The next day.

It has been sunny lately, but will it never rain?

Well, there seems to be fog in the morning, so the ground around the village never dries up, but it seems awkward in a place where there is no fog.

Or is it weather unique to different worlds?

Well, it sounded like I was up all night the day before, and I fell asleep early with Lucia, Catalina and the hunter, but I got stuck with it, and Teresa got on the floor early, too.

Especially since I don't have a bed, I got a waltz special anti-gravity bed (modified) to sleep in.

At first Teresa seemed surprised too, but soon got used to it, the bed (?) I was jumping all over it.

Lucia's with us.

She said,

"Wouldn't it be nice not to be pissed off to jump on the bed? I wanted to try it once. '

He said, so in the royal palace he might have been noticed by a lady or someone with a side.

By the way, when the other four woke up in the morning, I saw Teresa sleeping in an anti-gravity bed, looking somewhere envious, why not?

Some of that included temps that for some reason weren't supposed to sleep...

Well, that aside.

A routine breakfast problem that arises when more members are present.

We all got that for dinner last night because we needed to process the leftovers that were in the item box.

Actually, this item box, if time doesn't stop or it's a vacuum inside, letting food in can be dangerous.

Once, I left the mountain vegetables in, but I used to rot in a way that I shouldn't describe in words.

There seems to be no weathering of fragile items, but it is a user-friendly dish that is not suitable for preserving food.

Therefore, if the consumption (...) is not exhausted before the expiration date, there will be no body.

And that's why Waltz and the others didn't have any food on hand.

The usual waltz party is a pattern of treats to the liquor store owner...

In particular, Waltz intended to treat the liquor store owner to breakfast until just before.

... but the hunter said.

"Isn't this also one of the training"

Of course, it's better to hunt and procure food.

Never a cook.

Because the hunters have already given up letting the waltzes cook.

"... well, I can't be looking after the store owner or forever..."

Yes, the owner of the liquor store has not done the last job he asked me to do when he traveled.

As it is, it would just be rude to rely on the shopkeeper for a meal.

Well, there's nothing wrong with what we do with the workshop we rent the same way.

Then I'll get you some vegetables.

Lucia was the first to cut the fire.

"Yeah, please. Take Catalina with you."

"Then why don't we go with the concubine?"

"Are you okay?"

"Mm-hmm. First time. But let me help you."

Waltz makes me very anxious for some reason.

I would be in trouble if anything happened, so I decided to let Teresa have the bangle.

Receive the bangle from the Tempo item box and pass it to Teresa.

"Hmm? What's this?

"Well, it's like a amulet. Never lose it."

"Hmm, I see."

Then Teresa puts the bangle on her arm looking important.

Lucia also doesn't have to give it to Catalina because she's not going to some dungeon or labyrinth.

"Well, I'm a hunter,"

"I'm coming with you. Sister, authorize the use of your arm (...)."

"Yeah, fine... I mean, you don't have to give me permission. Worst of all, you can force it back..."


So the hunter and tempo were to go hunting.

Thus, everyone went out to do each other's work (...).

... except Waltz.

(Well, I'll go to the mountains to mow wood or go to the rivers to wash...)

Of course, peaches don't flow.

Waltz has decided to ignore it even as it flows, so there can be no development he said so.

(Speaking of mowing wood, I'm worried about the weeds around the house... and then maybe I'll do some laundry...)

That's why Waltz decided to do his chores (except cooking) at home.

A working home guard, something like that?

By the way, there's a reason Waltz didn't go with everyone.

In a nutshell, it would stand in the way of training.

If Waltz went with him, he would use gravity control (cheats) and the work would be done in an instant.

Instead, both lawn mowing and laundry, by their cheats (gravity control), ended in an instant.

About an hour later, when the hunters returned, they doubted their eyes.

All over the place, the walls that were crawling and dirty with dirt and dust shined bright white, and the roofs that had been damaged by storms, gusts, etc. were clean so that they could be seen differently.

The pile, which stood to surround the house, also had the texture as if it were a new one that had just been inserted, and the garden of the house, which was full of weeds, was nestled like a garden blooming with colorful flowers.

... was truly a professional offense.

More of a waste of talent than that.

It's a level of hands-on goodness that you shouldn't do Guardian or anything else, but maybe even Maid Robot.

Of course, we're talking waltz.

"Wow... the Waltz and their house seem to see something different..."

It is the hunter's perception of how the house is.

"You're a boulder, sister."

