After another action was decided, the hunter, Catalina and the three temps left town without a break.

We would have arrived at the Counts as soon as Waltz flew.

But given the possibility that the town would be attacked by demons again, we couldn't have left town.

So the three of them were asked to travel on horses owned by the Knights.

At that time, the hunter and Catalina had no problems because they had experience riding...

There was no reason for a tempo I'd never ridden to leave.

Anyway, it's a homunculus, and it weighs three times as much as a normal woman.

No matter how dear the horse was addressed, when Tempo tried to ride, he didn't let me ride in a rampage, realizing the signs that were different from normal.

In the end, Tempo was caught in the palm of manoeuvre armor (get yourself?) Flew away in the sky.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable riding than riding a horse for the rest of the time?

That said, even though Waltz and the others did their part in annihilating the demons, words of labor were never hung from knights or guards (except the hunter, who is the Knight Commander).

I am not sure if the Count was talking about the Waltz beforehand, or if he was hesitant to deal with their counterparts with Tondemonai power.

In any case, I'm glad Waltz didn't get into trouble, etc., but do you realize that it's getting pretty high in terms of visibility?

Now, inside the town, where the sun began to lean for the most part, the Waltz residual group was walking towards the usual square where there were stalls for lunch, which had become rather late.

Rather, should I say an early dinner?

People were neglected inside the town, either because of earlier enemy raid warnings or because they were out for battle with the Counts.

(If you go to the square, the stall won't close...)

In that case, you'll be using an open cafe or restaurant, but it's not much of a choice for her, who's giving up half interpersonal communication.

When the three of them came to the square, Waltz's worries were elsewhere, and many of the stalls in the square were open as usual.

Apparently, sales are starting for dinner.


It is the first voice raised by Lucia who came to the square.

"There's no sushi shop..."

In other words, there was no Inari sushi shop.

Inari sushi is a favorite dish for Lucia.

In the first place, I came to this street village because Inari sushi was what I was looking for.

However, if the stall she was looking for was closed, it would still be fine, but it would not be calm in her mind if there were no trace of it.

"What is Inari Sushi?

"Uh, Teresa, don't you want Inari sushi?

Two fox beasts discuss Inari sushi.

"Well, at least I've never seen anything like it in a castle meal."

"Wow... the hell, my life so far, how I've lived..."


For Lucia, Inari sushi is like life itself.

"Ha... you know, Inari sushi is a miracle delicacy that can be said to be heretical among sushi that wraps sour sharp and preferred utensils with sweet fried oil, which at first glance I don't think is balanced, but when I try it, the acidity and sweetness spread reasonably well into my mouth, and even more so the texture of the rice that is rich and the unspeakable taste of fried oil becomes a habit. I can't tell you how it feels to spread all over my mouth every time a sweet sauce stained with fried oil bites, and on top of that, I want to eat as many as I want because it's easy and cheap to eat in a bite size, but mostly it's carbohydrates, so I guess it's hard to get fat when I eat too much."

"Oh, is that the kind of food?"

Teresa is retreating to Lucia where she continues her missionary activities of Inari sushi.

Wouldn't it make sense to say carbohydrate to Teresa?

"What is a male?

Julia was reacting like a foreigner.

(Ah, a foreigner...)

"But you're in trouble..."

Leaving Julia unaware of the existence of sushi, Waltz puts his hand on her cheek and thinks.

(There can't be a relocation in a small town like this... that means it's closed. Hmm, I wonder if there's a restaurant somewhere where I can eat Inari sushi)

All I could think of was enough to go to a genuine sushi shop, but I didn't remember seeing a sushi shop in this town.

Of course, it is the type of store that doesn't go around.

As Waltz was worried about what to do, Lucia leaned down and began to shake her shoulders smugly.

Is it a withdrawal symptom?

That's when Teresa, worried about Lucia shaking, tried to touch Lucia's shoulder.

All of a sudden Lucia opens her eyes and looks up.

There was something murderous about that look.

Theresa, who was about to touch her, retreats to see if she would have done anything awkward.

But the words that jumped out of Lucia's mouth were not directed at Theresa.

"Sushi Shop, where are you -!!!!"

One side around, no, the whole country or the whole world...

Lucia's words diffuse on wind magic.

The voice, unleashed as she stored tears, was as uncut as words directed at her lover, who had become separated, and also as sad as words directed at the deceased.

Well, that's the word for the sushi shop.

Then a voice is heard from the owner of the stall on the demonic skewer, which was about 4 m from Lucia.

"Hey, you? If you're a sushi shop, you moved to Wangdu two weeks ago.

Apparently, there was no need to use magic.


What did the word mean to her?

The answer had appeared in the expression.

"Hey, honey!

I add, 'Go to the King's Capital immediately!'.

"No, no, I can't right now."

Waltz is twisted to his sister, who looks up at herself with strangely powerful eyes.

"Besides, if you moved in two weeks ago, you haven't arrived in Wang Du yet, have you? Plus, there's prep and stuff, so maybe we won't be open for another two weeks..."

