Disturbances around world trees that look as if they have crossed a large mountain.

But the people of Alborosa —— that, too, seemed to remain a major problem, especially for the King's Vega.

"… Messier……. Everyone is awake... how can you be the only one..."

The Chancellor, Messier, had not yet awakened while lying on the bed in the guest room.

Such was he, a few days ago, sheltered her from a fireball that came down from the sky as if to target her sister Randy. Then, to this day, he stayed asleep without ever waking up.

Vega mouthed a question that was not addressed to anyone, with such a loving hand on his cheek.

"Why the hell would a fireball come from the sky..."

Then Nike, who could not even return because of the loss of his home, which was in the basement of the World Tree, answers Vega's query like this.

"... I'll tell you what, we didn't do the rest, did we? Because Messier is not a subject... I don't have any evidence, so I wonder if it's a good idea to decide... but almost certainly, the demon that nests on the edge of the world tree did it."

Then Catalina, who was there on the spot, opened her mouth with regret.

"... I'm sorry, Mr. Vega. The demon that Nike just mentioned... is an artificial demon made in Mid-Eden. I don't know why, but it's closed to the heavens of the world tree..."

"... I'm listening. Maybe this is... the heavenly punishment for us for putting our hands on Mid-Eden..."

So quietly mouthed, frowning Vega. Her gaze like that, though it was directed at Messier...... Maybe he was staring at something different in the back of his brain. For example, something named regret...

In front of her like that, she asked Nike if she was losing her temper so that Catalina could break the atmosphere.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Nike,"

"Hmm? What is it? Vic s... it's Catalina."

"... in the story of my acquaintance, I heard that the demon on the heavenly side of the world tree —— the macrophage -- has been imprisoned for about 1,200 years, but has nothing ever been attacked from the macrophage before?

Nike answers that question...... The expression could never be said to be sunny.

"... a long time ago, until recently,” Arr ”and the rest were in a relationship of being held. I am also closely related to the magic power of the world tree, so when I give the rest of the instructions, you give some answers... It was also possible to send the fireball down from the sky."

"... in its past form?

"Mm-hmm. This is about the last few months. Until then, he was supposed to be a grown man, but suddenly, he stopped listening and began to fang, whoever he was. My family and the rest of us who live in the world tree are no exception... Until now, we have only allowed example fireballs to be unleashed when sanctions are imposed on a serious offender, but suddenly, it is beyond our control and this is the first time we have run wild... I was surprised that I managed to suck the magic out of my array, but when I let it go, the magic recovered, and now I'm flying a fireball without looking."

"For a few months now…………"

Catalina thinking about whether she remembered anything at that time of year. Then she asked questions about the period.

"By the way, is that, like, three months ago? Or has it been since before?

"But about a year ago...... what's wrong with that?

"... no. If it was about 3 months ago, it was just around the time the macrophage was made, so I thought it had something to do with it...... never mind because it seems different...... (as much as when Mr. Waltz came to this world...... Is it unnatural to think that there is no relationship…)"

"Well, that's good... anyway, I decided to drag the arrow down from the top of the world tree crying because the arrow broke out and I couldn't get my hands on it anymore. As it was, it was likely that those who lived in the land would be harmed for no reason. But... before that, and more importantly, I can only sarcastically say that Messier will be sacrificed..."

That's what I said, I lay my eyes down, Nike.

Vega, who was watching how it went, seemed to want to say something towards Nike. But the other guy, even though he lost his house, is a demon living in a world tree. I couldn't seem to say what I wanted right away.

Then you guessed its contents... Catalina asked Nike instead of Vega.

"Um, Mr. Nike? Can you do anything about Mr. Messier? Or you can do something about it, right?

In response to that inquiry ——

"Hmm. Can you? Shit.

—— and Nike answers.

It should be noted that after listening to her remarks like that, I will omit what look Vega gave me because I was too tired of brushing my tongue.

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