"There's a passage in here?

"Ah. Definitely."

"Oh really... (this creature... what's going on...)"

A hunter who stumbled across a passageway amidst obelisk stone tablets that were in the center of the square. Julia and Dahlia seem to have doubted her ears by accident because she couldn't believe her words like that.

'Hold on, it just looks like a stone... What do you two think?

"Right...... from me it just looks like a stone tablet...... It doesn't even look like there's a button somewhere..."

"What? What? Me?"

"No, because it's not about you..."

Julia turns a blind eye to her cousin, whose code name is "Dahlia” and her real name is ”Button," not if she's kidding right now. Needless to say, Dahlia is not kidding.

Even if I didn't know what Julia intended, the atmosphere of that gaze was the only thing that conveyed firmly, I would say this with Dahlia's slightly grumpy expression.

"... this stone tablet, but it's actually a door made of demonic props, isn't it? If you cast any spell, it opens..."

"Uh, I see. Then we need to find a spell to open the door... Otherwise --"

Mekki mekki mekki...... zdwong!!

"--We have to exercise our strength... You're in total trouble..."

"Oh, yeah..."

Seeing as the phantom that made Julia's hand bigger turned the stone tablet into an eagle and pulled it momentum off the ground... It seems that Dahlia had many things to say.

"Hey, Margaret. I've been thinking about your magic for a long time, but it's definitely not phantom magic, right?

"No? It's phantom magic? 'Cause, you see, I'm free to put it out and turn it off..." BOOMBOOM

"Then why do you have an entity... Normal phantom magic doesn't make it clear."

"Well, if it's low-level phantom magic, right? Well... can't you tell by the button..." nigga

"So, I'm not asking..." muh.

And Dahlia, who turns to Zito's eyes against Julia, didn't care about her cousin's attitude as if to mock her somewhere. Again, the interaction between the two people who seem unfriendly is that this is normal and not unfriendly.

But for a hunter who wasn't familiar with the two of us, it still just seemed like the two were fighting... I tried to interrupt their conversation and said:

'Well, well, both of you? Don't fight. But I do want to know, too, how Julia's phantom magic can grab things, as Dahlia is right...'

"If that's what the hunter says, I'll seed it..."


".................. (Why don't you tell me right away when I hear it?

"My phantom magic is advanced phantom magic. You mean the finest magic in a class classified as lower, intermediate or advanced.... No, nothing, I'm not bragging, am I? I had a really hard time wearing it..."

'I guess...... But if the Phantom Magic class is different, what makes it different? I can't imagine the difference, even if they say advanced or lower...'

"That's very different. The biggest difference is that there will be a wider audience where you can deceive..."

'There's a subject you can fool... spreading?

And you didn't really understand what it meant to hear Julia say, a hunter who speaks her words like a parrot back.

On the other hand, Daria, who was the same dream demon as Julia, seemed to know what that meant.

"I thought advanced phantom magic was just a rumor... so Margaret can fool the” world ”?

"Looks like you finally figured it out, huh?

'Hmm? What do you mean? Dahlia'

"Er... I'll follow the order and explain that elementary phantom magic is, well, perhaps, normal phantom magic, which the hunter also knows, magic that just shows people hallucinations. And when you become intermediate phantom magic, you are free to manipulate people's” dreams ”. We are called the Dream Demons because most people will be able to use this magic by the time they grow up."

'Hmm. I knew, I thought I could manipulate my dreams because I was a sacubus, but it was the other way around...'

"Well, if you can't use phantom magic, we're just demons, too. So... it is said that the person this intermediate phantom magic tricks is not the perception of the dreamer, but the" world of dreams ”itself. I don't know much about it either, but it seems that the world of dreams that people see is like a different” different world ”from here, where people, when they sleep, talk about just their souls, transferring to the world of dreams. If you think about it, intermediate phantom magic is magic that can manipulate the world of dreams directly."

'You suddenly got harder... Well, in short, the magic that can rewrite the world of dreams is intermediate phantom magic, right?

"Yep. And the last advanced phantom magic..."

'Not just the world of dreams, but this world itself can be rewritten, so... That's a hell of a lot of magic, huh?

and Julia replies to the hunter who speaks quietly about her cousins until now.

"... it's an honor to compliment you. Well, but it doesn't mean you can do anything, does it? If I could do anything, I'd be making money off the dirt by now."

'Well, I guess so......'

and a hunter smiling bitterly on the other side of the macrophage to see how Julia makes a round circle by joining her middle finger and thumb on her right hand.

At that time, she seemed wondering what the line was between what Advanced Phantom Magic could and could not do --

'... oops. I stuck talking to him, but I guess it's time to go, huh? If we talk too long, Atlas is going to piss us off'

—— You reminded us of what we should do now, so we cut up the Phantom Magic story...

Then she seems to have decided to proceed with the macrophage to the staircase to the underground road, which had her mouth clenched open in the centre of the square.... but after telling the Catalinas in the castle that the soldiers were attacked by someone in the square.

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