"... Yes, it arrived ~? Looking at it again, you feel so bad ~. I often admire how sorted it is'

"... shall we? Concubine, because you worked hard? ♪ Doya ♪

"" ……… "" Puffy

"... Lucia and Bear? Next time, I hope so ~?

"Yeah... sorry I skipped..."

"I'm not going to let Teresa be alone anymore..."

After the sorted bugs were delivered to Mid-Eden via macrophages. Cortex said what he thought about it, but the words were about two people who were on the spot (?) For those of us, it sounded like we were blaming ourselves, and we both seemed to have a soggy look on our faces. … Note that the last one, although in the room, was sometimes transparent and could not peek at the expression.

"So, it's Cole? What are you going to do with the bugs you sent?

'That's already going to be a radical story that, in words, is going to be about 128 bans instead of 18 bans ~... still want to hear ~? I don't mind at all ~?

"Yes, no, you don't need to talk about that... But? There are two people here who don't know what's going to happen to the bugs, and I don't think they both know what Cole's role is."

'I see ~. I mean, you're concerned that for me to be banging my big mouth, it's actually misunderstood that you're letting Atlas dispose of the bugs as they are in the back ~?

"Well... I hadn't thought about it that far, but I think we should have a word or an explanation in order to share each other's roles.... Right? Miss Lucia, it's Bear. Wouldn't your lords like to hear what the bugs are going to do? ♪ To

"" Gu...... "

Lucia and Beatrice barely mouth the sound of Teresa's regular face. That's probably what they must have thought. That is —— Teresa did it to me.

Then, knowing it or not, Cortex reads the air (?), while choosing an unobstructed expression, began explaining.

"Concubine ~? Flag me, I won't say anything splatter ~? Now ~... about what I'm going to do with the bugs I received, but now I'm going to electron microscopy... well, I'm going to peek in something like a big magnifying glass and observe closely how things are going. So, I'm trying to find out how the hair out of that chip is working and manipulating the bugs. And how to use it, and maybe there's a way to remove it, together ~ '

Listen to that explain--

"Sure, I didn't explain the disgusting part... but I don't like it when you can generally imagine what you would do..."

—— and Lucia, who honestly speaks her thoughts. For her, who has acted with the Catalinas so far, she seems to have figured out exactly what Cortex is going to do.

Beatrice, on the other hand, reacted slightly differently to Lucia.

"Yep... right... But the care of Master Cortex for hurting us has been conveyed."

""... Huh?

"Hmm? Bear. You say good things ~? Yeah, that's right. Even though I knew I was being forced to say something splatter to my concubine, I thought you two wouldn't get hurt, and I chose to say the best I could ~? That's what Bear seemed to know. Bear and I, we're still going to get along. '

"Yeah, me, too."


and Lucia and Teresa, who suddenly saw how Cortex and Beatrice had joined hands and, conversely, lost their words. I guess this is exactly what you say when you feel like you're not doing it.

and the four of them are the girls talk as usual (?) If you're playing ——


"I'm back now"

—— Catalina, who was going to Vega's place, came back to her room with Cheval.

You saw how it went and thought you'd found your place, Waltz shows up again.

"Good day? Catalina"

"No... Oh, yeah. I didn't report one thing."


"The guards in front of Mr. Vega's room... you know Mr. Waltz, don't you?

"Yeah, I know, but is something wrong?... Uh, Catalina, maybe finally... no, it's nothing..."

………… Uh... I'm talking about them, but I never saw them while I was in Mr. Vega's room. All that or there was no more soldier on the path from here until I followed you back to Mr. Vega... "

"So you're saying security is the monkey? I mean, I don't even have the eyes of a monkey. I mean, Skasca..."

"Yeah, it is. So --" bah.

And when Catalina basically spreads her white coat, there ——


—— and besides Cheval, who imitates Catalina and shows a bare gesture that spreads his white coat --


—— Still unconscious Vega and seedlings of roses seedlings seemed packed.

Apparently, Catalina decided to kidnap the Demon King herself, unable to bear the fact that the security of the Royal Castle is too fragile (?).

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