Around that time. Teresa and the others, who had rented a workplace in the absence of their landlords, were the Julians Sacubus threesome (?) seemed to do some suspicious work until he came back.

Specifically, the fact that Teresa digs the ground, Teresa adjusts the drying and distillation device plumbing, Teresa adjusts the device's thermal power, and Teresa —— and so on, mainly only one Teresa, modifies the drying and distillation device, and is not even busy with anything (?) Looks like he was up to it. It is arguably proof of that that there is a person's evil grin on his face.

By the way.

I was there, Eve and Beatrice said ——

"... maybe there's nothing to do."

"There's nothing you can do about Teresa..."

—— He didn't try to force himself to help with Teresa, he seemed to observe her in the distance. Instead, I couldn't help, maybe I should say...

Except, they didn't seem to have any role.

Casa, casa...

"Wow... we might be here again..."

"... Eve. I woke up. If you leave your mind" nil, "you'll feel nothing!" Shuba


and a beatrice that swings down something like a bunch of rounded paper onto a black bug that has gained momentum and has come. There was no stray whatsoever in the movement, and as Beatrice put it, she seemed to have reached a frontier of nowhere (?).

Like that, Beatrice and Eve were entrusted with the major role of dealing with the bugs coming to the workplace. If you want to add another word —— stop the coming bugs while Teresa finishes modifying the device.

However, as Beatrice is good, if Eve is, yet, enlightened (?) It does not appear to have been opened.

"Eve can't..."

"Look, there's a bug at Eve's, too, right? ♪ Casa, casa, casa

"Ha... Eve, what makes you sad and have to crush the bugs..."


"Ugh...! Here we go.

"You feel sick because you do it slowly? If you crush Spann with momentum, you don't know what it sounds like, do you?

"Yeah...... I might try that next time..." Slow down.

Even after listening to Beatrice's advice, Eve gets an unconvincing look, back to back with that word. Such seemed to her to wish from the bottom of her heart. … May the three Yulias come back from the woods cutting trees, quickly.

But the reality was heartless.

"Oh, here we are again, aren't we? Who the hell is springing up?

"This bug...... again, maybe I have to crush him?

"If I were you, I'd get rid of you."

"... yeah. I came to Eve, and Eve might do it..."

Eve reconfirmed her gear when she replied so with a bitter look toward Beatrice. Only one stick of wood in your right hand is like a weapon...... Just a little longer firewood that was right there.

"(If you use magic, you might not have to feel bad about it, but something, you shouldn't use it too much, and... you might have to do something with this firewood already...)"

"Come on, Eve. I'm here for you. Good luck!

"Well, maybe we'll go, huh?

Eve says so --

"... maybe I'm sorry! Bugs!"


And he waved down the firewood in his hand toward the black worm that was beneath his feet.

Firewood swung down by her one (...) weak (...) arm strength, however, had enough kinetic energy to crush the worm. As a result, her firewood was sucked straight into the worm ——


—— and make an unpleasant noise that splashes some liquid, crushing bugs.


That didn't seem to be the end of it.


The firewood Eve shook down with full force, after crushing the bugs, hit the ground with excess momentum...... And he sharpened it wide, and made a great hole as if a crater had been formed.

Seeing that, Beatrice is stunned.

"Yikes, Eve, you have amazing arm strength..."

"Chi, no..."

and Eve tried to explain the difference in her own behavior and outcome —— when that happened. Before her words, from the depths of the hole, an object appeared explaining the circumstances.

Casa, casa...


Eve opened it (?) From the big hole, tons of bugs that appear as if they were blowing out. In view of Eve, who was supposed to be weak, apparently, her blow and the timing of the bugs' appearance just coincidentally overlapped to make it look like she had made a big hole.

Eve and Beatrice, who witnessed the advent of such worms, were in a hurry: for about one or two, there was nothing to say if they were crushed, but if it were as many as 100 or 200, they might not have known that they would be exorcised.

But —— that didn't turn out to be such a bad development. Not even one of the bugs showed up, never headed for Eve and Beatrice, but began to move towards another place at once.

And beyond that, there was the figure of a fox daughter speaking of this.

"Pfft...... Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Come on!

Apparently, Teresa is ready for a trick using a drying and distilling device.

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