Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 4 - The Talk, And New Family...


Without a delay of a single second, the door was flipped open.

My maid, whose hand, I was supposed to be holding, had disappeared.

I was flabbergasted, I looked at my now empty hand, opening and closing it, as I thought, 'This... girl!, just how can she be so fast!!'

My gaze couldn't even follow her!

One movement she was here, her hand in my grasp, and in another she was opening the door, as if there was no movement involved.

As if she had teleported, but I knew she didn't, that was no magic, nor was it a skill, but pure expertise and physical strength.

Her control so good that she didn't even make a sound.

I looked at my maid with awe, only to notice, that she was a bit different.

She was no longer my maid, the one who stood in front of me now, was a competent secretary, gone were the playfulness and that annoying teasing expression, on her face, instead her face was filled with seriousness, an expression I hadn't seen on her yet.

Her unexpected yet expected change annoyed me a little, after all, who likes a serious and professional secretary over and cute and playful foxy maid, obviously I don't, I knew it was her job and that was how I set her character, but it annoyed me nonetheless.

Naturally, my eyes veered to the cause of my lovely maid's change, with a slightly annoyed look on my face, which slowly disappeared, as they found two golden reptilian pupils, glowing with faith light, staring right back at them.

Those eyes, where… overwhelming.

Yep, overwhelming, was the word.

The only word which could somewhat describe the way I felt.

It was quite hard to maintain eye contact with them, as it they could devour me.

I, a thirty something guy almost couldn't meet them, that's how much of pressure they gave off.

Pressure of an apex predator.

But of course, I wasn't some snotty kid, who refused to avert his eyes, nor was I trying start some kind of staring contest here, so, I quietly moved my eyes, observing him whole, rather than just those eyes.

And I must say, if this was how, I'm gonna look in future, then, yes, I have no regrets.

Actually, I knew how the Earl looked from the boy's memories, but seeing him in person, I can't say, I'm not impressed.

The Earl, was quite handsome, he had the same eye and hair color as me, though his eyes were a bit smaller and more curved than mine, though they were golden now, indicating, he had activated his skill [Eyes of Baldur].

Anyways, he kept his hair medium length, and tied them back in a short ponytail, as for his front hair, he simply slicked them to side, from right to left, in a simple but beautiful style, while those few bangs which escaped from his right side were, made in three small braids and attached to the back.

This hairstyle, along with his slightly angular face, a bit thicker than normal eyebrows, medium high nose, and an impressive, well built, 185cm frame, gave him an impeccable visage, one that anybody would admire and respect.

And yet, such a person had an annoyed frown on his face.

Considering, this frown only appeared after he started examining me, the reason for his annoyance was quite obvious.


As for why he was annoyed, with me, I had a few guesses, but nothing more.




He didn't stay on the doorstep for long, and walked in, his footsteps resounding in the room, just hearing those footsteps, no one would ever suspect him to be an assassin.

Well, neither could I, his walk, his gait, his everything, was, just, that filled with majesty.

And that, majestic figure, my father, stopped just beside me, still with that frown on his face, which looked a lot more serious now.

He looked straight at me, his eyes turning back to normal, letting me see those, 'Oh so similar, yet, so different', cyan eyes, for the first time.

I was quite nervous and overwhelmed, at the same time, as I looked back at him, waiting, for him to initiate a conversation.

Unfortunately, I was meet with silence, which turned into an awkward silence, as I waited for more than just ten seconds.

Suddenly, I realized that this had turned into the same kind of annoying staring contest, which I really didn't want it to turn into, so, I quietly turned my head down, and, to my relief, the Earl broke that silence first, he sighed and half turned to look back at my maid, who had quietly followed him and said,

"Go, and bring back the batch of potions I was brewing, those with silver furred monkey's, hide, I have placed them separately."

His deep voice was weary-, wait, what!?

Wait, wait, wait, I heard that right, right?

Potions!? What potions!?

Those with silver furred monkey's hide!!

Hey, come on Earl!

Are you taking a silent revenge, when the one, who was silent was you!!??

This is unfair!!

Even if those potions don't taste bad, it doesn't mean I am okay, with them!!

A, "Certainly", was heard, as my maid disappeared, once again, leaving me all alone with this, silent-revenge-Earl.

Huuuu, I sighed inwardly.

Actually, I know that, bringing the potions is just an excuse, to get us alone, but still, why was it me who had to sustain the collateral damage?,

Well, that, and I didn't want to think that Earl had found out about my soul.