"Well, praise me more"

Waltz on the diagram.

"... So, what are you getting at today?

Nothing busy happened if I stayed on the diagram, so I went back to the original tension in a few seconds of comma.

"... you're this guy today"

While suspicious of Waltz's behavior, the hunter took his gains out of the bag in his hand.

It's really brilliant.

Rather watery.

(This is...)


"Yes, this is what it tastes like."

Becha, hunter to place on the slab of the kitchen.

There was a needle-like sting in the nucleus of the slime.

Is it a hunter's hunting tool?

"I've never eaten, can you eat this?

"What? You say you've never eaten? Ah..."

The hunter held his head back on his back.

"You've never eaten this, or how much I've wasted my life living..."

NEET (Home Guard) As I remember my life, I wonder if my life was in vain after all... waltz for a moment.

But I'll be back soon.

"... you look forward to cooking when they say that much"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too"

Tempo agrees.

"Oh, I'll take care of it"

Thus, the hunter took to cooking the slime.

By the way.

Lucia and the others are not coming back.

Usually, I'll be back in a few minutes, but after two hours, there's no sign of me coming back.

According to the bio-response sensors, all three of them repeatedly come and go about 1 km from here.

Is something wrong?

"Mr. Hunter, tempo. Everyone else is late, so I'm just gonna check on you."

"Yeah? Right, speaking of which, it's too late"

"Are you okay on your own?

"Yeah, I'm fine. So far, there's no atmosphere for all three of us to be fighting something."

So I decided to go check on Waltz.

and decide to try the (came up with) method of mobility that I acquired here in my battle with angels.

That is, instantaneous movement due to spatial distortion.

Travelling over very long distances would result in an immediate gas shortage, but about 1 km would be fine.

Out in the garden of the workshop and specify the destination point.

I don't know what would happen if I got out close to the three of them, so I decided to get out a little further away.

(Well, I'm on my way)

Then the space in front of the waltz becomes distorted as I look at it.

Two seconds later, the target point seemed one step ahead of the waltz.

And step out.


(You feel this way about metastasis...)

Waltz achieved metastasis with force moves.

Is it more of a metastasis...

In particular, Waltz decided to take advantage of this for future travel, as no shock waves occurred or unforeseen events occurred due to the effect of threaded bending of the space.

... Especially since it's like stepping inside a gravity lens, though it's an impossible way to travel for normal humans who can't stand supergravity.

Now, what are Lucia and the others doing?

As far as bio-response sensors and radars go, they circle around the same place.

I wondered what I was doing, so I decided to turn off the hologram and get close.

Walk in the depressed woods for about 50m and you'll see Lucia and the others.

He's got a basket full of mountain vegetables in his hand, and he just seems to be walking around doing nothing.

But the walking direction changed unnaturally, turning 90 degrees, 180 degrees... and even 360 degrees, returning to its original place.

What the hell is this all about?

Waltz approached them by displaying a hologram.

"Hey, what are you doing?

Oh, sister!

Then Lucia jumped into the waltz.

"Hey, what's going on suddenly?

"I couldn't go home..."

Crying Lucia.

"Uh, I don't know what that means..."

"We have no idea. There was fog around, as if it had become another forest..."


As far as Waltz's eyes could tell, he wasn't out around the fog or anything.

Moreover, the forest, that said, is a small one with only about 300m square.

There is no shipwreck...

"Um... apparently it's been crazy since my concubine used transformative magic..."

Theresa, who said, had changed from the witch clothes her clothes wore in the morning to the outfits of adventurers like hunters.


(I don't see any fog, and I'm not even lost... but I've gone crazy since I used Transformation Magic...?

If transformative magic is a mixture of spiritual and smelting magic, what will be the spiritual magic side effect with the bangle on it?

"By the way, have you tried to unlock the magic?

"No, I'm not trying... Here!"

Then Teresa unlocks the Transformation Magic.

In particular, Waltz only seems to have changed his outfit.

"Wow, it suddenly cleared up!

"Uh, what happened?

Lucia and Catalina are amazed.

"... Teresa. Can you take the bangle off and transform it again?


Then after chanting, Teresa transforms.

But for some reason, he was dressed the same way as Waltz.

"Wow, two sisters..."

"You can't tell..."

Apparently, Teresa looks waltz to the two of us.

"... So, is there a fog?

"Yeah, I'm not answering."

"... I'm sorry. It's like me."

Waltz honestly apologized.

