"What... this sound..."

"Maybe... because of the heating, you think it sounded like metal ripped off?

"... No, Theresa. Almost certainly. Is there something in there? It's also massive..."

Karakara Kara......

Three people who hear that sound and have a uniformly surprising look on their face. All of them seemed to have immediately guessed what was inside the drying and distillation equipment. It should be noted that there will be no need to mention what lurks inside.

"Where the hell did you get in from? The lid at the entrance did close..."

"The exit might be open... so maybe it's from the exit after all?

"Um, both of you? Fire... aren't you going to put it out?

Beatrice looks delicate when she realizes that she is drying out the insects when she is ready to dry out the trees. She seems to have unintentionally imagined that if left unattended, a tragic situation of a kind would unfold in the apparatus that she did not really want to imagine.

In response to that question, Teresa and Eve said this with what a subtle look to express.

"Then ask, it's Bear. This lid... can you open it to the Lord?

"... I can't."

"Then, at this point, you might think it's right to steam it?

"... which means that the smoke coming out of that exit... I mean, I think it's bug smoke... what about that?

"Dear Beatrice, Eve, you might think... You shouldn't think deeply..."

"... right"

"... um"

That being said, from the exit of the cauldron, the three frowning when they saw the liquid and smoke dripping with potatoes. What can I say in common to them like that —— while understanding that you shouldn't think about it, did you actually think deeply about it...

To the evidence, they start having these conversations.

"Speaking of which... how could the worms have gathered inside this device?

"I knew... you weren't here to smoke the alcohol that was left in the device?

"... or when I first extracted the wood vinegar solution using this device, the odor remained when I accidentally left the bug dry with the tree... can't I also deny the possibility that the other bugs came together in response to that?

"... hmm? But wait a minute, please? If Theresa's hypothesis is correct... the bugs are sensitive to the smell of other bugs, right?

"... ah. I mean, other bugs can smell the smoke coming out of it right now, and maybe react?

"Yeah, that's right."

"Hmm...... But thinking about it..."

And, Theresa came up with something, that was when.

Casa, casa...

Looks like a black bug gushed out and approached the device. It's also massive......

"Wow... you might have left soon..."

"Maybe this is Teresa's prediction right..."

That said, Beatrice and Eve, who turn their gaze to Theresa.

Theresa, for some reason, seemed to be laughing.

"Hmm... I see..."

"... Dear Teresa, what might you be thinking?

"... isn't that a secret?

"What's the secret... what is it?

"Since it's a secret measure... isn't it a secret? You want to know?

"... well, come on"



Not only Eve, but Beatrice also had a grumpy reaction, which puzzled Theresa. Then she revealed the secret she had come up with to two people who were unwilling to listen.

around that time. The three waltzes said ——

"There's a forest in the trees... what do you think?

"Doesn't it feel fantastic and good ~? I don't hate you ~?

'Don't look over the screen... I really want to go that way...'

—— He seemed to be walking around in the woods that were spreading there with his legs down into the world trees that were hollow.

"But, Mr. Hunter. No demons, right? There's not going to be any response from the creature..."

"Waltz...... You think I'm the only one hunting? Sometimes you pick nuts and mushrooms, right? 'Bhun

"Yep. I still do, but I know that very well because I'm picking it in a progressive fashion right now."

'Oops, looks like you were unconsciously harvesting it at some point... Well, that's a joke... after all, the taste of the air is because you don't know until you actually go'

That's what I said, hunter that makes the body of Macrophage II tremble with prunes.

In contrast to her, Waltz speaks these words of allegation.

"But you don't have time to come, do you? Speaking of which...... I think it's pretty late for you too by now, do you not have to go to sleep? If we hang out too late, it's gonna be tough, like tomorrow's business, or hunting for routines, right?

'Phew... There's nothing wrong with that. Whatever, I'm already asleep!


"Actually, I'm bringing a blanket into Cortex's room and manipulating it while I'm sleeping"

"No, that's not a good one..."

At the same time, Waltz couldn't speak the words ahead. Apparently, she felt responsible for the hunter being too busy to come here. Anyway, it's no exaggeration to say that hunters are having a busy day sitting on Mid-Eden's defense minister's seat, etc., because waltz is the cause of the ex-quality...

Then again, their exploration of the world tree (?) goes on.

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