As I was sighing inwardly again, I heard another sigh, this one from the Earl.

My wandering mind, once again, focused on him, on his voice, "Your soul, I saw it-", and he had me shiting myself, with just his first words, my eyes widened, my pupils shaking, my voice stuck, just like my mind, "-, it looks much brighter than before, looks like you finally shed your burden." thankfully, he was in his own world and didn't notice the changes in my expression.

With my head down, my expression morphed into one of relief, as my mind registered the content of my father's speech.

This shitty father, even listening to him is so exhausting.

Fortunately, he doesn't know the truth, or I would have thought, he's playing with me-

Wait, don't tell me, he is really playing with me!??

No, way, no way, it isn't like that.

There is no way it's like that.

Don't jinx it, me!!

Even though, I continued to convince myself, my body tensed up.

I was half expecting myself being attacked, only for the Earl to continue,

"So, tell me Rayne, why are you doing this, even now? You won't know, but, it's been a year Rayne.

A year has passed, since you have started sleeping.

So, tell me Rayne, just what is it, you are seeking?

Just what is it you after?

Just what is it you want to achieve?

Just what do you think is worth breaking yourself, and worrying your loved ones?

And now that you have realized something, tell me, do you think it was worth it?"

His deep voice, which was weary at first, changed, now his voice was so passionate, so filled with curiosity, so laden with worry that, I was moved.

It was hard to not to respond to him,

But, I couldn't say, I couldn't answer, for if I did, they would be lies, and I didn't want to lie.

Not because I would be caught, no, it was that too, but the real reason I didn't want to lie was far simpler.

This man, was simply not worth lying.

So, I told him, the only thing I could.

"I promise, I won't do it again."


Was it that shocking, to hear that?

I lifted my face, to look at the Earl, only to find him wearing a thoroughly surprised face, as he mumbled "He promised me, just like that…, Is, is this a dream??"

Okay, that was a whole another level of shock.

Looks like once wasn't enough, I have to say it again, before he convinces himself, that this is a dream.

So, I did, this time, my voice, a bit louder, firmer, as I called him out

"Father," his head snapped towards me, his eyes met mine, as I firmly said,

"I promise, I won't do it again".

This time he wasn't stunned, nor did he doubt reality, but just asked me, with a serious face which couldn't contain his glee, "Really!??"

I guess he isn't a Master for nothing.

Without a doubt, I answered him, in an equally serious voice, "Really."

Inwardly, I added, though, I don't know what exactly I did.

Well, I knew that the boy was a training addict, and trained even when his body was on the verge of breaking, but what exactly he wanted, was something I didn't know.

After all, all I did watch his memories, like a movie, I don't know what he was feeling or thinking, or even what compelled him to do what he was doing.

My inward musings didn't last for long, though, as a big, warm, hand gently, landed on my head as it ruffled my hair,

"Huuu, that's my son, though, won't tell, your father what you wanted?, Maybe, I know an easier path to achieve it?"

My answer was swift, "No, I can't"

Even, I don't know, so how can I tell you that??

But the Earl wasn't discouraged, rather, he looked really happy, and all of a sudden, it felt like he was a lot easier to talk to.

Don't get me wrong he still had that, 'I am invincible', feeling, but it was much less pronounced, I don't know if he masked or suppressed his aura, but now, that feeling, was almost fleeting.

With a soft, "is that so….," he dismissed the whole matter altogether, hearing his dismissal my mind was going, 'Hey, hey, hey, don't get so passionate and rile me up, if you just want to dismiss the matter, in the end!!!'.

While my mind was screaming at him, he ignored me looked at the door, and asked with a smile, "Just how long are planning, to be hiding there Latina?"

An amused giggle was the reply he got.

As the perpetrator, walked in, through the open door, along with a small boy, around 11 years old.

And, the perpetrator was gorgeous.

Big emerald eyes and blond hair, with a reddish tint, tied in a bun.

Just like Earl, she had combed her hair, from right to left, but, the end result was quite different.

Her hair, looked quite tamed compared to the Earl, and unlike him, she had left her right bang as is, while the one she taken from middle to left, quite longer than normal, was styled in a curved way, that, made it look like a natural crown, erasing that plain feeling, with its end, left hanging as is to match the right one.

Her face, was also angular, with a pointed chin, but less apparent cheekbones, a low nose, and natural puffy pink lips.

