Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 51 - Forging My Sword And Finally Leaving.


Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes.

Both of them calm and focused.

Standing up, I picked up a standard sword, that was made up of the best materials, but was still a blank slate in magical aspects.

Placing it on the table, I activated the molding array.

A more complex version of the already complex tuning array.

Magical circles upon magic circles quickly emerged, covering me, starting from my hands to my forearms.

Unlike the first time when I was fumbling around, unfamiliar with the array, this time my movements were smooth and swift.

My hands moved quickly making different gestures. And with each of these gestures the ring like magic circles enveloping my hands moved. Moving back and forth, exchanging places with each other, expanding after reaching the front, before contracting and moving back, making way for other circles.

Each of these circles were actually represented a parameter, or in simple words, a setting, which I set to simplify or support the process of enchanting.

Moving at a phenomenal, speed I set mana density, mana attribute, rune size, rune depth, enchanting type, and all kinds of magical and physical parameters before actually starting the process of enchanting.

Within a ten or so seconds I was done, which was actually a quite fast considering that I had to set 20~30 parameters.

Actually, about seventy percent of these parameters weren't that important and normally skipped or automated. But my way of enchanting was anything but 'normal'. With my mana directly interacting with the runes, I always had to be a tad bit too careful during the process, after all who knew when I would mess up? Thus, I set up more parameters making the process safe albeit a bit more complicated.

Not missing a beat, I finalized the parameters and set them down, sharply increasing the mana density in the process as I finally came to Enchanting.

Remember, when I said that the sword was a blank slate in magical aspects? It wasn't actually true.

Being made of various magical metals, it wasn't a surprise for the sword to have a somewhat defined magical characteristic.

In fact, if such a thing didn't happen, then there would be no need to call magical metals as such. For example, the fire type metal Ignifer wouldn't be used to make weapons for fire magic users, if weapons made by it didn't have a fire type characteristic.

Such a thing happens with all kinds magical metals and it isn't considered as a bad thing, rather the more distinct the characteristic given the more precious the metal is considered.

And here finally comes us. The blacksmiths and the runesmiths.

The blacksmiths bring out and amplify the metal's characteristics, while runesmiths like me, use these characteristics to give the weapons and artifacts their magical properties.

And that was what I was doing now.

Grasping the finer details of the metal, and the characteristics it had, I promptly adjusted a few parameters, and started the first process – Core mapping.

Pouring a load of my Mana into the molding array, I wrote series after series of tightly knit runes – core rune series. These runes along with my Mana were then molded by the array into forming a superficial core.

An unstable core, in which, for now I only added the runes of amplification, hardening, sharpening and a little something that I really wanted to add.

And just completing the first process took around 40% of my mana.

Normally, it wouldn't take that amount but as I said my way of enchanting was anything but normal.

A core made by bronze ranked runesmith would normally have 3~4 core rune series', mine had 9 of them. While the symphony between them was also 60%, something that a bronze ranked runesmith won't be able to achieve.

Of course, I achieved it only due to my attribute.

[Enchanter], my attribute gave me a unique understanding of runes.

Downgrading them from a mystical thing to a super complex language.

So, while it was super complex, it still wasn't mystical. Thus, I had a much deeper understanding of them, ultimately, making my core rune series a lot more effective.

Though, I had to abuse my attribute a few times to affect the ongoing molding process in real-time, increasing my mana usage, I made the core a lot better than some bronze ranked runesmith could.

Looks like my class name isn't Rune Scholar nothing.

Still, enchanting was too exhausting.

But that also made it interesting, chugging down a high-quality potion, I resumed my work creating the outermost layer of the enchantment and connecting it to the core, before moving on to the stabilizing layer and then the layers in between, adding details to the core with each added layer and balancing the connections with each step.

And when I was finally done, it was already dinnertime.

On my table, laid a single grey sword, looking exactly the same as the previous one, but only I knew how different they truly were.

Unlike the prototype sword that previous Rayne had made, this one was complete, I didn't plan on upgrading it.

I mean, why would I upgrade it, when I could just make a new one?


I was talking like some spoiled rich brat?

Well, sorry to break it up to you. I am rich.

And it wasn't like I would get much chance to tune my enchantments during my journey.

So, I just let it be.

Pocketing my sword, I stored it in my bracelet before walking out of my lab.

The chilly winter breeze hit my face as I walked through the estate.

