Teresa was flown outside the liquor store by Lucia's transfer magic.

She would come back to the liquor store like that. No, she opened her mouth as she turned her jitty eyes to Lucia.

"... Miss Lucia? Do you have anything to say to the concubine? ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"I'm sorry? Teresa...... Destination, too close, right? I was wondering if I should have flown a little farther? Outside town..."


"And, uh, Eve said that earlier, right? I can tell your sister that I surprised Dahlia."


"I also think that this happened to Mr. Randy's house, when it was originally because Teresa was kidding?

"It's Miss Lucia doing light magic... no, it's nothing..."

If I put it right, Teresa, how I had to swallow what I wanted to say, realizing that I couldn't overshadow everything that triggered me.

By the way, with her like that, Julia was there too, who was supposed to have threatened Dahlia, but she, a little further away, was holding her hands together with a sorry look on her face... Are you too sorry or did you not seem to come close to Teresa? It should be noted that in her case, she will have to pay for repairs to the liquor store, etc., so she may plan to be penalized more than Teresa from now on.

Theresa then turned to Randy and said the words of apology as she bowed her head.

"I'm sorry you're getting on so well... Please forgive me for the concubine..."

"Yes, no... there is no phase extinction either. I don't care about the play of the Lord of Mid-Eden, this Dahlia!

"... that's what you can say, fortunately... hmm? Lord of Mid-Eden?

"We hear it from Master Lucia! Master Teresa says that Her Majesty is the Queen who fights at the head of the people of Mid-Eden...!

"... Hmm? Miss Lucia? Lord, what did you blow into Lord Dahlia? ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"That's what I just heard, isn't it? Mostly, I wonder if it's something similar?


Teresa sighs loudly at Lucia for blowing appropriate information into Dahlia.

Then Teresa, in Lucia's ear, uttered the magical word 'five reductions' and stunned her before... In a place so far away, I turned my face to Julia, who was still flat-apologizing, and said these words.

"Well, fine. So... do you lords hear from Lady Lucia as to why you're going to need bugs?

"No, it only means we use it for experiments..."

"Hmm. Then just to be brief... yesterday morning in the woods, you gave the Lord the wood vinegar solution, didn't you? With that mass production system in place, I thought I'd test the actual worm to see how effective it would be. See, isn't this the wood vinegar solution that you made with the device there?

"... it does look like the same thing you showed me before... Oh, yeah, yeah. That was helpful then. Without it, Eve would have been eaten by a bug."

"Yeah... I might have thought I'd die in so many ways..."

"Thanks to Marie for sprinkling that liquid, I was able to get rid of the bugs, but now that I think about it, I might say Theresa saved that one"

"Thank God! Dear Teresa!"

"Hmm, that's lucky. Well, isn't that just luck for the lords? Next time something big goes wrong, why don't you ask Waltz or Cole for help? I'm sure you'll come the moment you call for help."

"(Even though it's true, you're humble saru...)"

With that in mind, Julia turns her narrowed gaze to Teresa. Ahead, Teresa was looking in the wrong direction, blushing slightly. Apparently she's not used to being complimented, just like someone else.

You perceived that being spotted by Julia, Theresa, after coughing up, opened her mouth again and began to talk to her to delude her.

"Well, after listening to your lords, you know very well that wood vinegar liquid works quite well for the black bugs. So, we're going to do a little experiment to find out more, right?

"Ah, yes. Those are the bugs I caught because of you."

With that said, and still today, Casa, and Julia gaze at a bag that makes physiological disgust.

In it, still, there were tons of bugs in there, and they seemed to be scratching algae trying to eat up their magic bags and go outside. However, it seemed impossible to eat through the magic bags that Julia had because all the enchants on defenses such as anti-physical defenses, anti-magic defenses, and anti-wear, as well as the enchants on +10 spatial expansion by Lucia, were counter-stopped.

Julia questioned Teresa as she carefully lifted it to avoid dropping it this time.

"So, what do you do with this? You can't just open it in this building, can you? (I just opened it...)"

"Well...... I still think it's a good idea to move somewhere open and experiment there. Because of the woods outside this town, it's not so open, and if I experiment in the town square, I'll buy a hikiku. Let's roll... Somewhere good..."

And Teresa held her head and painted a place in her head as far as she knew - at that time.

"Oh, yeah! Wouldn't that be nice over there?

Lucia, who was returning from a freeze, accidentally started saying that.


"Uh hey...... home with the biggest grounds in this town!

Listen to that--

"Well...... that could certainly be a good idea. What do you think of Julia?

"Right...... Well, it's about Master Waltz and Master Catalina, isn't it just right?

—— and Teresa and Julia shaking their heads vertically. Needless to say where they were trying to experiment.

"Well, shall we go to the royal castle?

"Mm-hmm. I don't want to!

"Let me call your sister, shall I?

That's what I say. Lucia putting her own radio in her ear.

Everyone has a convincing look at the content of Lucia's conversation. They seemed to have no aversion to experimenting with wood vinegar solution in the royal castle.... except for one.

I wouldn't dare to take up who it was because it wasn't important, but being an intelligence unit member, she seemed to have hardened her face by turning a bright blue one after hearing about the royal castle. Well, still, she didn't go back to her own florist and decided to head to the royal castle with everyone because she was loyal to her duties or for another reason...

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