Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 13 - The Shock, My Status, And The Deadline.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I involuntarily gasped, as my breathing jacked up due to the mental shock.

Without even thinking, I jumped to my feet and hastily checked every inch of my body, especially my back.

Thankfully, there were no pikes coming out it…

And another thanks, that I was alone.


I sighed.

Finally getting some semblance of reality I calmed down a bit, as relief washed was over me.

I looked around, my gaze wandering in the room before landing on a clock.

{10:46 a.m.}

...Not a single minute has passed.

The room was same as before, so was I, other than breathing heavily, I too was same as before.

But that was just outwardly, inwardly I was a mess…

A mess of raging emotions, ranging from terror, despair, guilt and anger, to even happiness and relief for just surviving the ordeal.

I calmed breathing my down, as I picked up my fallen chair and the wooden box.

Apparently, I jumped up with so much force that the chair tumbled down, while I don't even know when I tossed out the box in my hand, I thought while I trying not to think about anything else, as much as possible…

But still, the feeling of nausea, the urge to vomit, continued to rise up in my body.

I suppressed it as much as I could, but in the end, I just couldn't.

So, I just grabbed the wooden box and returned to my room.

I couldn't run, I couldn't make myself seem suspicious, for I don't think I can explain anything to anyone, not in my current condition.

The long corridors and the artistic paintings which once fascinated me, were now nothing more than annoying objects in the background.

Making the process of returning even more annoying.

Just seeing them made me want to rampage, but I held it in, somehow I held it in…


With a twist of my hand, I opened my room's door and I slammed it shut behind me.

As soon as I entered my room, all my pretenses broke, without caring about anything I ran to the toilet and-





Again, and again and again.

Until I couldn't vomit anymore.

And then, I just sat there, in front of my toilet seat for a long time, as I remembered each second of what I did, each second of what I was forced to do, and each second of what happened to me in the end...

During this process, I found that I could still vomit, as I vomited again.

But even then I didn't stop…

I continued reviewing these memories, I continued dwelling deeper in them and continued to get used to them…

…until I got numb.

Don't get me wrong, I still felt guilty, I still felt pity for Rayne, I still felt terrified of what happened, but it wasn't as bad as before.

The shock had largely passed.

And as I continued to unravel what happened, I noticed and justified myself, that what I did was extremely reasonable and legit.

'I would be the dead one if I didn't do so.' I concluded.

And that, really helped me to lessen my guilt.

In the end old Rayne was just a stranger to me, a stranger who tried to kill me, a stranger who left me with no choice…

As such I tried to keep it simple, 'I killed him, because he tried to kill me.', nothing more, nothing less.

Just like the rules of this world.

As for me living with his family…

I still felt a pang of guilt everytime I thought about that, but I had to change that, I had to change his family into my own family and for that I needed to change my own thinking first.

I got up and slapped my cheeks as I declared, "I am Rayne Von Ellsworth, the son of Count Reynold, surrogate son of Amelia Inari, and heir of Ellsworth County."

"This life, this family, and this title, all of them are mine, I fought, I survived and I earned them."

"And just like I decided, I will live it to the fullest, without drowning in guilt, without being broken."

I said that to myself as the emotions raging inside me calmed down.

But they didn't disappear, nor did I want them to.

I didn't want to become an emotionless doll which couldn't feel bad, I simply didn't want to become an emotional fool who cried and vomited everytime he killed someone, for I knew that I had to kill many, many people, if I want to complete my goals, if I want to survive.

I avoided thinking about that before because I was scared, but now I admit to myself, I had to kill, and I will kill.

That's it, I thought, as I left the toilet which was still spotless due to its enchantments.

Back in the changing room, I took off my clothes and entered the bathroom.

I needed a shower, so I took one, and even tried the hot bath which I hadn't, during the whole process I didn't stop thinking.

I accepted the situation; I accepted the emotions that came with it and planned ahead.

There were a lot of things that came in my mind, but the most important were the pikes embedded in my soul.

Actually, when I absorbed Rayne's soul, I didn't just absorb the energy in it, rather I absorbed everything in it, his skill in swords, his mastery of his spells, his fighting talent, and even his experience with all his abilities, it meant whatever he could do, now I can do that too.

So now, I knew how to use all his abilities, which naturally meant I knew what his abilities were, making the much-awaited status redundant.

But that didn't mean it was completely useless, rather the most important information, the information about the pikes, which, I think must have obviously changed, should be there.

Also, everything that changed in that one year, when Rayne's soul was bound, the things that his soul itself didn't know since it was not connected to the body and the spirit...

All such things were there, on my status, just waiting for me to take a sneak peek on them.

