At the same time.

"... killing innocent creatures is very heartbreaking... we have something to protect here too, so we just have to break it off... But I'm in trouble..."

In front of a room on the top floor of the royal castle, there was a figure of Catalina.

Such seemed she stood in front of the door of the room with Vega the Demon King on her back in the room where she lay. If this was an RPG, she should be around the last boss to protect the Demon King...... A "brave man" who would visit here must regret being a ”brave man” shortly after he met her.

In fact, she seemed desperate when she said that there were already several of them lying powerless on the ground, all without any indication that they had fought. That, too, is exactly how sudden death came... It should be noted that I say no, but it was not the people of Alborosa who were dead.

"No way, I can't believe bugs simulate to people...... Oh, Cheval? You can't eat it, can you? I don't know what's attached."


and, reaching out a long tentacle from the gap in Catalina's white coat, at its tip, the breathless ones —— also, the shvalls of how they were observing the bugs. Is he in a hidden boss position, too, when it comes to RPG?

Those two seemed to have come to her room for Vega's regular check-up. At that time, when I felt the signs of sloppiness and turned around, it seemed to be a suddenly unfolding situation, where the bugs that shaped people were dead. Yes, they haven't fought at all. It should be noted that insecticides are constantly sprayed around Vega's room to protect rose seedlings, so it is a very natural event that the insects die.

However, even if it was natural to die, because the way it appeared and the way it looked was unnatural...... Catalina seems to have decided to take the radio and contact Waltz.

"Um, Mr. Waltz? Is it good now?

As soon as I ask that, I get a response back from Waltz.

"Hmm, is it going to be long?

'No, it's not. About six pseudo-worms appeared on people, and they died.... I just wanted to tell you that'

"Sounds so terminal..."

And, Waltz, who hears Catalina's words that do not go into detail and report only pale events, and whose interest and grudge speak half his thoughts.

Was there anything to catch on to her reaction like that... Catalina asked Waltz the opposite question.

"Is something wrong? Seems busy...... '

'No? All sorts of people report the same thing as Catalina. So, it's not like someone in there got hurt, but they're after me, right?


"Yep. I really don't want to, but I was just catching a sample of the bugs and sending them to Cortex. They have something suspicious on them, don't they? These bugs...... According to Atlas, you're being manipulated by something like a magic trick?

'Is that what you mean......'

'That's why we're done taking samples, so we don't need to secure bugs or anything, do we? That's right... people I see, people I see, they're all pushing me on living bugs and crushing bugs, so I'm going to freak out...'

'... I know exactly what's going on. Then, as soon as you find it, you'll be exorcised.'

'Yeah, please. But be gentle with your hands, okay?

Waltz seems to have disconnected the communication, with such far-reaching words at the end. It should be noted that I dare not to say anything about what that word meant.

"... Well, Cheval. As soon as I find a worm in the shape of a person, I'm going to get rid of it, so please help me then, okay?


"Right...... If there's enough insecticide left over from what I gave you before, use it, no matter how massive you are, because I think it's easy to get rid of it."


"Did you use it all? Then you have no choice. Yes, this. There's more, so let me know when it's gone, okay? Shit.


Such an exchange (?) and Cheval receives a bottle with a reserve of insecticides from Catalina. When he received it, he swallowed it as usual and seemed to store it in his body.

"Well, shall we go"


Then the Catalinas turned their heels back and put their hands on the big door that was there... Without hesitating to do anything, I applied my strength there and opened the door enough for one person to pass by. On the other side is the room where the Demon King Vega sleeps. Until the other day, it was her bedroom lined with flowerless rose saplings all over the floor.

However, it seems that the structure of the room itself had changed dramatically now slightly —— no. On the other side of the door, there was another door, and a new wall was installed, as if surrounding the room.

It's a bug-repellent wall built by Catalina for Vega. The magic of the rose seedlings and the insecticides sprayed between the walls were bulkheads to keep them on the spot so that they did not leak outside. By the way, Catalina didn't seem to be the only one who made it, but also the brave men who were free in their hands.

And Catalina opens the second door and tries to get into it... In doing so, she will notice a certain anomaly.

"... that? Speaking of which, you didn't always have the guards who were supposed to be here..."

Every time she came to this room, the guards were changing their attitudes dramatically. In the beginning, they had been eyewitnesses to Catalina coming from Mid-Eden, but gradually got used to it every time she visited again and again...... These days, visiting a room seems to have been the most salutary. Catalina remembered those two guards.

"That's careless..."


"Is it taking a break?


"... I don't even know, so you don't have to let Schwartz down, do you?

That's what Catalina said when she put her hand on the second door ——

Giggy, giggy...

--Slowly opened the door for handmade or slightly slammed.

And as always, she tries to do a Vega check up... But only this time, my plans were going to go a lot crazy.

Somehow, quickly, there was an "accidental”...

"... who is it?

—— Because there were unexpected clients...

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