Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 25 - A Little Stunt, And Spell Testing.

I woke up early, quite early, 5:06 am to be exact.

I was so excited that I couldn't sleep any longer.

So, after a quick shower and breakfast that I only got due to the courtesy of Amy, who anticipated such a situation, I left the main building.

(A/N: I will call this main building from now on.)

With slow steps, I walked on the stone paved path as a smirk slowly crawled up my face.

Channeling my mana to the fullest, enhancing my body, tensing it, I stomped down with all my might and-


-I disappeared, just like that.

Activating the Peekaboo as soon as I did, I quite literally disappeared.

The skill gave me a curtain of stealth, all my movements, all my actions, became difficult to perceive, and that was for higher ranked Magic users.

For those who had lower ranks or were normal people, for them I just disappeared.

So, even when I passed by a few unsuspecting maids with the speed of a freight train, all they felt was a burst of wind that blew their skirts up.

Whoops, that wasn't my intention, I enjoyed the view though...

Anyways, I continued my mad dash, running as fast as I could while laughing like a fool...

This feeling was just that liberating, the strong wind that blew my hair, or the morning mist that wet my face, all of them felt so liberating...

I had to create a wind barrier after having eaten one too many insects, let's not talk about that, too much though...

Ahem, so after a minute of or so of dashing straight I had to take a turn, but then another idea appeared in my head, a wild idea, a mad idea.

'If it feels so good just on ground, how would it feel up there?'

And as soon as it came, it stuck there, until I acted on it.

So, with a wolfish grin on my face – I flipped myself – keeping the momentum, using my body as spring, I flipped, flipped and continued flipping.

And just when I was about to collide, I changed my direction, going up!

And fuck-


-I flew up, just like a rocket, for at least a hundred meters, before stopping mid-air for a moment.

I prolonged that moment, by using a beginner magic, Float.

Because from up here, I could see it.

Almost all of the estate, covered in a layer of fog that gave it an unreal, a mystical feeling.

I could see all of it, and I relished myself in doing so.

I released the wind barrier, letting the fog to creep up to me, to touch me, to wet me.

And as it did, I felt refreshed.

After taking one long and last glance at the cinematic view in front me, I closed my eyes and dispelled the spell, letting myself go in a free fall, enjoying the feeling of wind that I missed during my ascension.

(A/N: Due to the wind barrier.)


The howling of wind entered my ears as I continued to fall...

1, 2, 3, 4 –

Right at the fourth second, once again I casted my spell – Float.

Just a meter above the roof of the building, I stopped mid air with a grunt.


The instantaneous stop gave me a light shock, but for my superhuman body, all it could do was to make me grunt.

Dispelling the spell again, I landed on the roof of the building, nimbly.

With this little stunt of mine, the 'itch' I felt had lessened a lot.

Though, I still felt excited I didn't have that unbearable urge, to just do something.

In other words, I blew off some steam.

So, in a lot tamer way than before I jumped from one roof to another, until I reached the road going straight to arena.

Fortunately, with all the buildings here being made of top-notch materials on top of being strengthened with magic, there was no case of me dropping straight into someone's morning 'action'.

That would be quite embarrassing.

I'm sure, I broke quite a few rules with this little stunt of mine, but well, Rayne wasn't exactly known for following the rules anyways...


[In the Arena]

"I definitely like you this way more."

I said to Belan, as he swiftly moved his fingers on a keyboard visible only to himself, and gave me the access to my personal training room.

"...I am just doing my job, Young Master, it's not like I have a grudge against you. Rather, I respect you a lot."

Belan said with a neutral expression, which in turn, caused me to develop a nasty smirk.

"Oh!, someone secretly respects me, I never knew."

My tone being extremely suggestive.

"...I too, definitely, liked you more before, Young Master."

With twitching cheeks, Belan replied after a slight pause.

"You just have to get used to it."

I said, as I quickly left the counter and moved towards one of the many portals present in the lobby.

Placing my hand on what looked like a hand scanner placed in front of a metal gate, I injected a twinge of my Mana in it.

The scanner flashed a green light, indicating that my identity was verified, then the metallic gate split up from the middle, revealing a curtain-curtain-like, purplish-black, portal having a lot of shining stars.

With the stars as origin, ripples spread throughout the curtain giving the already mysterious portal, a mystical look.

I walked straight into the portal, feeling a discrepancy in space but before I could fully understand what it was, I entered another area, the Personal Training Room area.

The arena of Ellsworth Estate was a space bubble as I explained before, and this space bubble had various sub-bubbles in it.

The large training grounds space that only had large training grounds used for all-knights drills, hence called as Drilling Grounds.

The medium training grounds space, that were used to carry out joint training sessions between platoons of knights, naming them as Joint Training Grounds.

The normal training grounds space, that were free and could be used by any knights, including trainees, dubbing them as Trainee Grounds, for mostly trainee knights used them.

And finally, the small training grounds space, though called small, they actually weren't.

These training grounds were actually fully customizable training fields, making them a perfect fit for an individual or a team to own, and customize according to their needs, hence their name, Personal Training Grounds.

And right now, I was in there, in the Personal Training Ground sub-bubble, in front of room number 'six', my personal training room.

The sub-bubble was same as the main one, white walls, white roof, white floor, and honestly, it gave me creeps as it reminded me of a certain space, where a certain incident occurred...

Thankfully, my room wasn't like that.

Before entering, I had to verify my identity again, after which the door opened and I stepped in.

As expected Rayne's room was untouched.

Just the same as I remembered, a relatively tame room, that functioned as a temporary lab, lounging, and a training place.

It's walls and roof were set to make an illusion of sky and a grassland, a small waterfall, and a stream could be seen on the far end of the room.

