Dance With the Nightingale

Chapter 9 - A Talk With The Earl...

Chirp~ chirp~

Chirp~ chirp~

...Was it chirping of birds or the glaring sunlight coming from the window, I don't know, but either way, I opened my heavy eyelids.

Only, to shut them down instantly.

The sunlight was really too glaring.

And that, in no way was the morning sun.

Haaaah, did I oversleep today too?

Well, doesn't matter, it's not like I could have done something if I woke up early, plus, sleeping in this bed feels good.

So good, in fact, that I really want to sleep more.

Damn, who the hell makes a bed this comfortable, think about the people who have to wake up early in the morning!

Heartless people, these bed makers.

With these thoughts in my mind, I wriggled in the bed for a bit before finally waking up.

I roused myself and got in a sitting position, as I rubbed my eyes while looking around.

And with that I found two things, first, it wasn't that late just 8:43 a.m., as shown in the clock, and the second, Amy's missing.

Wasn't she supposed to be my personal maid, then, how come she didn't wake me up?

Is there a 'job' for her?

Well, whoever her target is 'Amen'.

Plus, considering what happened last night, seeing her first thing in the morning would be awkward as hell.

Maybe, this just her consideration towards me?

Well, whatever it was, it was good.

Cause, for some reason, I felt really refreshed.

I don't know why, but if I had to guess, then maybe it was cause I finally had some time for myself.

Recalling my really short life in here, in this world, except for the first time I woke up, I barely had any time for myself, I was always accompanied by someone.

And always being accompanied by someone, who can cut off your head the moment they find out your secret, is really stressful and tiring.


I exhaled deeply.

Enough of idling around, I thought to myself, as I got off the bed and walked to the window, flinging open it's already half open curtains, and with that the bustling morning of the Ellsworth estate came into my view.

The Ellsworth estate was like a castle, an impregnable fortress if you consider the forces it held both in the light and the shadows.

And this estate had a lot of buildings inside it, which included all kinds of facilities of servants, knights, and official employees, like their rooms, training grounds, or offices.

So, every morning, around this time the estate was quite bustling.

I simply watched the bustling scene, the knights going to have breakfast after their intense morning training sessions, the servants cleaning the estate and maintaining the appearance of the estate, the official's rushing to their management departments.

Among them a young gardener particularly caught my view, he was artistically cutting up a few plants along with a maid who gave him some suggestions for his cuttings, clearly they looked close.

Were they childhood friends or just another couple having a tryst with the excuse of work?

Young ones truly are bold these days...

Well, none of my business.

With the late morning breeze hitting my face, I decided to wash up and meet the Earl first, before roaming around the estate for the rest of the day.

Actually, I had a something very important to talk to the Earl.

It was about one of my future plans.

And also, my road to get stronger.

So, without wasting any time, I closed the curtains and headed to the bathroom where I took a nice long shower, it's not like Earl is gonna run away or something if I take a few more minutes showering.

After enjoying the shower and drying myself, I checked my wardrobe and fortunately, it looked like I won't be a blue shade stick today.

And for that I was glad, especially so when I got dressed and observed myself in the mirror.

It was a bit arrogant to say, but with a grey shirt with folded sleeves, black waistcoat, black pants topped with a black tie and shoes, I looked the boy in every girl's dreams, yep, I was just that handsome.

So, after fixing my hair a bit I departed from my room, my destination, Earl's Alchemy Lab.





Muffled steps rang out in the corridor of the two-story mansion, muffled due to the red carpet laid on the floor, which matched the spectacular paintings and the fancy chandeliers quite well.

(A/N: Two stories= ground and first floor.)

As I moved through the Mansion I marveled it, yes it was beautiful, but I was much more focused on what I could feel.

The Mana and the enchantments placed on it.

From each wall to every single piece of furniture it had, they were all enchanted, plus the enchantments weren't half assed enchantments rather, they were strong, so strong, that unless you were a magic user who had a good weapon, you won't have a chance to destroy them.

In fact, according to my memories, a flower vase from here might serve as a better weapon, than a normal hammer bought from a weapon shop.

Yes, it was that extravagant.

Of course, such ridiculous extravagance was only limited to this building, as it was the Main residence of the Count and all Ellsworth family members directly related to him, that means the only people living here were Count, Countess, Reonald and me.

This building though secure, didn't have much in it, just some important rooms and facilities, which included my dear father's Lab, though a subsidiary one that was on ground floor.

And that's exactly where I was now.

Standing in front of the room, I felt that aura of a [Magus] which stifled me for a second, as I felt it scanning me, before immediately turning warm and supportive.

And as soon as it did, I heard a deep but warm voice, "Come in, Rayne, I have been expecting you."


With that the door automatically clicked open, and soon, I saw the Earl, sitting in front of a table filled with high tech equipment as he controlled it all with his right hand, which was surrounded by a similar magic circle as that day.

Looks like he was brewing another potion today.

