The disaster that struck the town of Rice, the capital of the Kingdom of Alborosa, that day, was to be communicated for a long time to come. Suddenly, the roots of the raised world tree surrounded the town of Rice by the surrounding woods, as if they were breaking up the movement of people and animals.

But no one lived in the city of Rice, and seemed to have noticed the anomaly immediately. That too, not only as residents, but also as adventurers and merchants crossing the town, who are alone......

Anyway, at that point, in the surrounding woods, there were plenty of bugs lurking, and in a decent way, they couldn't safely come and go outside and inside the town. If anyone in such a situation were to notice the anomaly, it could be said that it was about anyone entering or leaving town from the sky. To parable, like the strellas who were about to return home on a airship in a row......

"Guys, I hope you're okay..."

Strella mouths such a twinkle as she looks down at the sight of the earth from the sky on the deck of a prototype demon-guided airship that it was only recently built in the Kingdom of Merclio.

Then a quiet accompanying woman, who was perfectly attached to her side, rarely opened her mouth in reaction to the word of the Lord.

"... if you seem to care, aren't you sure you're still here?

"Yeah, fine. Only your father (Canopus) thinks it's too heavy to rule our country now. Besides, I'm a little unreliable, but I've got a sister here, and I'm talking about Cortex coming here every once in a while..."

"... you trust your sisters today, don't you?

"I trust you, when you say it again, you feel subtle... Originally, if the sisters are serious, this shouldn't even be a problem... but not going to be, which means I'm not serious... But, well, all the others are solid, so you're okay. Besides, most of the people there... are in my class or better than me."

Listen to Strella, who can even be described as such a self-derision--

".................." chuckle

—— and a lady with no words, just a small smile on her face.

However, as for Strella, you didn't care about such a quiet entourage...... She frowned uncomfortably and turned her heels back on the stormy deck... I said this to the lady of my entourage as I headed towards the bridge with the entrance.

"Look, we're going back, okay? Wind dragon. Really, why isn't your hair disturbed by the wind... As far as I'm concerned, I can't help but wonder if Alborosa will perish or not, and if your sisters are safe or not..."

"... because it's a wind dragon"

"It's not an explanation..."

That's what I said, deliberately, Strella walking on the deck with her heels.

Incidentally, a woman called Wind Dragon also seemed to have a lot to say about Strella's behavior as she walked in the storm...... Still didn't say the question because it was against her aesthetic as an escort, or because she was originally a person with few words (dragon)?

"Sister... I just want to say something..."

"Hmm? What's going on? Lucia. Don't look so floating..."

"I don't know... I was haunted earlier..."


Waltz and Lucia, each of whom finished their work and returned to the royal castle once again, line up. In the meantime, Lucia, who found her sister in the guest room, seemed to be reporting to her sister quickly about the ”white woman” she had just met... Because her explanation was too abrupt, Waltz seemed unable to swallow the circumstances.

Then, until now, Teresa, blocked her mouth with both hands by Lucia, somehow removed the restraint and began to explain additional things.

"Wah, as Waltz knows, the concubines went to Lord Randy's liquor store to assemble Unit 2 of the distillation device... and then there were signs of people in the liquor store where no one was supposed to be? So I went inside in awe... and the demon god blew it!

"... Teresa? Could you have unscrewed your head? No, I know you didn't use the screws... Oh, I'm sorry. It could have been like that from the beginning..."

And, even when I heard Theresa explain, I still waltz how she seemed incredible to Russia.

Then this time, Beatrice, who was secretly investigating how she could take Teresa's tail off, opened her mouth and said this so as to supplement Teresa's words.

"... there is no falsehood in Theresa's words, nor in Lucia's? What we saw was a white looking, ghostly woman. On leaving, he disappeared to dissolve in the air... However, we can't be sure if that was really a demon god, can we? He said he was a demon."

"Hmmm...... A suspicious, white-looking woman who talks about herself as a demon god... Something familiar."

"" "Huh?

"No? Nothing? So, did he say anything else?

"Uh hey... when the sun sets twice, he said... I wonder tomorrow night? Something amazing is going to happen."

"Only... wasn't this town doomed?

"I didn't say in detail what would happen, but what a disturbing thing to drag down the” false god ”on the tree. So, he wants me to tell Master Messier about it. And you told us to leave the land."

Listen to those three words--


—— Waltz who will be silent for some reason. Apparently she reacted to the word "false god” that Beatrice uttered... The details of what Waltz thought of it are unclear.

"... you're in trouble. According to Yulia's story, the roots of the world tree surround the town to prevent people from coming and going..."

"" "Eh..." "

"This town may not work anymore..."

"" "Eh..." "

"... no, are you kidding me? Black Jokes"

That's what Waltz said, exhaling a big sigh... We finally take seriously how we (Mid-Eden) should behave from now on, looking back at a situation that is changing dramatically, out of our reach (?) I seem to have begun to worry about it.

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