As for her figure, her waist was clearly more prominent than her bust, her bust being around 92 cm, while her waist being a prominent 96 cm, it would have looked quite a bit larger if she wasn't 175cm tall.

"I just thought, I shouldn't get in your father and son moment, right Reonald?"

Said the perpetrator unafraid of any repercussions.

And why would she be afraid, she was my father's wife, my second mother, the Countess Latina Von Ellsworth.

A cute, "Yes, mother" echoed in the room in response to her inquiry, a voice clearly made to sound as mature as possible, only to be one of the cutest failures in creation.

The small boy, my brother, Reonald Von Ellsworth, walked in together with his mother, trying and failing to walk in a dignified manner, his gait only helping him to look even cuter.

The boy took a lot more after his mother than his father, he had the same, hair and eye color, with his eyes being just as big as his mother's, a low nose, and surprisingly thin lips, his face cut, was a bit difficult to tell, as he was a still growing.

The arrival of my mother and little brother was, apparently, not a surprise for my father, as he greeted the Countess with a, "Well, you did a poor job, then, Countess." in a somewhat annoyed tone.

His tone got me confused and embarrassed, why is he even annoyed?

It's not like, we even talked much, also it was just me or this was some kind of play, they were doing.

Well, I don't know, but that tone got the worries out of me as I heard Countess reply,

"That is only for you my Count, and only for you, this Countess will do her job even more seriously, tonight."

(A/N: By the first 'that is only for you', she meant that, only Reynold sensed her, and she didn't disturb, Rayne's moment.)

The Countess ended her statement with a knowing smile and a wink.

And, that, hit the proverbial nail on the head.

No matter how unexperienced I was, I knew these guys were flirting, and it wasn't that much of a problem, they were husband and wife, they were young, the Countess in her early 30s while the Count was approaching 40, and they will be young for at least another two decades, that was how it was in this world, which favored the strong, so it was normal for them to be like that, and as I said it wasn't that much of a problem.

The problem was, who they were.

They were Count Reynold Von Ellsworth and Countess Latina Von Ellsworth.

They weren't supposed to be like this!

They were characters setup by me, and I didn't set them up to be a flirty couple.

Like, the way, the Count just smiled and said "I am very much looking forward to it now"

Or, the way, the Countess said "Oh my, looks like someone is really happy" as she showed a glad smile and naturally grabbed my father's arm.

This was all weird, this was not how it was supposed to be.

Rather, they were made to be much more gloomy, much more serious, much more subtle, especially the Countess, I set her up as a serious character, one full of dignity, but now, I couldn't even match, my mother, the woman in Counts arms, with the Countess I originally imagined.

I don't even know why, but I actually felt glad that they weren't like that.

My mother hadn't even said a single word to me, but still, I felt good that she wasn't stiff, wasn't stern, and just being herself.

And, as much as I liked them like that, my thoughts naturally drifted to the reason, for their change in character.

Well, until, I heard a cute mumble, "If mommy and daddy work extra hard, won't I have a little sister?", which blew my thoughts away.

And if I heard it heard it, there is no way they didn't, and from the way their small mumblings stopped, they heard it alright.

Just like me their heads snapped in the direction of my brother who was still mumbling with his head down, "Yes, if I have a little sister, they will call my sister cute instead of me-" only for him to stop as he felt something wrong.

He slowly lifted his face, to see three pairs of eyes focused on him, one from his father who showed a surprised and embarrassed expression, second from my mother whose face had a little blush and a stiff smile, and finally my face which clearly had an amused smile, clearly enjoying this show.

My little brother momentary panicked his eyes moving from one face to another, before he made up his mind and chose the safest option.


With a resolute expression he stepped towards me not daring to look at his parents, as he finally greeted me, completely ignoring what just happened, "Good morning.., big brother, I am glad.. to see you wake up.., I, mother, father everyone was very worried..-"

Hearing his greeting, my expression changed into a teasing one, I know that he being genuine but, I really, really wanted to tease that cute little brother of mine, so I cut him off and said, "Good to see you too little brother, it's night though, not a morning."

Yeah, it was lame, I know, but I was a party pooper before, I don't know how to make a good joke.

Come on, I tried my best, right, Reonald?

Hearing my response, which, even he with his low age, could figure out as a lame joke, he stopped.

As if his thoughts were being blown away, his expression turned into a one of complete surprise, as he said, "Big brother, joked?"

It was not only him, even the Count and Countess wore a surprised expression.


