Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 47 - Moving On...

The banquet ended on a bright note.

Though the part where I had to escort the leaving guests was a pain in the ass, I still felt like I gained a lot.

I finally got someone remotely close to a friend.

The fact that Kapheira was Eva's future friend and even Rayne's old friend, made her a must-befriend character, which I did, or at least I tried to do so.

Then again, thanks to her, I also got to know some people from my faction.

Only superficially, yes, but at least I got to know the faces of my potential future allies.

And finally, I learned the way the world works here, thanks to Godric.

Honestly, I was and still am a bit upset about it. I mean, I really wanted to beat him, but when I actually thought about it after calming down, I came to a conclusion.

It was good that the fight didn't happen.

Yes, it was good.

The relationship between Rayne, Godric, and Aileth was vague at best.

They didn't belong to my faction, yes, but it wasn't like they were in the opposing one either.

Since my very own faction was a neutral one, there was no need to antagonize them.

I cracked Godric's wrist, that was enough punishment for him, for now.

Well, there was a reason I was against that guy.

Simply put, the guy was a blood extremist. So, with Eva being a commoner, he naturally opposed her.

Thus, for the better part of the beginning of the novel, he was staged as a villain or was at least on the opposite side, making me have a bad impression of him.

But, because of his charade tonight, I had a realization.

'Nothing was set in stone.'

Not just events, even people, their characters, and their decisions, they all change with every single stimulus the person in question experiences. These changes always happened and will continue to do so.

In a way this is what makes us human.

And I failed to realize something so simple.

Before the banquet, I had that vague feeling that I could predict the actions of certain characters, I had that feeling of control which we all love, but now I knew I was wrong, dead wrong.

This was not a novel, nor was this my playground, rather it was a new world. A new world where I was just one of many people living in it.

So, instead of trying and failing to be a control freak, I decided to cope up with it.

And today was my third day doing so.

Since people can change, I will make them change, and evolve the situation in such a way that I will have as much allies as possible, for I needed them to prevent the impending doom.

Well, that was far in the future.

I will only have some real chance to interact with these game changers when I actually enroll in the academy.

Thinking of allies though, it should be about time 'they' arrive.



"Young Master~, Marvin from Blackbeard Searchers has arrived and is requesting a meeting. What should I do with him~"

'Just in time.'

My lips curled up in a smile as I heard what Amy said,

"Guide him to my study, Amy, I will join him soon."

I didn't remind her to not do anything funny, cause I knew she was just joking with that 'What should I do with him~' part.



[In Rayne's Study]

"I see. So basically, they are waiting in the side room?"

I said while sipping tea.

"Yes, Young Master, just as you stated all three of them are in a good condition and their past debts have been settled."

Hands clasped, and with a smile so big that it showed his golden teeth, Marvin said exaggeratedly.


Placing my cup down, I said.

"If their condition is good or not is for me to decide, remember that."

"Yes, yes, of course, of course."

Seeing him nodding his head, Amy who was sitting beside me chimed in.

"Oh my, isn't Mr. Manager being more docile than usual today, don't you think so Young Master?"

"Yes, now that you mention it, Mr. Manager sure is acting docile today, any specific reason, Marvin?"

"Also, where is that assistant of yours?"

"Haha, you surely jest Young Master!, I have always been the most docile person there is. As for Garett, he is in the side room accompanying your guests."

I barely resisted chuckling as I heard his words, he, Marvin Adyson, the most docile person?



In sync, both Amy and I burst into laughter, and only stopped when a single tear flowed out from our eyes.

Normally, any other guy would make be annoyed, or at least feel a little displeased at our behavior.

But this fatso, joined us and started laughing too.

Damn Shameless Fatty!

"Now, I didn't know you were such an jester Marvin."

Amy said after our laughing fit was done, and I was too busy admiring this man's shamelessness.

"Haha, I had to learn a thing or two about mood making, it's an indispensable skill for a merchant, lady Amelia."

"I see that you have mastered that skill. Then, shall we get back to business, Young Master?"

"Yes, we should. Call them in Marvin."

"Yes, as you command, Young Master."

Injecting a meager amount of Mana in his bracelet, the Manager said, "Come in." and got a "Yes." in reply from his bracelet.


Another door, different from the one through which we came, opened and the Assistant, Gareth Forman, stepped into the room.

He was just the same as months ago, not a single sign of change could be seen on his persona.

The same soft features, the same blonde hair and the same light blue eyes, but today, he wasn't the person of interest.

The ones following him were.

Three individuals, all of different statures.

First one being a child around Reonald's age, having rare black hair and black eyes.

A cute child with a curious expression on his face.