So, I decided not to disappoint and left the hot bath, to finally see my status.

And while doing so, I tried to use magic for the first time in my life.

I say I tried, but I used it naturally, rather so naturally, that it felt like I have been using it for my whole life.

A chore class magic, a beginner spell, [Moisture Regulation] aka [Dry].

As soon as I thought of its Mana entered my body, in my magic circuit, through specific points as it flowed in it and completed a circle, the necessary runes formed in my mind itself, before the spell manifested with a snap of my fingers.

Water droplets sticking to my skin, in my hair, and anywhere else, all of them just flew, amassed to form a small water ball, and then, disappeared.

Okay I agree, for my first magic it was lame.

No shining lights, no magic circles, no revolving runes, just floating water droplets but come on, Rome wasn't built in a day...

Plus, I could actually use some fancy spells, just that I would get grounded by the Count if I did so, don't forget I was still in a five-day rest period.

Anyways, back in changing room I opened my wardrobe and selected a simple but fancy long-sleeved black t-shirt, a blue jeans and white sneakers.

Actually, I was quite surprised to see such things in here, when I wrote this title, I set it as a medieval world with sci-fi elements mostly related to magic.

That and I never focused too much on what people was wearing except for some special occasions, so yeah this was a surprise to me.

But when you actually think about it, it makes sense, magic wasn't only for war or fighting, it can be used for many things, fashion included.

So, looking more handsome than any teen model I have ever seen could, I sat on couch and beckoned at the wooden box which was lying on the floor.

Apparently, I had once again thrown it away, poor box has it rough, I thought as the box came flying towards me and landed on the table.

Another [beginner] grade magic, [Psychokinesis].

One of the many magic abilities Rayne had, and he had a lot of them.

With the box on the table, I eagerly opened it, the process of imbuing mana wasn't even an issue now.

Within the box laid a bracelet, which had a single black stone, the size of a fingernail embedded in it.

The stone was a semi-rare gemstone, a [world stone] as it was called, the only gemstone that could connect to the [Will of the World].

What the bracelet did was simple, with the help of enchantments which formed a magical equivalent of software along with the stone as core, it communicated with the world and brought the information of, 'how the world saw you' back to yourself, by simply saying 'Status' in your mind.

And that's what I did, with the bracelet on my hand, I murmured with silent trepidation, 'Status'.



Name: Rayne Von Ellsworth.

Age: 13 years

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Class: Swordsman.

Class Grade: Bronze.

Sub-Class: Rune Scholar.

Sub-Class Grade: Bronze.

Power Rank: E+

Rank Limit: -error

Body Stats:

· Strength: E+

· Agility: D

· Stamina: E

· Endurance: D+

· Dexterity: D

· Intelligence: E

· Perception: D-

Limit: -error

Spirit Stats:

· Mana: C+ ~>26733/26760

· Mental Power: D- ~>427/450

Limit: B+

Body Condition: Healthy.


· Mana Manipulation: A

· Magic Comprehension: B+

· Mental Perception: A-

Limit: A-

Skills: [Split Second -> S], [Parallel Mind -> A+], [Attribute Infusion -> A], [Mana Reading -> B+], [Peekaboo -> B+]

Attribute: Enchanter.

Magic user level: Soldat

Spells: Dry, Ignite, Accelerate, Psychokinesis, Enchant, Enhance Enchantment, Encryption, Decryption, Enchantment Reading, Enchantment Transfer, Temporary Enchant, Enchant Overdrive, Fireball, Wind cutter, Water wave, Heal,...etc.

Unique Condition:

[Limit Breaker]

A power to break your mortal shells and reach unreachable heights has been detected in your soul, but the power itself has a strong resistance against any living thing.

As a result, every time the power losses a part of itself, it will try to make you lose a part of yourself, too.

Power assimilated: 1/7

Power Granted: Body beyond mortal shell, no limits to your body's growth.

Time for next assimilation: 8962(hrs):02(min):15(sec).

Owner of the power needs to be strong enough to withstand the assimilation, or else the owner will miss a part of themselves again.

Owner needs to be a C rank to assimilate the next part of the power without suffering the backlash.

Note that this loss can be anything, it is random, from the loss of a single hair to loss of the soul itself, anything can occur.

So, it is advised to reach the required power level at the time of assimilation.


Hmmm, should I say as expected of a training maniac?

He is strong, damn strong for his age.

Though he can't match Eva, but she is an anomaly, she is the main protagonist, for now I can't reach her.

But excluding her, he is probably the strongest at his age.

And that is where the problem his age.

Rayne, no I, have A- talent, that means A- rank is the farthest I could reach if I train conventionally, and though looks A- is quite impressive, when I compare it with enemies I will face and can potentially face, this rank is lacking, sorely lacking.

