The view from above the town's outer walls would just run out of the word 'cruel'.

A demon whose abdomen is unnaturally swollen and desperate.

A demon whose legs, which are supposed to be four, are incapacitated by eight more.

A demon with two grown necks and cramps with a look like Cerberus.

... all because of the restorative magic of Catalina.

At first glance, demons like chimeras were moaning there.

If there's anything harder than dying, I guess the sight in front of you is.

As for Julia, who had recently been questioned by Catalina, I think.

I'm glad I didn't have to be a similar experimental bench...

Catalina stood at the center of such a sight.

In its appearance surrounded by alien demons, there is no shadow as a monk of the Brave Party at the earliest.

Its unusual presence was rather something that was not strange to call the 'Demon King'.

"Mr. Waltz. How many demons have become incapable of fighting?

In a cold tone, as usual, Catalina asked Waltz.

"It's like 700."

"Okay. Then experiment with an extra 300 or so, and then... well, let's change to tempo."

Apparently, turnover is nominative.

Now, when I take her word for it as its denomination says this is an experiment.

What the hell are you experimenting with by mass-producing demons like chimeras?

But I can assure you that there is no such thing as ethics in this experiment.

But they are enemies who have turned their fangs to themselves.

Moreover, Catalina herself does not possess the magic of attack.

As a result, I wonder if I can help it if it becomes a matter of the demons being buried as experiments using restorative magic.

The worst thing in this case would be Waltz, who allowed Catalina to fight.

(I knew it would have been awkward...)

Some of the knights and guards even vomited to see how demons were changing, but nobody blames her because she's still fighting for this city?

"... Catalina. 1000th."

Waltz called toward Catalina, who was just pale and trying different kinds of healing magic.

"... is that right? Tempo. Give him a todome instead of me."


Catalina Confidence, I seemed to feel a burden on my magic.

Originally she is not a person on the side that takes life, but a person on the side that protects it.

I didn't have attack magic, but it would be a late tragedy.

Especially if I didn't let Catalina fight alone, this wouldn't have happened...

And the tempo goes out instead.

Waltz recovers Catalina under gravitational control, but did not unload the tempo onto the battlefield.

In the first place, because you don't need to put it down.

"Tempo? Set the 1000 to the upper limit, except for the end of Catalina. Otherwise, there won't be enough for the rest of us."


Then we hack Waltz's manoeuvre armor and take control of his palms.



with the roar, blew up every demon on the ground.

The blown demons and ground involve the other demons like shotguns, cutting numbers at once.

"... 100 left."

In one blow, he wiped out the chimera made by Catalina and 900 extra demons.

"Again, it's hard to control"

"I mean, you're not willing to control it, are you?

"... did you find out"

In the meantime, I've waved my hands full of strength, do you feel something like that?

"Well, I'm holding on to the rest, so just hunt the rest"



Now he slapped his hands in the middle of the demons.

"... Yes, 100."

It ended with two shots.

As early as possible, it is a simple task.

While Catalina's experiments were still under way, Tempo's attacks were unforgiving.

I'll say no for once, but neither of us are combat personnel.

"Okay, Teresa or Julia next, but... you want to try it on the top?

By the way, Lucia is the last.

"Um, I'm not too sure, so it would help if you did."

The princess (Teresa) doesn't really change her expression when she says the grotesque sights are unfolding.

That and this is because of all the things that happened between the village of Alk and coming to South Fortress.

In short, 'I'm used to it'.

"Wow, two of us from me, please...!

Julia replied, biting her tongue.

He seems nervous above being unsure.

"Well, take care and go"

Waltz sends you in, and you watch over it, so it's not something to watch out for or anything...

And the two were unloaded right next to the ground where the tempo shredded.

"... not this at first!

That said, Teresa activates Transformation Magic (+ Illusion).

Of course, there's a bangle.

"Is it a dragon... well, I am!

This is how we both transformed.

... but I don't know what's going on with Waltz, so I'll talk to Lucia, who was nearby.

"Lucia? Can you explain?

"Uh, hey... it's the view around, but the bright white space that's not in anything has changed..." said the workshop?

"Why, the workshop..."

Teresa probably has impressive near-future facilities for the workshop for the rest of her life.

"... so Teresa transformed into a dragon, and Julia into a woman in some kind of cold colored kimono."

Is Julia a snowwoman...

Sacubas turns into a snowwoman, because it's a funny story.

For the record, this is the ideal woman who has come out of a man's dream, this is said to be the prototype of Sacubus.