His cute black eyes kept looking around the room, his soft facial features contorting and relaxing, as he marveled every inch of it.

Seeing him like that, I almost couldn't believe that he was the same guy I was looking for.

But I was sure, that he was the one, that unique black dragon like tattoo on his arm betrayed his identity.

Allen Rackfert.

The boy who killed thousands, with his bare hands.

The Carnage Killer.

The host of the Insane Dragon.

Second one, was an adult woman of short stature, around the 160cm.

Unlike the boy, who was curiously looking around, her glances were short and sneaky, and after a couple of glances, she stopped even taking those, being as reserved as possible.

'As expected she is smart.'

Faded pink hair and rose-colored eyes, fair skin and a beautiful face that she tried, and failed to hide behind the hooded robe, that all three of them wore.

Cana Nester.

The face of the Demonic Cult.

The Smiling Manipulator.

Someone who manipulated millions to join the demonic way.

And finally, the last guy, a strong looking young man around 183cm tall, wheat colored skin, red hair, green eyes and sharp facial features.

With sword like eyebrows and a especially sharp gaze that bore down on me, from the first step he took into this room.

'A rank, no, two ranks above cannon fodder?'

Syrus Otone.

Better know as the Test Subject #S766.

The plaything of a Arch Demon.

A poor warrior who got captured by the demons from the frontline and became the test subject of an Arch Demon.

Finally, being the only surviving test subject who was 'complete'.

'Well, his demeanor is not that bad, considering that he should be a warrior slave from the frontline.'

'He focused on me as soon as he confirmed that I was the strongest person in the room.'

Well, that is to be expected, Amy and the shadows are too above his own level, for him to even sense them.

"Are these the three?"

Amy asked Garett who was standing with those three.

"Yes, lady Amelia. These are precisely the people young master asked for."

The elf whose behavior was a lot tamer than before answered.

Not minding the elf, Amy observed the three people who all, were now staring at me.

And I did the same, scanning them with my Mental Avatar.

They all were well-fed and well-clothed.

No signs of recent abuse.

And no signs of demonic energy.

Meaning, I wasn't too late.

But, as much as I wanted to chat with them I had to settle the deal first, or else this fat businessman would keep bothering me.

"What do you think Young Master Rayne? Are they the same people you were looking for?"

"Yes, they are the exact people I was looking for."

I said, making the two of these three, to pay even more attention to me, while the little boy was too busy admiring my shelf, which was really a piece of art by the way.

"I see, that's good, that's really good. Thankfully we didn't pick the wrong people-"

The fatty said before continuing his words.


But I stopped him before he could say much, and got straight to the point.

"I know, I'll pay, but before that let's see if you are getting your bonus."

"Go ahead then, Young Master."

"Oh, you look confident."

"I have confidence in my men's skills."

"Is that so? Let's see, then."

"You, the one in the middle."

I said while pointing my gaze at her.


Cana answered, and even though it was a single word, it strangely resonated in my mind, making me feel pleased. Thankfully, it all cleared up after I channeled a bit of Mana.

"How was your trip, was it comfortable?"

"Yes, it was young master."

"Quick to catch on, huh? But I need more than a single word answer, elaborate."


She clearly didn't expect that, as she paused for a bit before answering.

"The trip was smooth, we were well-fed, well-clothed and well-protected too."

"And most importantly, they didn't treat us like some other species and treated us like humans."

During the whole time she spoke, I kept channeling my Mana so as not to get affected by her voice.

Seeing how both the Marvin and Garett are okay, they must have noticed this peculiarity earlier and had likely prepared countermeasures for her voice.

"I see. You can stop now."

"Amy, pay Mr. Marvin."


Taking out a pouch of coins Amy slammed it on the table.



The clinking of coins made it apparent how full it was.


Grabbing the pouch with a smile and passing it to his assistant, the fatty stood up while rubbing his hands together before extending one of them.

"It was a pleasure to do business with you, Young Master."

"I hope to be of your use again."

Taking his hand, I shook it a little, before replying,

"Look forward to it. And you can leave now."

"Of course, of course. Garett, follow me. Have a good day Young Master."

With that Marvin left quickly, getting my message that told him to hurry.

Yep, I can use some smart guys like him, alas, they didn't hang on trees.

With Marvin gone, I stood up and cheerfully walked in front of my guests.

"Listen well, the three of you."

I said in a deep voice, finally catching attention of the little Allen.

"I am Rayne Von Ellsworth, the first heir of Ellsworth County, and your owner."

"So, remember my name, and for now, follow me."

A mass murderer, a manipulator and a test subject.

My new servants and party members.

Surely, with such members, my journey will be fun.

Or so I hope....

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