But that is only if I train through conventional means, and I have no plans to do that.

Anyways increasing my talent was not a priority, in fact, till I reach B rank there will be little to no difference between me and S rank talents, so that can wait, it was not something I had to worry about while being a E+ rank.

And while I wait, I can do other things, things that will give me an immediate boost in power, after all I couldn't miss that 'Unique Condition' that was displayed in my status.

Just reading that 'Unique Condition' was enough for me to know, that this was about the pikes embedded in my soul.

This was the power was what that bastard gave me, [Limit breaker], honestly the power itself is awesome, removing limits of any being...

'Then can't I become the strongest?' that was the thought in my head till I read the time limit, and everything after that.

But when I read that I understood.

This power was like a looming death sentence, or a guillotine that was just waiting to fall on my neck.

Lose a part of yourself it says, exactly what it doesn't mention, simply stating that it is random.

But considering what happened to previous Rayne, it doesn't take a genius to guess that, the possibility of me getting a bye-bye from my soul, was quite high.

But that was not even the worst possible outcome.

Say what will happen if I lost my emotions, or simply my will?

Then what will happen?

Won't I become an empty husk of myself, a robot perhaps?

Just the possibility of that happening was terrifying enough, but what was even more terrifying was that, I had to overturn this possibility not once nor twice but for a whole six times...

Where the previous Rayne, the training maniac who only focused on getting stronger, still failed on his first try, can I succeed?

I thought, but then, I quickly kicked that thought out of my mind.

And thought about my current situation along with the advantages it brought me.

Even with a single pike assimilated it gave me a body which has no limits, plus, considering what I had planned for the future, wasn't this exactly what I needed?

Even with all tropes or hidden treasures I knew, I could push my talent to SS- rank at most, but now doesn't this power break the concept of talent itself?

Talent in this world was nothing but a prediction of how stronger a person can reach made by accounting their innate gifts of perception, manipulation, and comprehension.

But just think, what if with this power I strengthen my body so much that I can destroy a mountain with a single punch?

Would the ranks still apply to me?

No, they won't.

Just thinking about that made me gulp.


I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this power can still make my life worse than death.

With that I dropped all my previous inhibitions, any restrictions I placed on myself, and decided that it was time to do a serious planning session, to create a plan with a single goal, to make me a C rank within a year.


I snapped my fingers, and brought the ink and paper on my table and started the first draft of my plan in my code language English, as for roaming the territory and seeing the knights training, that can wait till evening, I thought.

As the only sound of furious scribbling and my mumbling echoed in the room for a while...


-Knock knock

Until, I heard someone knocking my door.

This brought me to a halt for a second, before I unlocked the door open with Psychokinesis.

And behind it stood Mora, with the same serious expression, which quickly turned into a frown as she looked at me, "Young Master, every one is waiting for you to join the luncheon. Also, Young Master, I see that you are practicing magic, but even if it's just chore magic don't overdo it.", She said as her eyes looked at the scene around me.

And honestly, this scene would be quite a sight on earth.

Around 20 or so papers filled with my plans were floating around me, with 3 pens scribbling on them, writing something on one page before moving to edit something on another.

Such a scenario continued to play even as she was talking to me.

Maybe that was rude to her, or maybe she just wished me well, anyways she reprimanded me.

Since it wasn't polite to just ignore her, "Just a minute, Mora." I said as my pens worked in overdrive, and scribbled five pages worth of material in just under a minute.

Then just like obedient pens they were, they floated back on the table landing just beside the ink box.

I took one final look at all the pages floating in the air, as a slightly relived smile formed on my face, my first smile after today's incident.

'At least the future didn't look bleak' I thought smiling.

As I stood up, stretched my body and looked at the clock.

{1:30 pm}

A lot of time has passed, I thought before walking towards Mora, asking, "Isn't it late for a luncheon?"

While I caught a neat stack of papers flying towards me, yes, I had the papers arrange themselves with magic.

"Wasn't it because the Young Master ate late?".

'That is my fault too?' I thought as I stored the papers in my bracelet, yes it can also store things, and looked up at her.

She was back to her serious look, as her eyes met mine.

Though my mind was going, 'They didn't have to wait, I vomited it all anyways... of course, they don't need to know that.' I said, "We need to hurry then, right?"

"Right, then follow me Young Master."

Mora said as she turned around and escorted me.

I simply followed her but, 'Just in how many parts the Count will tear me apart, if he found out that I absorbed his son's soul?', scary thoughts kept popping up in my mind.

Scaring the shit out of me.

In the end I just thought, 'Just manage somehow!', as I opened the door of the dining room with a-


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