Though, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere for a bit, I walked in confidently as I took a single but long look around the lab, and with that I noticed many changes, changes, that weren't consistent with my memories. (A/N: Will call that lab from now on)

So, choosing that as a starting point, I called out to the Earl, "Hm, the lab has changed a lot now.", as I took a seat on the only couch, a three-seater one with a table in front of it, placed in the corner of the room.

"Hehe, you even remember the lab which you last saw when you were 9 years old, now that's something surprising, I didn't know my son has such a good memory." replied the Earl as he chuckled slightly in amusement before continuing,

"Ah, looks like I haven't given my eldest son even a shred of attention!

Now look, how he has kept so many secrets from his father, really, I have failed you my son." Though the contents of his short speech were quite emotional, but the way he said that, in his sickeningly melodramatic tone filled with sarcasm, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and angry with the previous Rayne.

This was all his fault, even the busy Earl made sometime out of his schedule to spend with his precious son.

But Rayne, he didn't spare a single minute, if it there were no orders or summons, he wouldn't care about his own father who cleared his own busy schedule to spend some time with him.

Knowing it was old Rayne's fault, I couldn't even retort, so I opted to stay silent.

Thankfully, the Earl spared me from an awkward silence, as he continued after a short pause, "You haven't eaten anything today, right?"

"Right, my maid suddenly disappeared on me after all." I said offhandedly.

Getting the point, I wanted to talk about, the Earl half turned towards me before matching my gaze, as he said as casually as before, "Well, Amelia has her own rights, after all she is an employee not a slave. She applied for a holiday today and left the estate early in the morning, as for where she went, I'm just as clueless as you are."

'Amelia has her own rights, after all she is an employee not a slave', yes I get you, talking between the lines, but that, is still an excuse!

And I don't want excuses so I came clean.

"Okay father let me say this clearly, I didn't like what happened yesterday and with your intellect I'm sure you weren't unaware of it, so I will ask you a favor.

Don't have Amy do this, even if you are not forcing her, even if it is her own free will, just don't let her do this.

Do that and I will join, everyone, for every meal, everyday, from now on." I said so, seriously, while looking straight in his eyes.

In my previous world and even in this one, anybody who heard this deal would have started laughing at me.

But not the Count, though he was an assassin he still loved his family, and now, his eldest son who had stopped eating with them as soon as he reached six, has offered to do just that, he couldn't help but be tempted.

But being a father, he couldn't just jump the gun in front of his child, so he tried to justify his actions, plus, he really considered the charm training necessary, so he said in a contemplating tone which didn't deceive me, "Hmmm, considering how Amelia chided me for hours about this, I can tell she wasn't happy. And one of the most important task of a Lord is to keep his subjects happy, which are you both in this case, so, I can agree to your request, but only if you promise me to take those lessons who will teach you how to resist against womanly charms. Of course, someone else will teach you those lessons."

So that was the bottom-line huh, I see.

Well, these conditions were quite good and I am not like old Rayne who liked to eat alone, as for those lessons, I am even less worried about them, I hadn't lived my previous life in vain.

I knew those 'womanly charms' and had experienced it in full, a lot of times.

So, going with the flow, "I agree", I replied in a rather relaxed tone.

And my agreement brought a smile on my father's face, "Great that you agreed, here drink this."

He said as he flicked his right hand and sent a small glass bottle flying my way.

Apparently, whatever the Earl was brewing had completed and just as I guessed it was a potion, for me.

I caught spinning bottle midair as I looked as it's contents, inwardly feeling dreadful and completely unwilling to drink another abomination.

But fortunately, this time, the potion was a bright yellow one with a smooth texture that made it look more like a mango flavored drink than a potion.

So, under the watchful gaze of the Earl, I took off it's cap and gulped it down, just like the previous one, it was tasteless and opened my throat before easily sliding down through it.

After finishing it, I slammed the small bottle on the table in front of me, before looking back at the Earl.

Though I wanted to know what I drank, I didn't ask such a stupid question to him.

No matter what he is my father now, I know he wouldn't harm me and definitely won't need a potion if wanted to.

The Earl though, wasn't paying attention to me, as he quickly cleaned up the lab with a snap of his fingers, before he came and joined me on the couch.

"Okay then, tell me about your [Mental Avatar] you are looking quite eager to do so anyways." He said as he poured coffee for both of us.

Umm, he thought I was eager tell him about my [Mental Avatar]?

Well, he told me meet him cause I theorized one, so yeah, that was a normal train of thought.

Hmm, okay I will just gloss over it.

"Actually, it was a complete coincidence that I successfully theorized one.

I don't know why, but as soon as I tapped into my [Mental Perception], I felt the same feeling that I felt when I tapped into my [Mental Perception] for the first time.

That feeling engrossed me and before I knew it I theorized a new [Avatar], as for its details-", I said, as I waiting for the Earl to chime in, which he promptly did.

"It's okay that you trust me, but you know better to not share it with anyone, even with your father, as for your situation..."

