At the same time.

"All of you... you've worked so hard so far. In Alborosa, I think everyone fought well without missing anyone in the hard and difficult circumstances. Non, however, was convinced of this. Non has yet... said that it is not a vessel to be at the head of everyone..."

"" "" Or head?! "" "

On the pier, which was in the moat surrounding the royal castle alternative, was the figure of the water dragons. So they said, in the rain, a fixed (...) period (...) reflection (?) seemed to be open. Originally aquatic, they say it doesn't matter if it's raining.

"The only thing we could do in Alborosa this time was to get rid of insects... No, still, it could be described as an achievement enough. The Alborosa soldiers had no hands or feet against the bugs... But the problem is, in the second half, Non and the others just annoyed Catalina or destroyed Vega's castle. I don't think this is due to your lack of ability as leaders..."

and a water dragon looking up to heaven, remembering what happened in Alborosa.

But when she stops Leader, the street (?) There are about 5 people there who get lost in...... They seemed vehemently opposed to the Water Dragon quitting their leader.

"It should still come with a take back!

"This team is a team with a head!

"If your head stops, who will do the leader!

"It doesn't matter what happens, you told me, didn't you head!

"Master Waltz should have appreciated our actions too!

Before the encouragement of such subordinates ——

"... will Non still be able to do it? Non still has a chance?

—— But the water dragon, who still couldn't wipe away the confusing colors.

By the way.

Why she was questioning her qualities as a leader was because she had previously exchanged promises with Waltz that she would "look at the work of her men and decide whether to take them back to Mid-Eden”. As a result, although all five of them came to Mid-Eden...... Apparently it had not reached the active border line that the water dragon had laid down in herself, and she seemed to feel pitied by the waltz.

"All of you. I want to hear it. Nong et al... Is it good to stay like this?

To that inquiry ——


—— and the water dragon's men, who will shut up, seemingly. Apparently, they also thought it wasn't as good as it is now.

A water dragon who guesses it throws the next question.

"So... how can we win the trust of Master Waltz? That's also in the way of nonsense..."

In contrast, one of his men raised his voice.

"Head! I have a good idea!

"What? Abyss. Say it."

"There is something in the world of people that is going to be," and by doing it, I heard it's going to be good for people! In some cases, I think Master Waltz will appreciate it too!

"Hmm? So, what exactly do I do?

"Er... according to ko (...) l (...) te (...) h (...) k (...) s (...), there are 5 of us, so you just have to” aidoru ”and so on!

"... Avis. There are six of us here?

and a water dragon pointing out that there are six people on the spot, including myself.

Then her subordinate, Abyss, began to say this.

"Keep your head down and watch us! Master Cortex also said that it was the role of the leader..."

"Hmmm... right... So, what does” Aidoru "do?

"Uh... that's it... Maybe that's what we have to think for ourselves!

With that said, Abyss squeezes his hands in front of his chest and points his gaze at the water dragon.

Before she does that, the water dragon...

"Hmm... when Master Cortex is chewing, I guess he has something on his mind..."

—— and seems to have begun to put the back behind it. It should be noted that it will be obvious, well, without daring to say, whether there is a back to what Cortex said.

"Then write off this lapse... No, let's try" Aidoru "to win Lady Waltz's favor. Is that all right? Everybody!

"" "" "" Yes!

"But what should I do with the" Aidoru ”thing?

"... first of all, shouldn't we try things out? If that doesn't work, you can do something different...... Didn't your head always tell us that!

"Hmm... yes, you're right. Being good for Waltz and people… or…"

And as a result of thinking about it, the Hydragon and his five men came to a certain conclusion….

Again, it should be taken for granted that their activities seem to have become far from those of so-called idols.

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