"Well, you're coming, right?

"Yes, be careful"

"Be careful with the Catalinas, okay? I made a slight mistake - so don't destroy all the people in town, okay?

"Yep. I return that word, as it were, to Mr Waltz. Please don't let your hands slip and knock down the world tree, okay?

"... I knew you'd start saying..."

Wynn...... Gacon......

It looks soothing in response to the drop-off words that flew from Catalina left in the castle (?) waltz replied with. It should be noted that why she was being dropped off, if I may say that the hatch of energy closed in front of her, will you understand?... Yes. Those who go on top of the world tree enter the energy that lay before the castle of Vega.

In such energy, about a week ago, the waltzes did not seem to have changed at all from the time they came to the land. The Mid-Eden royal castle officials who manage the ship still seem busy working today...... Some of the ”rest” who were not seemed to exercise voluntarily in a wide hangar. There was a swordsman Victor there, which is arguably just a typical example of that. Well, in his case, it was always a state of rest, also to be said...

Incidentally, I was in isolation from the outside world, and it's not an exaggeration to say, on an energy ship, what ever worked --

"Food seems to be decreasing faster than I thought..."

"Then, at the next landing point, form a unit to hunt demons"

"At this point, should we also consider growing vegetables on board?

"Quick, maybe less people..."

"" "Hey..." "

—— Like I said, they each seemed to play a role in managing their own clothing and shelter and living on board for a long time.

Among other things, it played a central role in the management of ——

"Hmm. Then, the next time we land, on the way home from the hunt, we will also secure the soil and plant seeds of the land with those who descend. But if there is a town nearby because plants take some time to grow, shouldn't we buy the vegetables for the time being first? The problem is the funds for the purchase...... oh yeah. I don't know, do people sell demonic meat? Then why don't we hunt extra prey besides eating, sell it... and use the money we get from it and buy vegetables?

"" "Well, so" "

—— and was a flying dragon carina looking like a girl, making statements that I didn't think I was doing wild dragons until the other day. Apparently, she was a compiler of royal castle officials at some point while the waltzes didn't see...

Eve and Rosemary, who found her like that, rush over with joy.

"Dragon! Ohisa, maybe?

"I'm home!

"Mm-hmm? This is Lord Marie. You're back, aren't you?

"Yeah. Maybe temporarily, huh? Dragon, didn't you miss me?

"Marie missed you a little"

"Hmm. I did feel lonely for the first three days or so, but I'm used to it now because of Lord Ene and Mr. Victor and the staff."

"Oh well. I'm so relieved to hear that."

Yes, sir.

and Eve and Rosemary, who hear the words of Fei Long and break their expressions.

Then, now Feilong threw this inquiry at the two of them better.

"How was the town? According to the stories of Lord Ene, there are some troublesome bugs in town and they are in trouble..."

"Hmm... maybe I was right not to look... That's a lot of bugs coming out of all over town, like a river, right? Eve almost got swallowed..."

"Marie, too, I don't want to see that anymore... Someone said that if I had one, I would think there would be 100... it was true..."

"Hmm...... I don't get the sentiment that it's disgusting to see a bug, but as far as the two of us are concerned, it seems like something unimaginable happened..."

"... Oh, yes! I brought you back a little bit, do you see?

With that said, Rosemary takes the glass bottle out of the small bag. There are about 3 black bugs in it that are crusty......

"Wow... Marie, maybe you should throw that away?

"Um... to Mr. Dragon, it's a souvenir!

"Hmm. Then it's because of that. Let me have it. What would be good bait......"

"No, Dragon? Maybe I shouldn't have to take it, huh?

That's what I said, Eve getting her hands in her own pocket of maid clothes with a frightened look on her face.

Then she shows a bare gesture of taking something out of it...... Holding it in his hand, he turned to Fei Long and said:

"Hey, Dragon? Maybe you want me to get my hands on it?


"Look, come on!


And a flying dragon with his hand forward, blamed on Eve.

Then Eve, who took her hand like that, was in that hand--

"Yes, this. Maybe a souvenir from Eve!

"Mm? Is this...?

—— I think I put something in a small package, something I'm not sure about. It should be noted, of course, that this does not mean that we have placed a mysterious object that is difficult to describe.

"Amen, this, flower seed!

"Of flowers... seeds?

"Yeah.” What do you mean, "jiggy"? She said beautiful white flowers might bloom?

"Hmmm... a plant seed... Will I be able to eat it if I grow it?

"Hmm, what do you say? Because it's the seed I got at Mr. Dahlia's... maybe I can eat it?

And Eve mouths such predictions as she remembers a honeyed herbal tea she drank at ”Dahlia's Florist" where she doesn't now. It should be noted that she does not know in detail what deworming chrysanthemums are like and what happened because of it.

That is no exception to the Feilong, whose identity is a reptile... Neither did she seem to know about the toxicity that flowers possess. However, fortunately, she was wise, so nothing seems to matter.

"Then ask anyone who knows about these flowers later if they can eat them. If you're around Catalina, you know something."

"Maybe that's for sure. But first, before you eat, you might want me to blossom, right? Maybe it's a souvenir for that, and maybe Eve would like to see it."

"Uhm. If the Lord says so, let's start with flowering"

Saying so, Fei Long enters his pocket with the seeds of deworming chrysanthemums he received from Eve. Then she goes around the ship and tries to secure the bowl and dirt, but it's still nowhere... She seems to have decided in her heart, at the next landing, to come and collect the soil.

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