Dim lights, stone pathway, a somewhat quiet but not completely quiet estate, smell of warm food and lights that looked light dots coming from the windows of the buildings downhill, all viewable by simply turning around.

Enjoying the cinematic view, I slowly made my way to the main building, various thoughts running through my head as I did.

A week has passed since the banquet, during this period I had completed most of my tasks, so finally...

"'s time to leave."

I felt strangely nostalgic as I said this.

For the past two months, I mostly trained, but even then, these months weren't boring.

Not boring in the least, rather, they were...magical.

Yes, a few things were hard, a few things annoying, and a few things were outright ridiculous, but I think I did well living through them.

Other than these few moments, my life had been a rollercoaster, new world, new people, new family, maids, magic, money, the young master thing and many more.

I almost couldn't believe this was my own life.




Name: Rayne Von Ellsworth.

Age: 13 years --> 14

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 47 kg.

Condition: Healthy

Class: Swordsman.

Class Grade: Bronze.

Sub-Class: Rune Scholar

Sub-Class Grade: Bronze

Power Rank: D-

Rank Limit: -error

Body Stats:

• Strength: D --> D+

• Agility: D

• Stamina: E+ --> D-

• Endurance: C-

• Dexterity: D

• Intelligence: D- --> D

• Perception: D

Limit: -error

Spirit Stats:

• Mana: C ~> 30,000/30,000 --> 30,667

• Mental Power: D ~> 526/526 --> 530

Limit: B+ --> A-


• Mana Manipulation: A

• Magic Comprehension : A-

• Mental Perception: A-

Limit: A-

Skills: [Split Second --> S], [Parallel Mind --> A+], [Attribute Infusion --> A], [Mana Reading --> B+], [Peekaboo --> B+]

Attribute: Enchanter.

Magic user level: Soldat

Spells: Dry, Ignite, Accelerate, Spell Steal (new), Psychokinesis, Enchant, Enhance Enchantment, Encryption, Decryption, Enchantment Reading, Enchantment Transfer, Temporary Enchant, Enchant Overdrive, Fireball, Wind cutter, Water wave, Heal…etc.

Unique Condition:

[Limit Breaker]

A power to break through your mortal shell and reach unreachable heights has been detected in your soul, but the power itself has a strong resistance against any living being.

As a result, every time the power loses a part of itself, it will try to make you lose a part of yourself, too.

Power assimilated: 1/7

Power Granted: Body beyond the mortal shell, no limits to your body's growth.

Time for next assimilation: 7960(hrs): 45(min): 23(sec)

Owner of the power needs to be strong enough to withstand the assimilation, or else the owner will miss a part of themselves again.

Owner needs to be a C rank to assimilate the next part of the power without suffering the backlash.

Note: This loss can be anything, it is random, from the loss of a single hair to loss of the soul itself, anything can occur.

Thus, it is advised to reach the required power level at the time of assimilation.


'Yeah, the deadline makes it much easier to believe.'

I thought as a bitter smile appeared on my face.

'If only I had written something that was filled with flowers and daises.'

Shaking my head, I shook of such thoughts, and focused on what was ahead of me.

'The dinner.'

'I bet there is going to be a feast today.'

A gust of wind flew by me, as the freezing air blew my hair.

Before, I would have been left as a shivering mess.

'I should enjoy it as much as I can.'

But now, it didn't have any effect on me.

I have changed.

And from now, I change the world.

'The Young Master that changes the world, it has a surprisingly nice ring to it.'

I chuckled, lightly as I continued walking...

'Somehow being a Young Master doesn't feel all that bad anymore...'


Author's Note:

Okay guys, the end of first volume.

What are your thoughts?

I am curious.

And there is one more thing, I am curious about.

The enchanting part of this chapter is around 700 words, but I had actually written a 1.5k words about that part and had one of my friends to proofread it.

He said it's good and all, but he doesn't think that people want to read such a long enchanting chapter.

So, I explained the parts that I had to and cut down the actual process.

There would be some enchanting scenes where I won't skip a single word, but there will also be those where I can skip things.

So, your choice, tell me which one you want, skip or not skip?

It finishes the things I am curious about, and now the things I want to tell.

I will post some side chapters now.

The number of side chapters is not fixed, I have to cover a lot of things, so I'd rather not say if it will take 3 or 4 chapters or something like that.

That's it, I guess.

And add my work to your library.

Give me your power stones.

Send me gifts.

And most importantly read my work.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

Stay tuned.

And I hadn't written my usual jargon for a while....

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