Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 1 - Prologue: Ridiculous


Nothing but Ridiculous.

That was, the only way, in which I could describe what was happening.

Not only was it ridiculous but it was also unrealistic.

My book…

The book, that, I was writing for 2 years.

The book, that, almost made me a shut-in was-

-Awarded 2nd place in Regional Awards

By no means a big award, but an award nonetheless.

Okay, my book was awarded 2nd place it's good and all, so why was the situation ridiculous, well I wasn't there in the ceremony.


Simple, I couldn't be there.

So where was I?

Even I don't know.

Ridiculous right?

Was I kidnapped?

How did I get in this situation?

Was there a way out?

Well, I was not kidnapped.

I got in this situation, it's embarrassing to say, but I got here 'cause I pee'd somewhere I shouldn't.

And no, I don't think there is a way out.

Long story short, I got to the award ceremony too early and I didn't want people to think that I was too excited, imagine a 35 yr. old guy got too excited and came to the ceremony early while giggling to himself.


I didn't want to look creepy, so, I snuck into the roof of the building, which was actually a skyscraper, thankfully, it was open, no, thinking about it again, it was that damn door, right?

Why was it open?

Can't the guards or workers or whoever responsible for this do their job properly?

Because of them I am in a situation where I can't even demand a compensation.

Sorry for getting sidetracked, anyways after getting on roof, I waited, there were about 2 hours left for ceremony, really what was I thinking coming so early.

The weather was cloudy and building was had solid 60 floors, so wind was quite fast. Temperature was quite low, understandably I got an urge to empty my bladder, and pissing while seeing such a scenery from high above it's a man's romance, right?

I did nothing wrong, it was natural, right?

So, I walked to a corner and pissed, since wind was strong, I had to keep my back to the direction of wind, so as to not dirty my pants.

My piss, thanks to the wind got really far, to a place where it shouldn't have gone, the lighting rod.

And, as if world didn't want a roof pisser like me, it shone, and struck, the lighting to the lighting rod.

And the roof pisser to afterlife.

Everything afterwards was literally smooth, and fast as lighting, there was no pain, no, it was more like there was no time to feel pain, my body melted away in a split second, which I am thankful for, at least I didn't have to experience my dick being burned.

"Salt water conducts electricity"

I don't think I will ever forget those words.

And while I was thinking of the 'truth of life'(salt water conducts electricity), my senses returned, and-

I reopened my eyes.

Ridiculous, right?

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