"--CONNECTING (CONNECTION) --DENIED (REJECTED).... The port seems to be open, so I think it's definitely Macrophage, but you'll be denied a connection ~"

"I mean, when did you make such a giant macrophage..."

When I tried to get into the "bird basket” on the edge of the world tree, I noticed the macrophages that were hanging in it, and I quickly changed course, and the aerial (of which) battleship energy was glued around outside the ”bird basket”. On that bridge, Cortex seemed to be trying to access the macrophages…. Unfortunately, they seem to have refused to connect.

"No ~. There's only one macrophage I made in this world ~? It is the schizophrenia that appears to be present in the plural. It's hard to maintain when you have a lot of them ~"

"So you're saying that's a splinter? Instead, it would be more convincing to say that we split up since then, wouldn't it?

With that said, Waltz looks at the shadow of a giant macrophage that existed like a distortion of space because of its transparent appearance. Apparently, however, it was not meant to be a schizophrenic.

"No. That is undoubtedly the main body (route) of No. 1, not the splitter. But number one should be piloted by the hunter now ~..."

"Well, do you want to check?" "... hunter, are you alive?

'Yeah? What's up? Waltz'

"No, if you're alive, you're fine." "Yeah... it doesn't seem like the one the hunter's manipulating... Does that mean that the number one you made didn't get hypertrophy?

"I don't know where the second one came from, but I don't think it's wrong to say hypertrophy ~? But it should never be possible to have two macrophages with the same ID in this world. If you do that, communication will interfere and you won't be able to operate from a distance ~. Well, that big macrophage refuses to connect, so I guess that's why there hasn't been any interference before ~"

"Yes...... So, which one of you came out with that macrophage?

And, when Waltz asks, Cortex meditates on his eyes, and thinks of the cause with a seemingly difficult look on his face... Then a while later, I started responding.

"It's not very conceivable, but didn't someone copy it ~?

"What copy... can it be that easy?

"No ~. Normally, it can't be. The magic conductor circuit used inside Macrophage uses the technology of quantum teleportation, so where it's copied perfectly, without the presence of a" pair, "it shouldn't be at all useless. By the way, I always wear the circuits that” pair ”me. Without this, we can't communicate, so we shouldn't be able to control it.

That's what I said, Cortex doing his hand on the little ornament of the necklace he was lowering to his chest. Apparently that's like a key to communicating with a macrophage.

"Hmm. Yes. Then why is there a macrophage over there? Say you can copy, say you can't... I'm not sure..."

"Come on? If I knew, I would be the first to answer. My prediction is ~... well, first of all, I don't think there will ever be, but somewhere in this world, there's a demonic prop or something that can make a perfect copy of Macrophage, so that No. 1 copies it unknowingly ~... and I can't control the good stuff that I modified, and I had no choice but to shut it down over there ~, or something like that ~? However, I suppose the possibility is that as much as a concubine gives up about her sister, it's never going to be possible ~"

"... hmm? Did you just say something?

"Yeah. That's unlikely..."

Say that and exhale... Waltz turns a jito eye against rumored Teresa, who still sleeps wrapped in it at night without returning the sleeping bag she took from herself.

I'll tell you what, Teresa doesn't return sleeping bags, she just misses returning them....... let's just say that.

Well, aside from that...

"So, what do we do? That......"

"Are you talking about the concubine?

"No, that's the same for you, but for now, I'm a macrophage person. I'm talking about being inaccessible, but I don't think it's going to be that easy because it's all that size macrophage that I blew up... But if we don't do something about that, the demon god will defeat the world tree..."

"Right ~. So let's break in through the” back door ”as a last resort and send a self-destruct (apoptosis) order, beyond being able to control it ~"

"... for once, I'll ask you before you hack, as soon as you open the back door, is there no chance that you'll be hacked the other way? I think it's a common pattern..."

"... so I ask, do you think it is possible that the operator could be hacked the other way around for hacking using the keyboard ~?

Cortex, while saying so, made keyboards and monitors appear in a space of nothing. Apparently, he took it out of the item box.

"I don't know... it's digital, but it's analog..."

"Even I don't want to connect directly to a network that's not secure ~"

That's what Cortex said when he connected the keyboard to the monitor--

"Well, it's a dive inside Macrophage!

Tatata...... turn!!

--and he pushed (stood still) the keyboard entry-key with momentum.

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