"Ugh... I wish I had the magic to manipulate time..."

"I didn't expect to captivate Miss Lucia that much... but Inari sushi is quite delicious."

"Yes, it is!

Gah, and Teresa hold both hands and start headbanking Lucia.

"Ossi... Ossi?"

Julia seems to be practicing her 'sushi' pronunciation repeatedly, like a broken record.

"... okay. Then let's go to Wangdu next time."

"Yeah, absolutely!

"My concubine is dying to eat."

"I'd love to try it, too, Oshi."

Thus, we were to head to Wang Du again.

... In the end, Waltz and the others chose rice cooking instead of Inari sushi.

The dashi was taken with kelp, and the utensils were a sumptuous rice cooking with mountain vegetables and eggs, and, on top of that, just crabs.

But the price was reasonable, so crabs in this world may not be luxury ingredients.

Not only Teresa and Julia were delighted to eat this, but Lucia, who was screaming without Inari sushi.

Well, the sun will set in a little while.

Coming here, Waltz noticed a certain problem.

"That means there's no hunter or earl... inn, what shall I do..."

"What... aren't you staying at the hunter's house?

"Eh, you think it's awkward to stay on your own even though you don't know anyone on the boulder..."

"Hmm, so we're looking for an inn, right?

"Yeah, there's always an inn I go to, so let's use it."

It was the first inn I used when I first came to this town.

"No way, I'm the only one with a horse cabin or anything... right?

"... not obvious"

Which is normal?

"Uh... yes..."

Sinking Julia.

"Sure, in the room."

"Oh, thank you"

Hear Waltz's words and come back to life.

"Not necessarily a bed, though."

"I don't mind that."

"Eh... no, I'm gonna get a room for four."

I followed up because Julia was really going to sleep on the floor.

"Well, it's getting pretty late, so if the inn is safe,"

"As a concubine, do you ever mind a tent and the Lord's magic bed?

Apparently, Teresa likes Waltz's special anti-gravity bed (modified).

"... the sleeping bag, the tent, the tempo took it, so nothing, right? Still, if you like..."

(I have money, hey. No way, like not staying at an inn and buying a tent? There's no one there.)

"... ugly... did that..."

On boulders, mosquitoes and other insects seemed reluctant to sleep in the flying.

Talking like that, Waltz and the others arrived at the inn.

... results,

"I'm worried about you. I lost you."

The accommodation was open without any particular problems, and the room for 4 people was also empty.

Now I feel safe because I can secure a place to stay and meals.

If you weren't able to stay in the inn here, it's likely that there would have been a tragedy at breakfast.

The room where Waltz and the others stopped was one with two beds on the left and right, and most of the room was tightened in bed.

On the side of the back window is a simple room with a small desk and a lantern on top of it to an extent of sorrow, but nothing else to store.

The room itself is large, but couldn't you put anything else down because of the bed or desk?

Waltz, when in the room, lowered his back to the bed on the left, closest to the entrance.

"Well, here I am -!

and Lucia selects the bed next to Waltz.

"Well, then the concubine is not here."

Teresa lined up across the street from Waltz.

"I'm near the window."

We automatically decided on a bed for Julia too.

Everyone will discuss their upcoming plans at the end of the line.

"So, I'm talking about tomorrow, the martial arts store and the alchemy guild, and... the clothes store."

Waltz talking at the clothes store.

I remembered Lucia's long shopping journey.

You can't possibly just buy Teresa's and Julia's and not Lucia's.

And it was when Waltz was wondering if he could somehow avoid visiting a clotheshop with Lucia.

"Oh, you know..."

Julia raises her hand modestly.

"What? Julia?

"... me, quite, but you can sew, so you don't have to buy clothes..."


Waltz gets up in momentum.

Then he disappeared softly from the front of his bed and appeared 20 cm ahead of Julia.

And he held both Julia's hands, Waltz said.

"We were looking for people like you!

Correctly, I (...) is (...),.

"Hih, hih!!

Julia fears the waltz that suddenly appeared in front of her.

"What! Julia, can you sew?

Surprised Lucia, even as she forsakes about Julia.

After all, it seems to have the first thing at its root.

First impressions are important.

"Next time, I want you to tell me how to make clothes!

"Ha, ha no..."

Two sisters approached, and Julia was a wolf.

(Hmm, Lucia seems to like clothes, so if I let her make it with Julia, it's going to be interesting)

Especially apart from the long time I choose clothes and the fact that I like them.

"So tell me if it fits what you need or ingredients? Because I buy more and more."

"Uh... okay?

For Julia, sewing is a hobby.

It's equal to being told that you're free to do your hobby because I'm giving you money, so is it true? What can I do to suspect that?

"Yeah, of course!

Waltz nodded forcefully.

"... wow, okay. Best wishes!

... Apparently, when you force it, it bites your tongue.

Thus, the Waltz and the others have a new power (?) I got it.

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