"... I see. Mr. Waltz said that” justice "clouds people's eyes, but it could be true."

"Ah? Nice. Where one of the Demons disappeared, it had nothing to do with the human race. Even you, wacko, are you thinking about taking over this country?

and a homunculus boy who unfolds his theories as he gives a knife to the maid's neck. Apparently he uttered the word in an attempt to provoke the agitation of those who were on-the-spot--


—— There is no one as one who is upset to hear that word...... For some reason, everyone seems to have leaned over with a complex look on their face. It's like...

"What, you guys? As Mid-Eden tells you, were you willing to be annexed?

—— As the boy put it, he seemed to have considered the possibility of annexation. That's pretty serious too...... Well, there comes a giant battleship that I've never even seen from the sky, from which I abuse supermagic and superscience (?) Wouldn't it be strange if we were to consider our own fate at that point, because those who did appeared?

Then Catalina, who had been stationary about the condition, uttered this to those on the spot.

"No, sir."

"" ""... Huh?

"Absolutely not. Impossible. We're in a state of war with the Eclerians there now, so we're never going to strangle ourselves by expanding our territory."


People in Alborosa who hear the words and still look complicated. He, Catalina, who saw their reaction like that, seemed to have decided to add another word, thinking that he was a little short of words.

"... we are not here to invade this Alborosa, we are just here to form friendships. Either way, because what we crave is a nation like a rival that can compete and grow together, not a nation or territory or something. We at Mid Eden believe that the Kingdom of Alborosa can do it"

Though those who were listening to the words soothe their expressions only a little... For a Homunculus boy, it seemed like a non-listening word.

"Hmm. You call that a trick, don't you? At your discretion, one day, we'll be exploring each other's hearts and minds in our bellies, and we'll fall into the dark of suspicion, which is just the name of competition. Can't you say that's a bright future? All the people, in the competition prepared for someone, are forced to compete, even though they don't want to, without paying for anything, just old and dying like slaves. All of them without exception for themselves, their opponents, their children, and beyond. But if we think only of our own interests and exploit them from our enemies, we can at least only moisturize our own lives. That's natural, isn't it? By the principles of nature... uh... what did you get..."

"... are you a weak predator"

"Uh, yeah. Eat the weak meat. It's not normal to think about eating meat on the other side. If you do that, you'll ruin your treat.... You say that often, don't you? Don't make the food crude. It's just like that."


Catalina frowns in a grumpy way when she hears the words. Though she had as many words to say back... But he didn't seem to want to speak of it.

Such a great gulf between her and the boy is like a great valley made between justice and justice for each other...... No matter how many doctrinal claims each other made, there was a complete zero chance that the thoughts of both sides would have contacts. Catalina didn't want to spend any extra effort, such as exchanging arguments that she knew were futile.

Just at the same time, she was thinking about this.... Without saying it back here, if we captured the boy as he was, we would have suppressed the other's thoughts with force, and it would be in conflict with our thoughts of wanting to coexist with everyone.

As a result, she is distressed by her next behavior, unable to make a decision on how to do it, and hardens with her mouth shut…. Such a fold--


—— The sound of cutting off the infinite loop of her thoughts rang out on the spot. Someone jumped the dagger the boy was poking at the maid.

And the person who did it tried to reach out for salvation against Catalina, as he had done many times before, and said this.

"... I'm sorry, but your thoughts are not the generality of the” human ”side. At the very least, Parliament has decided that both the Kingdom of Endelusia and the Republic of Mid-Eden will not, so far, be willing to antagonize the states on the” demonic "side, so if you seem to disagree with that, first convince the parliaments of Endelusia and Mid-Eden. We'll listen to your high theory later. Well, it won't be possible unless we wipe out all the citizens of both countries..."

One girl in maid clothes bowed her head respectfully as she spoke pale (?). Got a dimpled iron pipe everywhere. She's...

"Mr. Brave... you're back..."

—— He was Leonardo the Brave, tailored by King Endelusia to crusade a "certain demon king”.

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