He spoke joyfully at first before he turning silent mid sentence.

Knowing that he was thinking about it, I too stayed silent before picking up my cup off the table, as I savored the delicious coffee, served by the Earl in small sips, trying not to make any noise.

And I must say the coffee was damn delicious.

I had finished half of it when the Earl broke his silence, as he picked up where left in an unsure voice, " is quite unique, looks like you got disconnected from [Mental World] while you were sleeping, only for you to restore the connection after waking up, ...that is one of the most likely thing that could have happened.

Well don't worry, I'll think about it in your place.

Go and have breakfast now.", he said, his tone still a bit thoughtful.

"After coffee?" I asked promptly, in a teasing tone which brought his focus back on me, as he looked at me a little bewildered.

His expression soured a bit as his mind registered what I said, as he replied,

"Ah, I shouldn't have served you that, my bad.

But more importantly, I see that you have changed a lot, Rayne.", his face clearly looked happier as he said the last part.

(A/N: Universal truth coffee is meant to be drunk after breakfast.)

I smiled as I said, "Get used to it Father, also our talk isn't over yet, I have to ask your permission for something."

"Something?" My father said visibly confused, before continuing, "Definitely, no training right?"

Seeing that face I could only bow to previous Rayne, have a Magus make a confused face... Yes, you haven't lived in vain, I thought, while answering, not sure how to bring it up.

"No, not training.

It's something else..."

"Something else...?" Earl said clearly skeptical.

"Yes, it's something else.

Father, I want to go on a journey!"

I said, as I decided to come clean with him.

Yes, a journey.

That was my plan, I had to get stronger and I couldn't do that by staying in the estate and training, okay maybe I could, but the results won't make much difference.

So, I decided to go on a journey.

A journey to pickup some powers before they are collected by worthless guys.

A journey to pick up some comrades, before they join the dark side, or simply because they have potential.

And a journey to simply enjoy the world.

"Huh? A Journey...?, For what?, and where?

That aside Rayne, do you really think I will let you step out of my territory just after you woke up, also there is your debut in 2 months.

So, no you can't go out of the estate, on whatever journey you have in mind."

I didn't interrupt and let the Count say his piece as I listened to his reasons.

And I didn't see a problem, why?

Well, it wasn't like I was planning to go on a journey today or tomorrow.

I planned to go after my debut from the start.

Today, I just wanted to inform him, and test waters.

In fact, I wouldn't go right away even if I could.

The reason for that was simple, I had time to prepare, so why do I rush when I clearly know that this world is dangerous?

I had just woken up, I don't know what this body was actually capable of, I don't know how strong I am, I wasn't used to this body, nor I was to fighting.

If I didn't know how strong I was, how could I plan my journey?

So, isn't it tantamount of a suicide if go right away?

As for these problems, I would fix them in the buffer time I got, in these 2 months.

So, I replied the Count before he added something else, "Don't worry Father, I am not asking permission to go right away, rather I'm asking if I can go after my debut.", in a calm tone.

Hearing my calm response, the Count too calmed down a bit as he answered,

"So, a journey after two months, I guess you haven't planned the details yet right?

Hmm, how about this, I won't reject you right away, but you will give me the details of your travel and I will agree as long as I find it okay.

Also, you have to convince your mother yourself."

"Really! That's great!" I was happy and genuinely surprised when the Count agreed to my proposal so easily.

Actually, I had prepared a lot of ways to try to convince him, so it caught me off guard by how easily he agreed.

Well, that's good news, I guess.

Now for the last thing, "Also father-"

I said as my excitement cooled off a bit, only to be cut off by the Earl who raised his eyebrows and said in a surprised tone, "There's actually more you want to talk about!?"

And with that my happy expression crumpled, honestly I was annoyed.

I mean, is it really necessary to be surprised or bewildered at every little sentence I spoke!

Thankfully he quickly noted my change in expression and apologized, "Oh, sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have said that, it was my bad, it's just that you used to say so few words before, that seeing you talk this much like this is really a new experience for me, of course a good experience." He said with a voice so filled with happiness and relief, that I couldn't even be mad with him.

But that didn't change the fact that my mood soured a bit, so returning to my neutral tone I said my piece, "I just wanted my 'bracelet' back."

"Oh, your 'bracelet'..., okay, I will send it to your room."

With his reply, I drank the rest of my coffee, got off the couch and walked to the door.

I walked as I said, "Just send it to the dining room I will be eating my breakfast there, also I'm planning to have a walk around the estate, watching the knights train is a good way to pass time, right?", I reached the door as I said that.

I opened it, stepped out and turned around, as I greeted him, "Have a good day, Father,"

Though a cheeky, "And get used to it~." , leaked from my throat before I completely shut the door for good.

Haaah, I got a bit carried away there, but well, it made my mood.

So, with a skip in my step I headed to the dining room, as I thought,

'Finally, I will see my [Status]!"

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