Since the angel was consumed (...) by the waltz, the sky was clear as it had been, and the warm wind was returning to make the early summer air feel.

On the other hand, the scars created by the battle with the angels have not disappeared.

The square of the church, which should have been flat, has been decomposed without shadow to see.

Especially since most of that waltz is due to gravity control.

At the corner of such a church square, Tempo had Catalina's allowance.

"Sorry, Catalina"

Tempo to abandon about Catalina.

"No, because it's my important job"

And Catalina, who doesn't look like she cared.

For Catalina and for Tempo, it is in a relationship like that between copies that have the same cells as each other.

So maybe it doesn't matter how we call each other or anything between these two.

"... yes, that's it"

"It helps."

Apparently, he's finished treating Tempo.

In the end, the wounds received by the tempo were merely cuts, albeit large, so they were at a sufficiently repairable level with restorative magic, beyond the absence of tissue defects or collapse.

The bleeding and the tempo applied first aid on their own, and they were able to cope with the saline infusion, rather than in an amount that would put their lives in danger.

So there is no problem with the tempo condition.

But Catalina's expression was heavy.


Two, whine about the magic the angels were using.

There seems to have been something I don't know about restorative magic.

"Isn't it ten (...) minutes (...) as it is now?

Tempo asked Catalina what she had in mind.

But I didn't mean it.

Because there is no more word than being a Waltz disciple.

"No. If there's anything I can do, I want to try"

Apparently, in Catalina, we can see the way forward.

Tempo kept a warm eye on his sister (Catalina).


The hunter wakes up.

"... Ha! What about angels?!

After I say that, I see and understand what's going on around me.

"(well... is it over...)"

The circumstances surrounding him told the story of the intensity of the fight, but all his friends were safe.

On the other hand, there are no angels.

From there, it looks like you've decided you've won a battle with an angel.

At the edge of his sight, the hunter is convinced that Waltz is hovering around with his belly, but when he sees where Catalina is leaving off, it won't be a big deal.

The hunter stood up and sat alone, beside Lucia, who was away.

Lucia is still losing her mind.

I didn't come beside Lucia for any particular reason.

I was just wondering if I missed just one person.

And the hunter thinks alone.

"(Would there have been anything I could have done?

With the overwhelming strong beyond the brave, the hunter could do nothing.

What if you were ready to start a fight and you could win?

In the hunter's head, the battle unfolded in a variety of situations, but in no pattern did he get the image of himself taking a blow to an angel.

"(What would be missing from me?

Above all, how can I help everyone?

From now on, hunters will continue to worry.

When the hunter is troubled for a while, Lucia wakes up next door.

After I patted my eyes for a while, ha!, and got up.

Apparently, just like the hunters, they're checking the surrounding conditions.

The difference with hunters is that they started collecting grains of light in their palms?

"Are we done here?

A hunter stops Lucia.

"What... yes, what..."

Lucia slowly lowered her hips to the ground as she fogged the magic of her hands.

At that time, I was concerned that my sister (Waltz) was having a picky cramp for some reason on the other side of the big hole that was empty in the ground.

But nobody points that out, so I guess it's not a problem.

For a while there will be silent time between us.

Apparently Lucia, too, thinks about her ways.

"I could have fought Matomo a little more if it wasn't all over town, but..."

Lucia squeaks like a solitaire.

"But I couldn't do anything..."

Even when attacked, an angel recovers quickly.

And the ability to deactivate any attack.

It's a thin memory, but I also remember a blade suddenly popping out of a space of nothing.

When I glanced at my chest, I kept the healing magic because it was a mark of the attack or something like a scratch.

Pretty strong opponent from Lucia's point of view.

How the hell should I have fought such an opponent?

Lucia is also unknown and troubled.

(Kuh, it's painful... dying ooh...)

... waltz was worried about something different from everyone else.

Even though it was awkward to eat stones and soil on boulders, it is a later festival.

I should have at least made it a tree or a grass, I regretted it.

Either way, abdominal pain is inevitable.

(Your sister told you not to eat what's falling to the ground, but this is what happened...)

Whether it's from pain or from the beginning, my thoughts seem to have gone crazy.

