Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 49 - The New Goal




Our swords clashed.

Striking harder and stronger with each clash.

My sword, against his huge one.

A 150cm long sword, bull-of-a-sword, which was around 30cm wide at the hilt, overall black, but flashing red around the edges.


And honestly, it felt good.

It felt refreshing.

Laughing like a madman, I lifted my sword again, and swung.



We exchanged another series of clashes.

Mostly, I attacked and Syrus defended.

I kept attacking him, again and again and again, but I couldn't crack his defense.

He was like an iron-fortress, I kept hitting him, but he blocked each hit calmly with the same face, missing nothing.

My sword always struck his, dodging wasn't his style nor he could dodge my quick slashes with a sword that big in his hand, but each time just before the full force of my sword could transfer into his, my sword...slipped off his.

He tilted his sword in such a way that my attack didn't land on him perfectly.

This was nothing new many swordsmen do this, but being able to do this when facing my swordsmanship, the Ellsworth's swordsmanship was a feat in itself.

Something that only those who had a really long experience teetering between life and death could do.

Not only that, grasping the exact moment in which I had to reposition myself, he swung his sword powerfully, in a wide arc.


Once again, his sword clashed with mine, generating sparks in the process, but unlike him who stood tall and blocked all my attacks, I was sent reeling back.

But even then, I grinned.

Grinned like a maniac.

Right now, we were both fighting bare. There were no spells, no skills, no tricks.

Only Power Vs Power.

My Sword Vs his gigantic Broadsword.

And he was winning!!

My palms were getting numb from taking those heavy clashes, my arms were aching, my muscles were tearing, but I refused to give in.

Rather, I was enjoying myself.

'Finally!!!!, Finally! A perfect opponent!!'

With a grin plastered on my face, I charged forward.

Clenching my sword with my already numb hands, I charged forward.

And then, we clashed again.



In the end, the match ended with a draw.

Even after half an hour had passed from the starting of the match, we were still raring to go, with no obvious winner in sight.

So, getting tired of seeing us, just swinging our swords, Amy butted in and ended the match.

"I was winning there, you know?"

I grumbled.

"Are you seriously expecting me to believe that? When you have such a wide grin plastered on your face?"

Amy said with a deadpan.

"But I was really winning, you know?"

I was really winning.

Yes, I was being pushed back at the beginning, but as the duel continued, I adjusted, I learnt, and I even copied what he did, failing miserably at the execution, though.

Anyways, Rayne may not be that talented in magic, but the one thing he was talented in was swordsmanship.

Actually, Rayne was like an average guy.

All his talents were average, that is by the empire's highest standards, of course.

But even among his average talents, the one that stood out the most was swordsmanship.

Not best but still top-notch.

The only reason he was in the forefront of youngest generation was effort.

Pure Effort.

And now that I had stolen his talents, I was somehow able to make the tables turn.

"Yes, I know that you were winning, Young Master~"

Amy said while smiling sweetly.

Seeing her smile like that I knew; I was in trouble.

"And you know what Young Master~, I also know that you planning to drag this out, for reeaaaally~ long as well~"

Damn! The maid knows me too well!

I cursed inwardly, before feeling a chill down my spine!

'Oh my~, was that a curse, I wonder~?'

I forgot to cut off the mind link!!!

'I didn't know that Young Master curses like this~. I wonder if Madam does~, I truly wonder~'

'Ugh, Amy can you forget about this?'



'Still no~'

'Isn't my maid the most beautiful maid in Rowen?'

'No, means no Young Master, unless you are willing to do somethings-'

'I'll do anything!!'

'Is that so? Don't forget it later~'


I sighed in relief,

'So, you won't tell mom anything, correct?'

Before trying to confirm it.

'Hmm? Was there something I had to tell madam?'

Only for Amy to show a clueless face at my question.

I cut the mind link between us, and double checked that once, twice and thrice.

After checking it one more time, I finally screamed in my head.



After venting my frustrations in my mind, I turned to my opponent who was still standing, on the field, like a statue.

"Hey!, Big Guy!, How long are you going to stand like that!!?"

I called him out.

He looked at me, then at his sword, his lips twitching for a while, as if wondering what to say, before he finally opened his mouth.

"Young Master Rayne, you just turned 14, correct?"

'Calling me Young Master already, eh?'


I said, somewhat getting his point.

"I see."

"You are good, Master."

He said solemnly.

And I knew what that meant.

'He finally acknowledged me.'

With a smirk, I said

"I know I am good. Now, lets talk like civilized people, shall we?"


"You won't tell us?"

-Crunch, crunch

"Yes, I won't."

I said while sipping tea, which was still hot.

Did I say how much I liked these cups, that kept my tea hot?

I already did?

Well, they are just that great!

"Well, Young Master hasn't told this to anyone including us. So, it would be surprising if he told you."

Amy chimed, explaining to Cana whose first question was, naturally, 'How do you know us?'

-Crunch, crunch

"Try these Allen, they are a bit sweeter, but you like sweet things, right?"

I said, as I handed Allen another batch of cookies, which he took with delight.

"Yes, big brother! But, how do you know that?"

"Well, a sweet boy like you would obviously like sweet things, right?"


He said going back to eating.

'Phew, he can be strangely perceptive at times.'

'Thankfully, he is still a child.'


"Um, then, why did you call us for?"

Cana asked nervously, shuffling around probably assuming the worst.

