Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 36 - Troubles


Again, with a clicking sound I entered my room.

Unsurprisingly, everything was the same as it was supposed to be, closed curtains, a fallen robe and a sleeping beauty.

With a wave of my hand, I opened the curtains, letting in the faint sunlight coming through the window.

And I must say, the maid looked absolutely ravishing in the dim light.

'Time to wake up...'

I dispelled the spell I casted, and nudged her slightly.

But unfortunately, that didn't work. Maybe, it was the alcohol, or maybe she was just an heavy sleeper, Mora didn't wake up.

What to do?


I sat on the bed and started considering my options, while poking the maid's cheeks.

And it didn't take long for me to think of something.

'A heal will do...'

I climbed on the bed, and placed my left hand on her abdomen and right one on her head, then, I casted a simple [Heal].

My aim was to flush out the alcohol from her system, but heal wasn't actually made for detoxification, rather, it was simply made to heal wounds.

But since it was a magic, I could modify it a bit and to give it a detox property, and it wasn't like I needed to get a perfect result, as long as it worked even for a bit, it was okay, after all it was just alcohol she had taken, not some deadly poison...

The next instant, my hands started glowing with a warm light. Soon, the light bloomed as the tendrils of light touched her body, caressed it, before digging into her skin.

Her skin glowed with light, as the it flowed through her body, but I didn't see any of that.

Rather, I closed my eyes and concentrated on modifying my spell.

Also, I had to be careful and use as less Mana as possible, for she wasn't a magic user, her body wasn't used to Mana.

So, being as careful as I could, I finished modifying my spell, before I channeled the healing light throughout her body.

And retracted it back quickly, my spell worked, just there can be some side effects.

Nothing major, some slight pains or a bit of heightened sensitivity.

'But it should be manageable.'


'You shouldn't drink alcohol if you can't hold it.'

I shook my head, as I peered at the sleeping maid.

It was faint, but I clearly saw it, her eyelids fluttering slightly...

I moved my hand, that was on her face slightly, and poked her cheek again, softly calling out,

"Mora, Mora, wake up Mora."

And it worked, the faint fluttering changed into apparent twitching, and slowly the maid opened her eyes.

I didn't realize it till now, but, our position was quite ambiguous...

Thankfully, my helper appeared on time.

"Ohya~, should I leave for now Young Master?"

And with her, followed her words filled with playfulness, as usual they brought me a ton of embarrassment.



"You mean nothing happened?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I mean."

Said my helper with an extremely happy face.

Shock filled her face, followed by, confusion, embarrassment and realization, as she finally understood,

'She messed up.'

But that was only for a moment, as she asked in a quivering voice,

"So, a-am I-I still pure..?"


Why are you making me feel like a villain, when I didn't even do anything?


This was also the reason; I didn't do anything.

The maid didn't know what she was doing.

Thankfully for her I did. I knew the burden of her actions and I wasn't horny bloke.

"Yes, you are, I swear on my magic."

I answered, trying to make her feel reassured.

"Yes, you can be assured, Mora! Young Master is surprisingly good at chickening out!"

Ouch, that hurt.

But well, it was okay.

It was much better than seeing her crying with an devastated expression.

By the way, calling Amy was a better move than I expected, with her playful tone and vast experience, she completely eradicated the gloomy atmosphere.

She handled the shocked maid much better than I could hope to, plus her being a girl and a maid to boot also helped Mora to calm down.

I mean, she was almost hyperventilating the moment she woke up.

Well, it was a bit of my fault, I should have immediately taken my hands off of her, but then, it was quite funny to see so many expressions running through her normally serious face.

Atleast she didn't lash out on me the moment she woke up, or it would have been simply disappointing.

Plus, I wouldn't have known what to do.

Anyways, it was good that the situation was cleared up.

"How about you change your clothes?"

I pointed out, when the maid finally got a grip of the situation.

At my reminder the maid looked downwards, and what she saw was obviously the half transparent material of the black lingerie she was wearing.

Instantly, red painted her cheeks as she immediately hugged herself.

"Th-this, this, this..."

The maid started stuttering as she tried to explain herself, but no words came out of her mouth.

"Go change first."

I said with a small sigh, before picking her up with Psychokinesis and placing her in front of my bathroom.

Quickly, the maid entered the room as if her life depended on it, before slamming it shut.

"Young Master, that was mean of you, you know?"

"Mean or not, it was better to remind her as soon as possible."

"I'm not talking about that, you dummy."

She muttered underneath her breath as she followed the maid in the bathroom, a change of clothes appeared in her hands while she walked.

'What does that mean?'

I pondered, before hearing another slam.

Really!, why do they all need to slam it shut like that.

My poor door.


With the maid finally changing into something presentable, she came back into the room, followed by Amy, of course...

And finally, she looked a lot better now.

Much calmer and more composed.

'Looks like Amy gave her a sweet pep talk.'

Anyways whatever she did, it helped her, she looked a lot better now.

Good enough, for me to ask her this,

"Why did you do this?"

"It would be pretty surprising, if you did 'that' only for 'repaying' me, especially when you clearly know how that would have ended up."

"If I didn't hold back, it was certain death for you and your family."

"And I know that you aren't that stupid."

With my eyes squinting, I asked again,

"So, tell me, what was it?"

It has to be something, or it doesn't make sense for Mora of all people to do this...

Actually, I didn't think of this much before as I was too engrossed with what was happening, but this brief moment of silence gave me the time to think and, somehow, I couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right.

But, what?

Hearing my tone, the maid flinched. It was extremely subtle, but she flinched, and I caught that.


So, there was really something!?

But, once again, what?

This time not showing any mercy or holding back, I released my magical pressure, and asked,

"What is it, Mora?"

But before my pressure could reach her, it was cancelled.

Turning my head I glared at the only person in the room, who could do that.

And then, I sighed.

For I couldn't do anything against her.


Then, with a tone much calmer than before, I turned to Mora.

"Go, make those pancakes of yours, I know today is your leave, but go and make them, this will count as your repayment."

I said, dismissing her, as I knew that whatever it was, my mischievous maid knew that too, and probably in a lot more detail.

So, turning to her, I said, "Explain."

With a smile, the mischievous maid sat on the couch, and asked me rather than answering, "What is your guess?"

But, I didn't mind, and told her my answer, the reason of my anxiety.

"The whole thing was a setup, from the starting to end, it was setup. From the point when she started dancing with me, to till now. It was all a set-up."

I said hoping to be incorrect this time, but...

"You are correct!"

The maid squealed, studying my face which was kept at an perfect poker expression, before continuing,

"But only half correct!, Not everything was setup!, Rather, the only part that was setup was last-night's escapade, which you brilliantly passed!"

"I see..."

I said, as suddenly, the fog covering up my thoughts vanished.

I passed, what?

The Seduction Classes.

Damn! I almost forgot about that.

It was said that they would be carried out before the ceremony, but to think they would be carried out like this..?

Really, my parents...

They are just too crafty!, I couldn't let my guard down even for a day!

But the explanation wasn't over.

"Actually, even the Mora wasn't forced for to do this, rather the maids that had a level of interaction with you could volunteer to participate."

"You mean to say that Mora volunteered to do this despite knowing what could happen!?"

I asked in shock as the maid smirked at my question,

"Yes, that's what I am saying."

"But, why...?"

"Who knows, maybe she thought this as an ideal way to repay you, or maybe she just wanted to be useful for your development, but I think..."

-She likes you.

The maid said before running out of the room.

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