Shortly after the energy hull started diving from the back.


"Hey, button? Suddenly what? Raise such an odd voice..."

Looking behind her as her cousin Dahlia (button), who was looking out at the view on the bridge, suddenly started screaming, Julia spoke out against her with a nigga and a grin.

Then Dahlia, who was clinging with her trembling arm to the seat in front of her, raised her voice like this in a way that seemed to cry even now.

"And, and die uuuuuu?!

"What? You're already exaggerating... Here, take a look, will you? About Marie and the girls."

and at the end of Julia's gaze that speaks ——

"Is it a dive in the clouds? Marie, it's good for once, so I wanted to see what's going on in the clouds! Have you seen Dragon?

"Hmm... I've never even tried flying, but I don't know up or down in the clouds, so I've never flown much either. And I don't want to be struck by lightning..."

"Wow, we might be getting closer by step! ♪ Probably ♪

—— With such an exchange, three people, Rosemary, Fei Long and Eve, seemed to be shining their eyes at the view from the bridge.

You noticed how it went, Dahlia stopped moving pitterly, looking around ——

"Oh, that...? Maybe I'm the only one scared?" [incomprehensible]

—— I started to tide my face. That's already bright red......

"Well, we're all used to it."

"... something is so embarrassing..."

That said, now Dahlia buries her face on the seat surface of the seat.

And then at that time--


—— A hull of energy entered the clouds.

The cloud was a rain cloud, and it looked like it was raining on the king's capital in Mid-Eden. In short, he had zero vision and saw nothing.

In that view, the Energy sisters seemed to be leaning their necks in trouble.

"Well, I can't see this."

"That's right."

and two people who have a swallowing conversation even though they say they haven't seen the previous one.

Victor, the swordsman who watched it, asks in a frightened manner.

"Energy? Is this okay? If you noticed, you'd have stabbed me in the ground, wouldn't you?

"It's okay, it's okay!

"But when mk1 is okay, it's often not okay, so I slowed down."

"What's that? mk2 'Cause it's often not okay."

What's that? What do you mean?

"Wait a minute, you guys! Look forward, look forward..."

And that was when the swordsman pointed it out. On the other side of the cloud, I see some black shadow.

It instantly approached the hull--

"... if you do it!


—— Collision a little later, and so on, stopped pitifully. Apparently the energies managed to hang the brakes. Note that the gravity control system is effective on board, so recoil due to the brakes may not be felt.

"That's right, us!

Have you arrived at the Imperial Castle?

and the black structure that was looming in front of me —— the energy sisters who say so, in front of the departure site dedicated to energy in Wangdu.

But their smiles until then too......

"... energy. We both need to talk for a second? ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

♪ Biku ♪

Looks like they're going to be scolded by swordsmen.

"Ha... I feel like I haven't been back in a while..."

"It's only been about two weeks, right?

With that said, Waltz and Lucia were walking one step ahead of the top floor of the Royal Castle. The parts used for energy maintenance were among the hangars that had been delivered.

There, not only were parts of the energy placed, but there were also manufacturing facilities for the parts themselves. In the repair mechanism of energy using micromachines, it is a facility for making large parts and new parts that can take time to manufacture.

So what were they doing--

"What do you say, Cortex? How's it going?"

—— Looks like he came back to Mid-Eden a foot early and came to see Cortex who was working on it there.

"Not yet ~..." Slow down.

"... that's not how it always feels, is it?

"Uh-huh... I was angry with Master Catalina yesterday. To cite, when I came back, Atlas was also angry with me, and on top of that, I don't sleep and I work ~..." snort

"Ah... yeah. Good luck......"

and waltz hanging words of labor to Cortex, who had a sneaky look on his face all confused with someone somewhere.

Then she went back to the point and asked.

"So, what do you think? A good way to recover macrophages, are you going to come up with one?

"There's no pulling that out ~? Finally, you just have to turn it down and collect it ~"

"What? Maybe you didn't build a magic trick like" Small or something, "did you?

"We can't make magic props just for concepts like that that we completely ignored neither physics nor magic. That's the other way ~. Well, it's not a big way, so don't worry about it. Than that, the problem is ~..."

"... how about turning energy into a spaceship?

"The next time I go to Macrophage's, I can't let you overheat about Ene ~"

"Well, right. But if it's enough to make such a big deal..."

".................. what ~?

"Yeah. Nothing..."

That's all I said, waltz I didn't say the words ahead of me. She really wanted to say something like this.... I wish Cortex had made manoeuvre armor too. Well, I couldn't seem to tell you if my mouth was torn.

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