little younger, with this qualification, it does not seem to be too much of a loss today.

Immediately Yun Qi took a deep breath, it seemed that he was waiting for Li Zongjiu to speak, and then pretending to think about it, he couldn't promise it immediately.

"What I want is very simple. You can be your owner of Zixuan Pavilion and maintain a good cooperative relationship with my Bailu Manor."

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

As for the annexation of other forces, Li Zongjiu has never thought about it. This will be troublesome and the effect will not be good. It is just that these forces need to assist each other in the early stage.

So Li Zongjiu came to Zixuan Pavilion.

Li Zongjiu had a lot of offensive forces, but there were even more forces willing to cooperate with Li Zongjiu.

Therefore, Li Zongjiu also needs to select some of them, which will help the Li family to increase their power, and it is also a corresponding force that cooperates more comfortably.

Otherwise, within this city of King Shengyan, I don't know how many people want to cooperate with Li Zongjiu, at least until he has squeezed the potential of Li Zongjiu, he is extremely willing to cooperate with Li Zongjiu.

Li Zongjiu didn't need these white-eyed wolves either, and they would be solved one by one at that time, trouble.

"What do you mean?"

Yunqi didn't understand what Li Zongjiu meant.

Speaking of this sentence, there doesn't seem to be much responsibility, but what is meant by maintaining a good cooperative relationship is even more intriguing.

"The intelligence penetration of your Zixuan Pavilion is unique, and it will certainly develop into the first intelligence agency of the Holy Yan Dynasty. When that time comes, I will naturally use you."

"Now, you better improve your strength."

"If Zixuan Pavilion has been so weak, it will be destroyed sooner or later if it is not destroyed by its own people."

Li Zongjiu said that he looked at Yun Qi very calmly. There was no ridicule in it, but a very correct statement.


Yunqi was very unhappy when he heard this. Wasn't this cursing them?

"Tonight I want you to help me imprison two people, and you know how to control people, and control them."


"The top assassins of the Heiqu dynasty, when you have completely mastered them, are combining your intelligence and believe that they can become a sharp knife."

Li Zongjiu said.

"Ancient burial family?"

Yun Qi said in amazement that, with just a few words, he had already obtained such important information and analyzed it.


Gather the top assassins and add the top intelligence organizations. In Yun Yunqi's mind, he probably understood what Li Zongjiu wanted to do.

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