"Something about putting a bangle on it seems to reinforce Teresa's magic too much and it's going to be a ton of demonays"

"Oh well..."

You didn't think the amulet was going to be counterproductive and you were going to be pulling everyone's legs, Teresa.

It's not Teresa's fault.

"Yeah, Teresa, it's not your sister's fault."

"Yeah, you're right."

Follow up with everyone.

"Right. But I'm sorry, my lords. For once, I apologize."

Schematically, it feels like two waltzes are apologizing.

"... this looks like Teresa could use some training."

This is the first of its members to train in the meaning of using bangles.

The question is, will the mental magic boosted by bangles have a troublesome effect on ordinary people?

However, Waltz and Tempo will be encouraged to train safely with them because there is no mental manipulation at the moment.

"Um, nice to meet you"

Theresa will thus extremes her magic.

By the way, it still looks like two waltzes to Catalina and Tempo.

Then just the right opportunity, Waltz opens his mouth all the time.

"Transformation... I'd be crazy too"

"Well, can the Lord also transform?

"For example, hey..."

There are three fox ears here.

Then!, and Waltz tried to turn himself into a fox ear + tail tuxedo.

It is Lucia's reaction.

Same as before, reddened and frozen.

It is the reaction of Catalina.

Wouldn't it be unusual to say that Catalina turns red and freezes?

It is Theresa's reaction.

What the hell does this look like when Teresa turns red and freezes too?

Is it like a mattavi for a cat?

"... hey, is there something in this outfit?

Ask everyone what you asked Lucia before.

"It's nothing..."

"No, it's nothing..."

"Um, get married..."

"I can't."


Apparently, they have a strong irritation.

I wonder if you don't look more like a woman than that.

"Bye, over here"

That said, Waltz turned into the same brunette and cat ear + tail as the hunter.

"Um... I don't know..."

"Right... something like this..."

"How did that happen..."

Everyone looked sorry.

I mean, is it a shame about the hunter?


Now try to look like a golem made of stone.

The idea is that the interior is hollow and there's waltz there.

So Waltz's own face and appearance have not changed.


"Yeah, I can do that, too."

Then it seems that Teresa also used transformative magic.

Around where Lucia and Catalina are surprised, I guess they look golem-like.

Especially since it just looks like we're back in our original witch clothes from Waltz.


Waltz went back to where he was.

White hair and pale eyes.

And solve the optical camouflage of manoeuvre armor.

"What's this?

Waltz grinned lightly and took the hand of manoeuvre armor.

Waltz begins to dance with his manoeuvring armor elsewhere with the dazzling Theresas.

There are no songs, but I rely on the sounds of birds, spirals, and wind to take steps.

Neither did the manoeuvring armor make him feel the giant, but he flushed himself to follow the waltz of the doll.

Waltz, one and all, played out in a leaking day, ruled the field with its mere presence.

But it doesn't make you feel oppressed or unnatural.

From the beginning, the atmosphere as if it were natural for them to be there had surrounded them (...).

After a while, the dance was over when Teresa noticed.

"How about that? Can you imitate that?

Teresa, questioned, had a bright white head.

The only thing I found out is that we're not talking about the level of imitation, etc.

"... Lord... it's a transformation, let's not"

"Aha, did you find out"

Waltz then disappeared from the hologram and became just a manoeuvre armor figure.

"Nice to meet you, Theresa-Applefall, Fourth Princess of the Kingdom of Mid-Eden. I'm the waltz."

Waltz, an iron giant sitting quietly in front of Teresa.

"I'll allow you to attend your party."

That's what I said, I knelt down, and offered my right hand.

"... um, do me a favor!

As with the previous three, Theresa replied calmly.

And he was going to hold Waltz's hand.

... Of course, Waltz's hand isn't small enough to hold, so it's just his finger.

"Sister! Teach me how to dance too!

Lucia turned to Waltz, who was overwhelmingly taller than herself, and raised her voice.

"Uh, if you dance on your own, you don't have to worry about timing or anything, so you can dance, but it can be difficult to dance with other people..."


That sounds unfortunate, Lucia.

"What, Miss Lucia? My concubine will give you a hand job directly."


"Uhm. Because I got beat so badly in the royal castle"

Apparently, there was a pupil relationship between Lucia and Teresa.

"... well, good luck. So, do you want to go home"

"Well, I think I've kept the hunters waiting a long time."

This is how Waltz and the others got back to the workshop.

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