Meanwhile, this is also the story of a man, a woman who appears in hallucinations when she freezes to death in a snow mountain or something, this is what they call a snow woman.

Both are ideal images of women created in men.

In other words, where Sacubas has transformed into a snowwoman, nothing has changed in essence.

If I insist, is it enough that the feathers are gone and the ice attributes are attached?

... Well, from the blind waltz eyes of illusion, "is oh" way awesome (?) Before the smiling Teresa, suddenly it seemed like a chaotic situation with a butterfly and a falling demon.

Therefore, from here on, I will explain it from a Lucian perspective.

Theresa's transformed dragon was classified as a so-called terrestrial dragon, whose wings degenerated and could no longer fly.

Instead, the developed thick, long tail and huge torso create an overwhelming presence, and the flames emanating from the mouth are no less powerful than Lucia's fire magic used for metal refining.


A yellow flame gushed out of the dragon's mouth as it roared, rapidly heating the surrounding area of air.

In front of that sight, the demons, who were about to be swallowed, managed to find a shadow to escape.

But this is a flat ground, laid with bright white tiles, like the underground workshops of the waltzes.

There's nowhere to hide.

Was this the aim of Teresa, who reproduced the workshop with illusion?

In the end, both demons who couldn't escape and those who tried to escape are easily deathbed in flames on an equal footing.

Demons buried easily in Teresa's attack, which shouldn't be so powerful.

Without a boulder, a bangle, we wouldn't be dead.

But some of them had strong resistance to the flames.

However, it is the Snow Woman (Julia) who does not allow such demons to exist.

A much weaker attack than Teresa's, but still, freezes demons resistant to flames in an instant.

If I lived this far, that would be a real bucket.

Teresa proceeded with the battle by showing the combination that Julia would do with the remaining demons.

"Hold on, an animal dies in illusion..."

From the eyes of Waltz, who did not see illusions, neither did he see demons wrapped in flames, nor demons made into ice.

Instead, he looked like a demon whose skin swelled up as if it had boiled, or a demon whose skin was visibly turning blue.

Of course, this one wasn't an illusion, it happened in real life.

Perhaps this is what happens if you stick to the saying that illness is out of your mind.

"Yes, we've reached 1,000."

Isn't it a good battle with the hunter at speed?

"Wow, it's finally over."

"I'm tired -"

They were two people who had participated in several fights on their journey from the village of Alk, but they didn't even think Waltz would do it this far.

At first, Waltz was going to intervene to achieve a thousand norms, but out of her thoughts only the two of us achieved them.

Well, without the bangle, nothing seems to be possible yet.

(If you think about using illusion as well, it sounds interesting)

It may be used for so-called placebo effects, where the illness heals after taking ineffective medication.

Or create VR content when it comes to being in different worlds...

"Good luck"

Waltz lifted the two men with gravity control.

By the way, from Lucia's point of view, he looked like he was lifting a giant dragon (with a snowwoman) like a mountain.

That's what's coming this way.

"Hold on, Teresa! Unravel the Transformation Magic! Or they'll crush you!

Waltz doesn't know, but apparently it was going to be a tough situation.

I left the two of them floating in the air until Teresa solved the magic of transformation.

It is a sight that flew into the town of South Fortress, the Ground Dragon...

"Is this okay?


To Lucia's point, Teresa returned to her original appearance.

Then the view like the workshop also returns to the original hilly area.

If it had been a little later, would Waltz and his non-tempo friends have been crushed by illusion (dragons) and in big trouble?

By the way, Julia is also back to being a human woman because her original figure... is awkward.

"Yes, good luck to you both"


"Oh, thank you"

Julia blushes her cheeks, hung with words of labor by a waltz she shouldn't be comfortable with.

Apparently, my bad feelings about waltz are gradually being overcome.

Well, at this point, the demon had 6,000 left to cut.

The opponent's loss rate is 40%, and this side's loss rate is 1-2% of the first time it was attacked.

If it is a normal interpersonal battle, it meets the defeat conditions on the other side, but the demons are disposable or there is no way to retreat.

Apparently, the Waltz are set up to fight off against each other.

"Well, next..."


Lucia happily raises her hand.

For a week, he was deprived of his freedom because of spot disease.

It would be a great opportunity to exude stress.

... but what about saving demon lives for stress?

"Good thing, Lucia? Never use magic that annoys people, huh?

Waltz tells Lucia what a mother would say to her daughter.


Lucia agrees to be healthy.

(Oh... I think I raised him the wrong way...)

"Well, I'll do it."

And Lucia exercised her magic on the 6,000 remaining enemies.

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