For a while, as I was stuck with abdominal pain as I crawled to the ground, the pain was finally healing.


Waltz stands up as if, after a job, he's a farmer, showing a bare gesture of wiping sweat.

On that face, there was something lucid.

Of course, I don't scratch sweat.

And look around.

Then, the fellows who couldn't see their faces, the convex ground, and the church officials asking how this one was doing while hiding in the shadows came into my eyes.

(Regardless of the latter two, we all have problems)

"Well, gather 'em all!

Tempo who finished treatment, Catalina who cured her.

Lucia and the hunter who regained consciousness.

Gather them all once.

"Everybody okay?

A dark look... rather than a waltz that asks bright enough to some fellow with the look that came to mind.

The companions looked at Waltz's face and opened their mouths simultaneously as if they had cut a weir.

"I want to be stronger (it is) (Sister!

Not even half an hour after the battle, but I want to be strong, my people.

I didn't put it together, but I laughed bitterly at what everyone had said the same thing.

Waltz bothered with all those words in his heart.

(Weren't angels stronger than brave men? What the hell are you fighting for to be stronger than that?

My people said that they wanted to be strong now so that they could play a part in the fight.

However, Waltz seems to have regarded heaven (...) as an angel (...) and Ri (...) as wanting to be strong.

In any case, the gaze of the fellows looking at the waltz was serious.

Serious words would have to be answered seriously.

Waltz changed the color of his hair to white and his iris to pale as well.

"... it's gonna be a rough trip, isn't it?

No one has hesitated to ask that question.

All my people snorted deeply.

Thus, the Waltz and the others will take the "Harsh Trained Tsutsu Road" from the "Fun Training Journey".

Even so, Waltz himself would not change his stance of avoiding trouble, so he was tired of going on his journey as something to enjoy.

In particular, Waltz's desire and how his people act is a different story.

By the way, this is in the king's capital.

The battle with the angels has scattered sounds, flashes, etc., which would have caused a lot of trouble to the neighbors.

I mean, it also bothered knights and royalty living in the royal castle.

"That's why I'm running away!

I don't understand what that means, my friends.

But I could understand Waltz's words about running away.

Until earlier, however, he said he was talking about 'wanting to be strong', and how this is' escaping 'without drying out the roots of his tongue.

The hunter opens his mouth.

"But shouldn't we fight here?

The people around you seem to think the same thing.

Waltz, who saw how it was,

"Here, dealing with the knights means selling fights to this country, okay? You can't go back to Alc's village or South Fortress, can you?

I replied.

I mean, they'll arrange a nomination.

Then, he doesn't even show a bare gesture to think about, says the hunter.

"Really, I'm ready"

Apparently, the others are the same.

Among this member, the hunter of the Countess is the one who will have the most influence when nominated.

That person says it's no problem, so maybe there's no need to...

However, when welcoming the hunter as his companion, Waltz made it clear to the Counts that he would 'protect it responsibly'.

This means not only protecting against physical injuries, but also from social ki (...) z (...).

In other words, you couldn't put a lettel on the hunter called an ex-con.

In the first place, I hope the hunter just becomes an ex-con...

There was another reason Waltz didn't want to be nominated.

It is the workshop of the village of Alk.

By the time we built the workshop, even though it was only a month, there was undoubtedly considerable difficulty.

Does it make sense to sell fights to the state until you abandon previous hardships (workshops)?

Therefore, Waltz decides.

"I know exactly how everyone feels."

Yeah, I put a foreword in it.

And take a deep breath and tell him.

"But I think it's better to run this time. I can't bother the hunters or the Counts of Alexandros, and there's the workshop. The owner of the store (of the tavern) is told to go home once in a while. So let's get out of here."

Companions with a difficult face to Waltz's words.

"... right"

Surprisingly, the hunter was the first to agree to Waltz's proposal.

You remembered your own parents, bitter hunter.

The other members, like him, seem to have reconsidered.

"Well, let's get out of here"

Thus, the battle of the Waltz and VS Mid-Eden kingdoms, which was instant, was avoided.

Of course, that's not the end of it.

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