Was it really that rare for me to joke?


Just, what kind of life has this guy being living, they get surprised if I promise something, they get surprised if I joke about something, don't tell me they are going to be surprised with every little thing I do??

Eventually, the Earl face turned into an understanding one, as nodded to himself once, and then whispered something to the Countess.

I knew, he was spamming her with the same soul this, soul that, shit, and yeah it annoyed me as the Countess too nodded in enlightenment.

I ignored the couple, as I had my hands full with my brother, as a former party pooper I knew, I blew the joke. And like any party pooper I didn't know how to get the conversation back on track.

Thankfully, a "Master, Mistress" saved me, as my lovely maid came in my room, bringing not so lovely potions with her.

"Potions??" the Countess questioned as she eyed those potions, which my maid was bringing.

Taking this chance, I answered her question, tearing my eyes off of my little brother, "Yeah, my body and muscles are quite sore and stiff-", clearly it wasn't anything special for my first sentence to her, and, my words were a bit off.

But that Earl just had to cut me off, and say, "And your mind exhausted, yet you still had to, for some reason use your skills." And he didn't stop with that, as he told her all he knew about my condition, "Apparently, his mind is quite exhausted and he has several holes in his memories, even those memories he remembers as jumbled-"

"Stop, father!" I interrupted, or least tried to, before he could say something even, I don't know, but it was futile, Count was on his full rant mode, as he said,

"What, you want to keep your self-esteem in front of your mother-"

"Stop, Reynold", my mother tapped Count's shoulder and firmly said "your scolding won't do good, at least not now, he needs to rest and recover now, right?"

And from the looks of it, my little brother was also with me this time, apparently, he knew, I was the reason he got out of his shit, as he said, "Don't get angry, father!", little bro, I owe you one.

Huuuu, exhaling a sigh, my father calmed down, and looked at me, "You are grounded, for five days, no training, no magic, no missions, no spars, no fights and most importantly no breaking these rules, these five days you can only rest, understood?"

I don't know why, but this punishment felt too good to me, isn't this the perfect dream of a certain slacker? (A/N: TNE's Cale: Jealous, Jealous, Jealous, Jealous)

But still, five days in my room, I had to negotiate, after all I don't want to be stuck in my room all day..

So, I did.

With a small hesitating voice, making it as pitiful as it could I said, with an equally pitiful expression,

"But.. father.., whole five days.. in my room.."

What? I was cute, I know that, so, I had to make use of it.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Fair play.

Seeing my expression, the, the Count averted his eyes, "Looking pitiful, won't do you any good, no training means, no training!"

Seeing my target not melting, I changed my target, moving it to my mother, looking up at her, doing my best to make my eyes watery.

And, know what, it worked.

The Countess hesitated a bit, maybe thinking what to say, and then slightly turned, towards the Earl and cooed in a sweet voice, right into his ear,

"He can, at least, walk around the estate.., right?"

And, as much as I wanted to laugh, at the sight of my mighty father shaking, I held it in, it was quite hard but, I endured, and maintained my expression.

Finally, the ice melted a bit, and my father said, resigned, "Okay, you can walk around the estate."

But that wasn't enough, even if the estate was big, it wasn't enough, I wanted to see the world, see its people, see its culture, its sights, its beauty, all of it, and I couldn't see them, just by being in the estate.

Striking when iron was hot, I added, "Maybe, I can walk around the city..?"

My eyes just as watery, my voice just as suppressed as my expression.

I looked up to the Earl, he was clearly not firm anymore, after all, all I asked was walking around the town, it wasn't a difficult request by any means, the only thing that got him hesitating, was his worry of me training in secret.

Ignoring the mental damage I got, by hearing my little brother's, "Damn, I was so naïve, I have to learn from big brother, he uses his cuteness so well..", boy you really need to fix that habit of mumbling out loud first, or you ain't fooling anyone here, I made my last move.

My eyes, turned towards the last person in my room, my lovely maid.

As soon as she saw my expression, her mask broke a bit, but she quickly, restored her calm, and looked straight at me.

Eyes locked, I quickly gestured her with my eyes, but, probably, not understanding my meaning, she looked back me blankly, not discouraged, I gestured her again this time veering my eyes to the still hesitating Earl, only then did she understand.

And as soon as she did she said, "I can accompany him at all times while he is strolling, Master!!"

Not expecting, his Shadow corps' leader calling him out, he turned his eyes to her, only for a moment though, as those eyes, quickly veered back to me.