Just add a few animals here and there, and it would look like a complete forest.

Though I said an illusion, but its not like everything here was fake.

Except for the far seen horizon, everything within the confines of the room's walls was real.

Real and made with magic, pure magic.

Be it the grass beneath my feet, or the steady stream flowing through the room, all of them were made with pure magic.

And in this wildish view, looking completely out of the place, stood a lab with various cutting edge magic equipment.

Though, this lab didn't have any of the bulkier equipment I saw back then, it certainly had all I needed for simple tuning, testing, and some small enchanting.

Just beside this lab was a big study table with three premium chairs, a big couch clearly used for sleeping purposes, and finally an empty field used for magic testing purposes.

All these things were covered and separated into three different sections, by a magical barrier.

I know!, Rayne liking nature was the least expected thing for me too, but what can I say, I didn't expect to get transmigrated too...

So yeah, expect the unexpected.

Anyways, I headed straight for the empty field.

I wanted to find out what I could really do with only [Intermediate Grade Magic], for that was the limit of my affinity.

My attribute [Enchanter] granted me affinity with all elements, but only a limited affinity.

With the affinity it granted, I could only use elemental magic up to [Intermediate Grade].

Well considering, even noble kids had to learn [Advanced] and higher-grade magic at an academy certified by the empire, things worked out in my favor.

That was that, I thought, as I stood in the middle of the field and started today's session.

I started with the first step, Channeling, pulling out Mana stored in my Spirit body and circulating it through all the pathways present in my Physical body.

Next, I started with the real magic, as the warm up was done.

[Intermediate Grade Magic: Flame Control]

A magic circle bloomed in existence, runes forming, connecting, revolving, and disappearing as soon as Mana passed through them, all of that, in an instant.

And when they disappeared a blazing red ball of flames was created in front of my hands.

Of course, it was more than a simple fireball or it wouldn't have been classified as Intermediate Magic.

I injected more Mana in the now invisible magic circle and kept injecting till the flame changed colors, from a blazing red to a charming blue having their temperature increased by several folds.

Next, I had the flames divide from a single ball to dozens of small balls.

But after dividing it into 50 or so small balls, I stopped.

Any more, and with my limited mental capacity, I would lose control over them.

I could increase that by using [Parallel Mind], but for now, I refrained.

I must praise the Earl for selecting my skills though.

Next, I tried to control them, moving in all directions while I created some moving targets by using the customizing function of the field.

After that-




Booming sounds echoed in the field for a while.


Taking a deep breath after the spell died down, I analyzed the results.

The targets I created were equivalent to veteran soldiers equipped with Uncommon Grade Armor, in defense.

And the result?

Certain Death.

A fucking great result.

The resources?

200~300 Mana and 3~4 Mental Power with each spell.

With my Mana bring around 26800, I could cast it for 80 times before my Mana dropped to the 10% danger zone.

It means, I could theoretically kill 4000 soldiers with this spell alone, for a E rank that was quite amazing.

But the even more amazing thing was that, this was a very inefficient method.

By using synergic elemental spells, by combining certain spells, double casting, triple casting, multi-elemental spells, and finally the boost I get from using skills...

There were many, many methods I could use to maximize this damage.

And I did just that, as I tried every elemental spell I could cast, every mix I could think, every spell I could create, even using skills in the later part of training.

After using [Dark Lighting Shower], one of the last mixes I could think of, that created a ring of Onyx Lighting around me which changed from it's shinning blue, due to the darkness element imbued within it.

The spell used highly pressurized water balls that passed through this lightning ring and attacked the enemies, now having absorbed the onyx lightning within them, the balls became a perfect way to fry someone from inside out.

Okay, that's enough, now let's end this with a finale.

I thought, as I equipped my armor and sword, preparing to use my first Enchanter type spell for the day.

First, Attribute Infusion, followed by Enchant Enhancement, and Enchant Overdrive.

As the skill and spells took effect, a huge amount of Mana was used up in my body, before several purple-colored magic circles surrounded my equipment.

The Mana Circuitry within them lit up, as my armor and sword started crackling with blue electric sparks due to the immense Mana, I poured in them.

Following that, I infused it with many elements, starting with fire, lighting and darkness for explosive power, earth for its toughness, wind for its swiftness, and finally water on the outermost layer due to flexibility it granted the spell.

Taking this a step forward, I activated the enchantments on my armor and sword.

This made the situation quite dangerous for my equipment, especially my sword, after all there was only so much it could bear before my poor enchantments got damaged.

I knew, I couldn't keep this all activated for long.


Taking a deep breath, I created a wall equivalent of D+ rank defense and concentrated.

Concentrating on accumulating all the powers, I had activated.

I wanted to throw all that power, all that Mana, and even all my physical strength, in one attack.

And that's what I did.








I slumped on the ground, exhausted after a single slash, but even then I had a smile on my face.

I smiled simply because I saw what my slash did.

My sword passed through the D+ rank wall with little resistance, leaving a screeching sound in its wake.

Followed by the detonation of my spell that swallowed the whole wall in a multicolored explosion of elements, exploding with a resounding boom.

The wall...

...was no more.

Total Obliteration.

Leaving only splotches of molten metal spattering the field.

Seeing that, I smiled.

Even if it was just a last-ditch attack, even if I used up all my Mana, I smiled.


For the attack, definitely cracked the C- rank wall.

So, I smiled.

Of course, a C- ranked or even a D+ ranked Magic user could dodge the attack, but still, in pure power, this attack could definitely hurt a C- ranked Magic user.

-That's good enough, for now.

I thought, as I decided to wait like this a bit, for my Mana to recover, not like I could move anyways.

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