Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 38 - Start Of The Banquet.

A white shirt, gray vest, and a grey suit, followed by a blue overcoat engraved with Ellsworth's Crest.

That was my clothing for today.

Naturally, the extravagant blue overcoat with Ellsworth Crest was supposed to attract all the attention, and to match this overcoat, I donned a blue tie of the same color, and with that my outfit was completed.

"What do you think?"

"Young Master, is going to break a lot of hearts tonight, for sure."


I chuckled at Amy's reply as I took one final look at myself in the mirror.

Other than this outfit that screamed luxurious with all it's golden buttons and accessories, I also had my hair slicked back, along with a single golden earring that I wore on my left ear.

The earring was actually quite important, it was an indication of me being the first heir of Ellsworth County.

Thankfully, I didn't have to pierce my ear just for this, ah, thank magic...

Nodding in satisfaction, I turned to Amy and asked.

"The sword."


Said my maid, while handing me the ceremonial sword of Ellsworth Estate.

A sword with a jaded grip, and crystal blue sheath, endorsed with all kinds of gems and gold. I took the sword and hung it on the belt of the dress I wore.

With this, I was done, but just for confirmation I asked,

"Anything missing?"

"Just go already Young Master! You have already wasted a lot of time here!"

And like that, I was kicked out of my own changing room.

Unfair, right?

Anyways, I quickly moved through the mostly empty hallways of the banquet hall, making my way towards the Ellsworth's waiting room, where I reached quickly.

Entering the in the room, the first thing I heard was a quip.

"For the star of the show you are quite early, aren't you?"

Of course, I wasn't someone who took things lying down, so I retorted.

"Old people who are too terrified of their wives should keep quiet.

I have to get some girls today~"

"How about you try saying that in front of your mother?"

"I don't have a death wish~"

I said, as I sat beside the petty quip-er, and who else the quip-er could be other than the homely Magus.

During the past week we had grown closer, close enough to joke around with ourselves.

"Plus, I have to charm the her hi-"

'-ghness the Empress today.'

I wanted to say, but was stopped, as my jaw tongue, and throat stopped in place, they just refused to move, as if they became a stone statue.

"Don't mention her highness in talks like that, I think I had warned you about this already."

The Magus said as my mouth started working again.

"Oops, my mistake."

I said.

But this wasn't a mistake, rather, I deliberately said this.

The Empress, the Eternal Magus, could sense the intents directed at her.

So, each time someone mentioned her, or each time someone tried to plot against her, she already knew.

Of course, she filtered the intent sensing to only murderous intents, rest were mostly ignored, but there was always a chance, a fluke, of the Empress hearing me.

So, to prevent that chance from happening, the Magus advised me from mentioning the Empress.

Acting as the obedient son I was, I completely ignored his advice and continued addressing the Empress as I pleased.


Simply because, I wanted her attention, I wanted her to notice me.

As for why I wanted that?


"You are making a lot of mistakes today...

Go meditate, you are not as calm as you are trying to look."


Heeding his advice this time, I started meditating, for he was correct, I wasn't that calm, and how could I be with such a big event in front of me?

For a while silence reigned the room, before the door opened again.

This time the intruder, being a beautiful women in blue, Latina Von Ellsworth, followed by my cute little brother, Reonald Von Ellsworth.

"You are looking absolutely gorgeous mother!"

I earnestly praised,

"You are looking super cool too, Reonald!"

Before following up my next comment.

"Oh, thanks Rayne!, you too are looking absolutely handsome today.

Looks like many girls are going to be smitten today~"

"Don't praise him too much. He is well on his way to become a narcissist already; your words will only speed up the process."

"Father are you jealous of big brother?"

"Oh, my is that true my husband~?

Don't worry you will always be my number one~"

The family chatter continued for a while before, Amy knocked on the door.

"Master, the high priority guests have arrived."

"Kids, looks we'll have to go."

"Take care."

"Take care, mother, father~."

Both of us waved them goodbye, as they left to welcome the five Dukes of the Empire.

Yes, the five Dukes.

They were the only guests that were considered high priority on the list.

As for how all five Dukes were attending a measly coming of your age ceremony?

Well, that was simply because of the Empress whims.

After all, tell me, if even Her Highness the Empress, was attending the ceremony, could they not?

Could they really send some proxy, and just say they were busy?

Well, technically they could, but the weren't foolish enough to do so.

"So, brother what do we do now?"

Bring me out of my thoughts, my little brother, Reonald, asked me this.

"Now, we wait."

I replied, as I slumped back on the sofa.

"Just wait?"

"Yes, just wait."

"Umm, what were you and father doing before this?"


"I was meditating, while father...?, Father was just being father."


"What do you want to do?"

"Agh, nothing, I will meditate too."

He said as he sat there starting to meditate.

This little brother of mine was still a mystery to me. We didn't spend much time together, after all, he yet to become 12. Meaning he was still having all his noble classes, along with Magical and Physical training classes.

So, unlike me who had given his whole time to training and research.

He was too busy to try these, or even speak to me. In-fact the only time we talked was the time for lunch, so naturally, I wasn't as close to him compared to my Father and mother.

"How about I show you some Magic?"


"Don't bother!, I already have magical lectures, I don't want a lecture here too...".

He said, as he started muttering, 'Doesn't he have a normal hobby or something, he only says magic this and magic that every time he talks.'

'Sorry to disappoint you there brother.'

I said inwardly as left him to his own devices and started meditating. As much as I wanted to know him more, this was not the time. Especially, when I had to face an Eternal Magus next. But I couldn't meditate for long, as a maid knocked on the door,

"Young Masters, it's time to go."

Both, I and Reonald left the room, where another maid took him away, while I was instructed to follow the maid that knocked on us.


Soon, I was there, in a place that looked like an back stage.

And clearly, I could hear the Earl's voice calling out my name.

"Now let's welcome, this young man who is about to take his first step in adulthood.

Introducing, my son, Rayne Von Ellsworth!"

With that, I walked forward, stepping into the hall with a slight smile on face.

With confident strides I moved forward, from the entrance of banquet hall to standing shoulder to shoulder with my father.

And as soon as I did, in just a second, all kinds of Mana senses, all kinds of analytical methods, and all kinds of eye techniques were thrown my way, as the crowd tried and failed to gauge my strength.

I didn't pay them any mind, at first.

But then, just to make the atmosphere interesting, I flared up my Mana.


And retracted it as quickly as possible, but the thing I wanted it to do, was already done.

The hall fell in complete silence as the crowd finally found my rank.

They just found it too unbelievable to be true!

But soon, the crowd processed what it just saw and then, the hall erupted in chatter!

All kinds of conversations started, as people started whispered, shouting or even complaining.

Standing just beside my father, I looked at the crowd, scanning it, as I looked for any important people to keep an eye on.

And as expected, I saw them easily.

Being important, meant you stood out.

And looking for such beings wasn't difficult at all.

The five Dukes.

The Marquise of the Empire.

Followed my all the counts of the Empire.

But standing in front of them, I didn't say anything, nor did he, for he knew what was going to happen next.

For I knew the main guest has yet to appear.




With the tapping sounds of footsteps, the space around the hall trembled.



The distant footsteps continued, as everyone's breathing started hitching with each progressive stepping sound.

The chatter died down, once again plunging the hall in silence...

And then, with a final tap, the owner of these steps appeared...

...out of nowhere.

The one who unified the world.

The one who broke through the limit.

The strongest human.

The Eternal Magus.

Her highness the Empress had finally appeared.

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