Meanwhile, around that time.

"(You're not really here...)"


Waltz and the others were walking around the royal castle looking for the appearance of a black bug that the Lucians had let them escape.

Such they seemed to have walked down the corridor, using Waltz's manoeuvring armored holographic system and appearing transparent. Exactly, I couldn't seem to walk around the royal castle in grandeur to get rid of insects.

"(How many now?

"(It's 7)"

"(Did you make a scene with about 7 of them? What lady, the maids here......)"


A waltz that whispers that, but evaporates one of the others there, on the same principle as the microwave.

Then a water dragon listening to her said this to Waltz.

"(By the way, these maids are from wealthy families, even in Alborosa. Perhaps everyone is a race that doesn't like his (or his) black bugs)"

"(Well, if it's Mid Eden, I can't help but compare it to ours because a sophisticated person can't be a maid... I mean, I don't know if our maid has many knights?

and waltz to say so, remembering that it is the hunter who makes the criteria for hiring maids. It should be noted that although there are numerous warrants in Mid-Eden that do not appear to be warrants, beginning with the hunter, her mother, or Teresa, Waltz seemed completely oblivious to the matter.

"(By the way, Master Waltz?

"(Hmm? What, water dragon?

"(Which way are you headed now?

The three waltzes were on their way to the upper floor after looking around without neighborhood on the first floor where the guest room was located. The water dragon, who had not been informed of its destination, asked as he turned his suspicious expression to Waltz.

The question, by the way, seems not only to have been the water dragon, but also Catalina. We're both just following the waltz that rolls out the holographic system...

In response to those two, Waltz, naturally, said where he was going.

"(Well, of course, it's at Vega's, right?

"(... unexpected? You just talked to me... Well, there wasn't a water dragon, was there?

and waltz remembering that when we were talking about it, the water dragon was outside the guest room, guarding the entrance to the room.

In contrast, Catalina, who was directly exchanging stories about whether to get into Vega's place or not, immediately came up with a convincing look, although she was surprised at the beginning...... Later, I voiced this concern.

"(Not surprisingly, but... what do you do? Naturally, at the entrance to Mr. Vega's room, I think there's a watchman... do you feel compelled, pushed through?

"(Hmm... well, I think there's as much we can do there as this one is transparent?

"(... you don't have a very good feeling)"

"(It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm going to do it with care so it doesn't matter?


"(Why are you both silent there...)"

"(... ok. a little further away and observing from behind)"

"(Right...... I also have trouble getting my feet together, so I'm looking at it with Lord Catalina)"

"(... you've been up the hurdle)"

With such a barren exchange, as the three of them went up the stairs ——

"(Something... is getting warmer?


"(should it be heating?

—— With each overlapping floor, the temperature in the hallway seems to have risen.

However, the atmosphere seemed slightly different from the signs of heating as the water dragon had spoken. Anyway, with heating, the humidity should go down and it would be crisp warmth, but it was the slightest heat that was enveloping them.

If you're going to analogize that, it's like ——

"(Rather than heating... it feels like it's in a greenhouse)"

—— As Waltz put it, it was hot and humid air like a greenhouse.

"(Is it also a greenhouse inside the royal castle?

"(From the outside, I don't think I could see those things...)"

"(Um..." What kind of "ooh" is that?

"(Speaking of which, that wasn't common in this world... greenhouse. Well, in brief, it's like a house for plants, huh? It's a house where the wind and heat are cut off by putting in only the sunlight. In general, are the ceilings and walls often completely glazed? By the way, the number of greenhouses has grown considerably around the King's Capital in Mid-Eden lately, right?

"(In Mid-Eden, while you've been opening the capital for a long time, that's what happened... But... Hmmm... Yesterday when I climbed the observation deck that was in the world tree and looked at the castle from above, I don't think I could see anything like that being built in this castle)"

"(I saw it too, but there was nothing like it in the royal castle or in town)"

With that said, Waltz remembers the top of a triangle roof castle with a white color. There was just a roof there, and there wasn't supposed to be a glazed room.

But they were --making common sense assumptions, and they would be surprised after this.

"(... eighty-nine out of ten, that room...)"

"(I knew you had a guard...)"


"(Well, I'll go first, so why don't you both stick with me? Too far away...... because I think maybe it's going to be a big deal)"

With that said, good thing it's transparent, Waltz walks in the middle of the aisle with dignity ——


—— I opened the door barefoot about the watchman standing on both sides of the entrance to the room.

At that moment, Catalina and the water dragon seem to have noticed. … the strange phenomenon of the sudden opening of doors in the royal castle of Mid-Eden……

When those girls enter the room ignoring the panicking guards, there's ——

"(What... this...)"

"(Is this" Ooh "?)"

"(Advanced... Junction Magic...)"

—— There seemed to be a large room spread surrounded by clear glass like ceilings, walls, or even the presence of structural materials.

And at its center--

"(... I just look dead already...)"

—— There seemed to be a Vega figure lying in something like a coffin.

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