Under all those suggestions and pressure, the Earl, readily surrendered, not like he had any problems with his son walking around in the town, with Amy ensuring his son doing nothing else, but just that, the Earl had no reason to refuse.

Still had some little conditions of his own, "Okay, you can go and walk around the town, but only on last two days, before that remain here and rest, and that is final, understood??"

A lively, "Understood!!" reflexively emerged from my throat.

Negotiations successful!!

I was quite happy, so happy, that in fact, I forgot about my current plight.

Looks like did Earl too, as he was just staring at me from corner of his eyes, not doing anything.

Only for mother to remind him, "That's enough chatting Reynold, help him already."

Help? What help!?

Carrying my answer, Amy stepped forward with a small black, chest, in her hands, and then I remembered, she was sent to bring potions, right?

And apparently, those potions aren't gonna by disappear themselves.

Huuuu, I sighed.

My brain must be really low on juice, huh, for it forget such a plight.

Already, having used up all my cuteness, I knew I shouldn't push my luck, so, I stayed quiet, resigned to my fate, as I saw the Count, simply waving his hand, and knowing what happened when Amy did so, I closed my eyes, after all those potions were tasteless, it would be okay if I simply closed my eyes, or so I hoped.

But, my worries were unfounded, as the sensation of my body being hijacked, never came, intrigued, I slowly opened my eyes, and the scene in front of my eyes was… magical, yeah, magical.

A dozen of small test tubes were floating in the air, filled with colorful fluids, encased in golden magical symbols, which almost looked alive.

Arranged in a roughly polygonal shape the test tubes were floating in air, while, slowly but surely, their contents, were being sucked in a bigger more complicated magic circle.

It was beautiful, magnificent even, it was like a solar system, a bit spherical bigger magic circle, a circle made with layers of symbols, containing a colorful gaseous solution, it's insides were hot at some parts, cold at some other, and at some parts, which contained the gases who got ready earlier than others, it was stilled, as its time had stopped for that region.

Little by little, drops of liquids would be sucked in from the bottles outside, as the drops were promptly converted in gases themselves, and quickly mixed with other gases.

This process continued for a while, not much, just for a minute or two, and no one said anything during that time, me and my brother too awed to anything, while, the Countess and Amy, looked too used to the process, but still kept quiet, so as to not distribute the Earl.

The Earl had his hands lightly folded, with his right hand stretched outwards, his palm, covered in symbols, especially his fingers, who had a lot of them revolving around them.

The Earl would rhythmically tap his finger down, as an appropriate symbol would automatically appear under his finger, it was like a super-high-tech-virtual keyboard, and he only stopped when the bigger circle was filled with a clear silver gas.

He waved has hand downwards, and the circle moved, engulfing me whole, and my everything was instantly covered in silver as the gas, which was still in the circle, it was so sudden, so shocking, that I almost screamed.

The silver gas, like a wanderer in desert who found an oasis, it just rushed in, through my nose, through my mouth, my ears, even though my skin, all of it.

It didn't take long, for it, to completely disappear, finally clearing my vision.

Just like the gas, the golden circle disappeared.

And as soon as it did, the Earl placed his hand on my head, as he quickly said, "He will get fine tomorrow" to the Countess who had a worried expression, and moved to towards, Amy, as I faintly heard them talking, "I have given, him all the supplements he needed, he will be sleepy now so just let him sleep, no need for dinner, as for tomorrow-"

Oh, is that why I am feeling hazy, now??

Yeah.., everything feels slow… as if I activated my skill.., but now… even my thoughts were slowed to a… crawl.

I tried to stay awake, opening my eyes wide, only to see the Countess being dangerously close, she leaned in and pressed those pink lips on my forehead, and whispered, "You did well, rest now, Rayne" in a motherly tone, yeah.., I could understand why the Earl was shivering now…, her whisper was promptly followed by an immature, "Good night, big brother!".

And everything after that was a blur, I won't stay awake even if I wanted to. Yeah, no shit, and here goes my plan to think about what to do, after the talk, in the gutter.

The last thing I remember is, someone moving my body, and settling it down in a laying position, as someone faintly whispered, "Why so stubborn, Young Master..? Just sleep already.."

Must be Amy- was my last thought as I fell into the clutches of sleep.

Practically blacking out.

And just like that, my first day, my first exhausting and thrill filled day, in Rowen, ended.

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