"I an going to travel around and I want you guys to accompany me."

"Accompany you?"

"Yes, accompany me."

"Is that it?"

"Yes, that is it"

Just like the first question, she confirmed and poked for any hidden conditions, but she got nothing.

"B-but, why???"

"Didn't you already have like hundreds and thousands of people to do so for you?"

"Why call for us??"

She pressed, her voice unconsciously gaining octaves, and her attribute more getting potent.

Thankfully, she realized that herself pretty quickly and controlled herself, apologizing the next moment.

"I am sorry, I lost control for a moment."

"That's alright, we already have our countermeasures."

"As for your question..."

I trailed off staring at the three one at a time, before answering

"You know that you three are peculiar, right?"

-Crunch, crunch


A small silence descended in the room, the only sounds that could be heard were Allen eating cookies and the whistling of the grassland winds.

"Yes, we know that."

It was Syrus, who actually answered.

"Still not so confident, eh?, Miss Nester?

Anyways, I called you all here knowing that you all are peculiar. And you can be sure that more peculiar people will join you."

"So, you are collecting peculiar people?

For what?"


"You know that already, don't you Miss Nester? I am sure a smart lady such as yourself must have guessed..."

"You... you want to use our peculiarities?"


She slowly shook her head at my response.

Lowering her head, she asked through her clenched teeth.

"We can't actually refuse you, can we?"

"Of course, you can't."

Chuckling despairingly, Cana said,

"Heh, then I am correct Young Master, no matter what you say, after this, everything is just wordplay."

Chuckling lightly, I stated.

"Looks like you have been betrayed a lot, Miss Nester. But that's not it."

"As I said you are half-correct.

Yes, I will collect more peculiar people.

And yes, I will use them.

But you forgot one thing. How were you faring before this?"

"Were you doing well? Did you have enough to eat? Or did you blend in the society?"

I asked her a series of questions, and without waiting for her answer I continued.

"No, no, and no."

"You see Cana, peculiar people like you, like me, aren't faring well in the society, at least not without abusing our powers."

Her eyes widened at my statement.

"But that mostly ends up with us being caught or used. So, what I want to do is simple."

"Create a home, a society, for us, for peculiar people."

"A place where we can use our powers as we want.

A place where we are not feared, but respected.

A place that is filled with people who see us as people, not as monsters.

That is what I want."

I said, confidently, finally ending my last-minute-made speech, that deviated more than I wanted it to.

Though the speech was made as I talked, the idea itself wasn't bad, rather it was good.

Wasn't it the thing that Eva lacked? A home?

The girl saved the whole humanity and yet humans didn't have place for her?

Yep, fuck that shit.

If she didn't have a home I will build one for her, the girl deserved at least this much.

I will try do this.


"I know I can do this!!"

I exclaimed; my eyes burning while my voice was laced with determination.

It was only then that I realized, that my inner voice had leaked out.


I coughed, composing myself before saying,

"Anyways, for that you are my first step."

"So, what do you think?"

I asked Cana, who had her eyes opened wide.

'Don't tell me!? My last-minute speech actually worked.'

I thought as I saw her face.

But contradicting my expectations;

Slowly, with a hint of hesitation in her voice Cana asked,

"Young Master, you said you are one of us?"

So, she is still stuck in that?

Damn all the cool things I said later on.

I thought as I simply answered,

"They don't call me Crazy Young Master for no reason."

"I see..."

She said sighing deeply.

"So, what do you think?"

I asked her again.

And I got an instant response.

In a voice much different than before, she said quickly.

"An impossible to realize plan, that is what I think it is.

What will you do if your plan fails?

How will you handle more uncontrollable factors?

What is your purpose in gathering us?

And most importantly, how do I believe that you won't go back on your word?"

Hearing her questions, a smile reappeared on my face.

"There is only one answer to this."

"Follow me and see for yourself!"

"Will you?"

I asked smiling.

"Now, what other choice do I have?"

She spoke.

"You already told us we can't refuse. So, bring out the contracts already."

So, I did.


After signing the magical contracts and sending the trio off with a maid who was tasked to show them their residences, only I and Amy were left in the training room.

"Young Master answer me honestly, the thing you said just now, that was a spur of a moment thing right?"

Looking at my maid who easily saw through me, I said,

"Yes, it was a spur of a moment thing."

"So, you won't actually follow through it, right?"

"Huh? Why do you think so?"

I asked, clearly not expecting her to ask me this.

I mean, she clearly knew how tightly Rayne followed his words, so why is she asking me this?

"You are actually thinking of following this idea!!??"

Her reaction was somehow throwing me off.

"Well, yes, I will follow my idea, but why are you asking this, Amy? It's not like you..."

"You know that this will paint a huge banner on your back, don't you Young Master?"

"Yes, I do, of course."

I answered. It was not like my back would be exactly clean with what I had planned before this, so why not?.

"And yet you're going to do this!?"



Sighing at my response the maid said.

"Sometimes I can't understand what you are thinking Young Master..."

"I am glad to here that~"

"That was not a compliment!"

The maid said puffing her cheeks before getting up.

"Master and Madam would be against this idea."

She reminded.

"I will convince them!"

I answered immediately, to the maid who was already leaving.

"You are really being hard-headed Young Master."

"I always have been."

I said, before the maid stepped past the door.

"A home....., I have to do some more planning."

I muttered out loud, as pens and papers started floating around me again....

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