Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

9.6-08 Demon Kings 8/Wildcat 1

Then, in a pale appearance, Catalina puts the remnants (...) of the Homunculus boy (...) in a cylinder containing the culture removed from the white coat. At that time, it would go without saying that the roughly three people who were watching her up close had what a subtle look they could not possibly express.

Have you noticed the gaze of those... As Catalina tilted her neck small, she inquired.

"... something?

"No, it's nothing..."

"Me too..."

"If that's... Catalina's... hobby..."

"... I'm so curious about what the last one said... well fine. Yes, it's a hobby, this is..."

With that said, Catalina frowned in a grumpy manner, trying to inflict the suspicious cylinder that Mad Scientist seemed to possess into her white coat. Then Cheval, who was in white, received it with countless tentacles... He seems to have swallowed it into his own body as if it were dark. Perhaps it will continue to be stored in his body as it is until he returns to his lab in Mid-Eden.

Later, Catalina turned again to the braves and then, to them, threw these questions.

"Mr. Brave? Are you the only two people back?

"Yes, the others are still on the sky. Actually, it's been a lot of trouble..."

"The brave man is troublesome... sounds like a pretty big deal has happened, right?

"Yep... Actually, I don't know how the macrophages made by Master Cortex were flown back in the old days of Tai Chi for any reason... but they seem to have been sealed by the heavenly edge of the world tree. If I was having trouble coping with that, he'd have been attacked by a macrophage at some point... Energia's propulsion was broken..."

"Is that what you mean...... Where's Mr. Waltz?

"I'm doing first aid so Energia can be floating in the sky somehow. Everyone else should be helping."

A brave man with a look that seems complicated to say so. He seemed to regret coming back just a little bit earlier than everyone else.

Then the brave, to mislead its expression, threw questions against Catalina, on the contrary.

"Where are the others left over here?

"Except for me and Yuki, who stayed here to escort and treat Mr. Vega, we all went toward town and Atlas commanded there --"

And, Catalina, who will explain the circumstances.

Then for a while, the two brave men and Leah heard a description of the situation from Catalina...... Later, they also decided to roll out into the city.


"Fine... I want to be able to use that magic too..."

"Um, hunter? It's not magic, but can hunters use similar swordsmanship?

'Similar swordsmanship, or... Sure, I'm going to have quite a bit of myself in the arms of a sword... but I can't use a sword technique that froze the flames upside down? Or Julia. I'm not a swordsman. A hunter.

"(Hmm... what is a" hunter "...)"

Occasionally, in the town of Rice, where the firepillars were rising. Among other things, a high ground overlooking the town-- "Dahlia's Florist" trail (...) The ground (...) includes Dahlia, who was the florist's shopkeeper, and her cousin Julia, plus the transparent artificial magic life form we're talking about, and the bear doll (?) Looks like he was.

More specifically, Atlas, who manipulates the bear doll, turns toward the fire pillar that rises in town--


—— and I was observing three other people shooting magic, and so on. At that time, Atlas kept firing magic in uninterrupted fashion because he was a waltz made homunculus (android), or because something had been hard lately and he was trying to distract it...

In the meantime, you're getting tired, the bear doll that was shooting magic all over your mouth.

"You don't know..."

"What's wrong with you? Dear Atlas,"

'No, think putting out the bugs on every fire column won't reduce them inside... The residual magic on this bear doll can fight for a while, because it's still there, but if it's brought into the war of attrition... honestly, it'll be hard...'

"... I guess. Dear Atlas, I can't stay here forever... But then --"

That's what I said, Julia looking up into the sky. There he could see the shadow of a giant world tree rising in a dark sky and a small light point shining across the high sky. But what she was looking at was not what the world tree looked like, nor what the energy looked like ——

"We have to do something about the urban boundaries of this town, right..."

—— It was the appearance of an urban junction that was supposed to be set up to avoid demons. Especially since it's transparent, I can't see it in person.

Nothing demons are the only thing that urban ties like that prevent. The magic of transition coming from the outside into the town was also not played (...).

But in fact, we can't stop the transfer of the bugs coming from the outside... There were a lot of bugs in town that looked like people from next to next.

There is only one cause of this. It lay in the fact that the urban juncture was not functioning properly.

'Oh, you're right. If only the city council was working properly, we shouldn't have to do such a big deal...'

"So let's see?

'... I don't really want the people in town to see where the bear dolls are moving... well, I can't help it. Can you ask for it, Julia?'

"I understand. Then I'll take a look with Daria."

"... Huh?

'Well, I asked for it. And... Mr. Hunter. For once, just in case, could you follow me to the two sides?

'Hmm? Is that good? I think if I did that, Atlas would be here, really alone...'

'Well, in the worst case scenario, I'm going to call for help on the radio or ask King Endelusia for urgent recovery'

'Right...... ok. Well, let me know if anything happens. Well, shall we go? Julia and Dahlia!


"Yes! (I wonder if outsiders can mess with the urban boundaries on their own...)"

and Dahlia, perplexed inside, was to follow her cousin and Macrophage No. 1. At this time she seemed half genuinely worried about how to escape if.

It should be noted that there are too many subjects for what they were trying to escape from, so the explanation here will be omitted.

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