Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 991: Nowhere

Li Zongjiu walked in and recognized Qi Yanran's back.

"Zongjiu, why are you here?"

Qi Yanran turned and looked at Li Zongjiu, and immediately laughed, giving people like a spring breeze. This iceberg that will not change for thousands of years will bloom only when he meets Li Zongjiu.

"I just happened to go to Tianchen Medicine House and came to see you."

Li Zongjiu said that when he walked in, he also saw Wu Xie.

Wu Xie's age is similar to Li Zongjiu.

However, Li Zongjiu's temperament gave people the status of an arrogant king. Even the young girls behind the Four Seas Medicine House, when they saw Li Zongjiu, were full of excitement.

"Is he Li Zongjiu!" "I heard that he also topped the crowd in an exchange match hosted by our Four Seas Medicine House, and won the first place. Some time ago, Li Zongjiu was in the Heiqu Dynasty, Shock the Quartet, the opponent's ace is in the hands of Brother Li

It ’s just a trick! "

"It's so powerful! It seems that I've been with Sister Yan Ran, it's a perfect match ..."

A few little girls are stingy.

As for Li Zongjiu's deeds, he went out for a while, and achieved such a proud achievement. Of course, as Tiandange, it is necessary to publicize it.

Not to mention passersby, but at least it must set off a trend in this circle!

What's more, his own purpose is to achieve a state known to passersby!

That's good enough!

"You wait a moment."

Qi Yanran said to Li Zongjiu.

"This is our special order from Sihai Yaofu. If you like, you can stay at Sihai Yaofu. The rest of the assessment can be eliminated."

Qi Yanran handed a paper order to Wu Xie in front of her.

When I heard the words "Special strokes", the people around me couldn't believe their ears.

"Special tricks ... my gosh ... this is a very precious place ..." Everyone was surprised when I heard about this special trick. After all, opportunities for special tricks are often reserved for extremely talented people. People, once they have enjoyed the special enrollment, they enter the college for further studies, and everything they need is entrusted to the college

, All for you. And the treatment enjoyed by the college is the highest, and some ordinary students can not enjoy the rights, special enrollment can enjoy, that is, all the resources of this Four Seas Medicine House, almost all resources can be free of charge for free

Open for you!

It's so straightforward.

The four big families behind Sihai Yaofu, there is no problem in picking up a little of this money. If you can train a top master, it will be a very high return on investment!

"Really, that's great, thank you sister, I still have something, I'll go back first!"

Wu Xie was immediately excited to take over Qi Yanran's special move.

Then quickly walked outside.

I wanted to approach Qi Yanran first, and then approach Li Zongjiu, but I did not expect that Li Zongjiu came so suddenly, and the latter's strength was much stronger than expected!

"It's worth killing Meng Qing!"

When Wu Xie arrived on the same day, Meng Qing was already very thorough.

Although Wu Xie used his own secret method to temporarily seal his cultivation, Wu Xie did not dare to guarantee that Li Zongjiu had seen through his strength just now. If it has been seen through, then it will be bad. As long as Li Zongjiu traces it carefully, he can find the identity of Wu Xie. He cannot afford any consideration. Now he can only pray that Li Zongjiu did not see through him real

Power, and it is not easy to see through.

Then there is Li Zongjiu who does not want to track down his identity so seriously.

Otherwise, with the energy of Li Zongjiu, it is too easy to catch him.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. After getting the special order in hand, he left quickly.

But how can all this escape Li Zongjiu's glasses.

With regard to Wu Xie's methods of hiding strength, it is easy to hide from others, but it is impossible to hide from Li Zongjiu.

Just a glance, Li Zongjiu already knew that this person's strength was not weak.

"That guy's strength is not simple. What is it?"

Li Zongjiu asked Qi Yanran.

In Li Zongjiu's first instinct, this kid must have a problem!

"Eh? Not simple ...? He just cultivated a little vitality, the stage of ordinary Yuanshi, very weak. As for the origin ... from a hunter in Kansai town.

"Kansai town?"

Li Zongjiu heard that this Kansai town was his mother's maiden house.

In the mother's family, how could such a strong man appear in Kansai Town, so young and so powerful, it is not something that can be encountered casually.

"Hey, Elder Li, what wind blows you to us!"

When Qi Yanran was about to say something was wrong, she heard a hearty voice coming. When listening to this voice, she was still breathing slightly.

Apparently, he had just hurried over and Qi Yanran glanced at the people.

It was Zhao Jingxuan from the Zhao family.

This guy really came from the wind. It is estimated that after hearing the news that Li Zongjiu came to the admissions school, he rushed over nonstop, and now Li Zongjiu is not accessible to ordinary people.

If you can invite Li Zongjiu to have a meal or a cup of tea, and make love, you will definitely be able to use it in the future.

Of course, in the past, Zhao Jingxuan also helped Li Zongjiu a lot, at least made Li Zongjiu remember the person in front of him. Before speaking, Zhao Jingxuan couldn't avoid Li Zongjiu when he saw Li Zongjiu, because every time Li Zongjiu appeared, there was always a lot of noise. At that time, Zhao Jingxuan estimated that Li Zongjiu was alive. Not long, but

Who knows that this guy is getting more and more beautiful later! ,

Getting arrogant!

Among the most insecure King Yanyan City today, Li Zongjiu is at the top of the list, because Li Zongjiu has used many examples to prove that he can't mess with it.

"Zhao Jingxuan, you're industrious."

Qi Yanran said lightly.

The enrollment is not small or big, but some people choose to treat it negatively. For example, Zhao Jingxuan is busy making money and managing business all day. Now, when Li Zongjiu is here, this guy will be shameless. Come up.

"It is you."

Li Zongjiu saw Zhao Jingxuan.

"Yan Ran, don't you have anything to deal with?"

Li Zongjiu suddenly turned his head and asked Qi Yanran.

Qi Yanran smiled.

"Yes, there are thousands of registration forms that have not been counted, hundreds of test results have not been classified, and more than 50 people have been scheduled for an interview in the afternoon ..."

Zhao Jingxuan listened. "Hey, why do you need sister Qi to come in person for this kind of thing, rest assured, ah, leave it to me! Zhao Jingxuan promised to help you look beautiful!"

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