Waltz and the others on their way to Wangdu, taking the West Day beside them.

If you believe in watching the weather, the weather must be nice tomorrow.

By the way, there is no such thing as the Alexandros capital doesn't rain differently around the Wang capital, so even if tomorrow is sunny, it doesn't mean unusual weather.

Now, as the line proceeds to walk for a while, we arrive at the entrance to the King's Capital.

There, numerous merchants and adventurers, who could not enter, were tenting and lodging in the wild because of the closing of the gates of the Wang capital.

Do you not think that demons and demons will come out of the Wang capital and be attacked, or that even demons are the subject of commerce?

Among the people there, Waltz found an unexpected figure.

"Is that it? Aren't you a brave man?

A brave man wearing luxury gear that uses plenty more metal (misrills) than hunter gear to boost his defenses while not sacrificing mobility.

He seems to be talking to his friends somewhere near the tent.

I'm guessing you're also discussing Operation Wang Du Retrieval.

The members are the usual, swordsmen, sages and wizards.

But there was one more girl I had never seen.

Looks like a new monk, as far as the outfit goes.

"Yes, you're a brave man"

The former monk (Catalina) also noticed.

"What do we do? Talk?"

So far, we haven't noticed this one yet.

"I'll take care of it"

"... then you don't have to talk to me."

Though... the waltzes are so conspicuously equipped that they have 'super' on them today.

One of these days you'll be noticed.

"Hey, what do you think? The atmosphere of this king's capital..."

"Whatever you say... I'm just sure it's occupied"

"Right... this was a problem before we broke in."

The flag on the main gate was no longer the flag of Mid-Eden and another flag was flying.

Green basement, pungent plants and red roses (?) is a painted flag.

If it's a demon king's flag, maybe it's a plant-based demon king.

"Right... what are we going to do?

"Forced breakthrough from the front?

Lucia seems motivated.

"No, before we do that, let's set the winning terms"

"Well, let's be clear about our purpose."

"Yep. I suppose it would be awkward to have some goals to accomplish... the elimination of demons and demons from the Wang Dynasty, wouldn't it?

Waltz remembered that his friends in Julia were also lurking in the king's capital.

In particular, there is no guarantee of life anywhere, but if the Waltz and the others were alive and ruled it out, it would inevitably leave its roots in trouble with Julia.

"Excuse me. If you'll excuse the annihilation..."

"So you can't say Julia's taking out her people?

"Uh... I think I can probably. But it could take a while to convince you."

Two weeks, if a fellow I hadn't heard from suddenly came back, they would naturally suspect there was something there.

Wouldn't it take a lot of convincing?

"I just need to know who's on my side, so worst of all, you don't have to evacuate me, do you?

"Excuse me. Thank you!

"So, just in case, are you acting with Tempo? It's no problem, is it?

"Yes, of course!


"Then the evacuation of Julia and the others? Cleaning the interior of the Imperial Castle until it's over."

Then Teresa opens her mouth.

"You want my father or my mother... to help me out... no, you want to help me!

(Heavy town people, brothers okay?

I don't think so, but I don't say it.

"... right. You know the interval inside the Imperial Castle, right?

"You're not at home, are you? I'll take care of it."

"Then Teresa's task is to help her family out. Catalina and the hunter will follow you."


"Leave it to me."

The rest are Waltz and Lucia, but...

"We may... handle the enemy general..."


Nodding vigorously, Lucia.

But I usually shake my tail with a lot of momentum, but it stayed quiet today.

I like to use magic, but I don't like fighting or war.

"Well, in that direction. Once inside the king's city, Julia and the others act differently. From there, Teresa and I will go to the Imperial Castle together and do something else when we enter the castle."

"Yes," "Okay," "Ah," "I got it," "Um," "Yes."

There was no one to react to Waltz's suspicious constructions, and it was decided to act in three squads.

Seven men go through the camp and line up in front of the main gate of the king's capital.


"Hey, you guys. The Knights of the King's Retrieval?

The brave talked to me.

Apparently, they noticed the waltzes were about to board the royal castle... but since it was from behind, they didn't see the waltzes' faces.

On top of that, no one, including Waltz, tried to look back, so their identity would not be found out so far.

"The door is protected by a strong bond, so you can't even attack it. They have a hole in the wall somewhere else, so you'd better break in from there. So, if you're willing to take it back, can you help me?

(You said there's a hole in the wall... a hole I drilled?

Waltz recalls a hole he previously drilled when helping a child.

(Ma, I don't care. Now, let's see how strong the junction and the doings are?

Waltz makes sure there's no life response from the main gate to the other side of the Royal Castle.


Chewie, ween...

A charged particle cannon was fired from the no-motion.

The output is the smallest ever.

But as if there was nothing there from the beginning, evaporating the door, he shredded the ground, pierced the iron door of the castle gate, pierced the royal castle, shredded the house behind it, shredded the shop... and even penetrated the wall opposite the king's capital.

(Heh, I overdid it (star))

Well, it's always the same.

"Well, let's go"

Waltz took the lead.

"Oh, my God, you... that voice!!

That he blew out the door with a charged particle cannon, not that, but that the brave man seemed to realize with his voice who the waltzes were.

Waltz gives him a great hat, then smiles and sends his eyes to the brave.

And he went inside the king's capital without saying anything.

"The world isn't as good as I thought it would be... was it hung up on something?

"Come on?"

Perhaps Catalina today will be able to forge stronger ties.

"Hey, you guys! Stop!"

"Intruder! Ring the bell!

"Don't give it back alive!

I hear voices like that, but I ignore them all.

"Well, Julia and the others are here..."

"Okay. I'm coming."

"Sister. I'll just borrow your left arm."

"Yeah, fine. Be careful. Oh, Julia? When the distance leaves, Teresa's transformation will unravel, so please instead."

This means that if you leave the illumination range of the Waltz hologram, you will return to your original appearance.

"Huh? Ah, yes"

After a behaving suspiciously reply, Julia turned the intersection immediately from the town entrance with Tempo.

"Well, let's go too."

"And that's really bullshit..."

and a hunter who shares his thoughts on Waltz's attack (Kadenriushu) while holding the nearby demon clan in check.

"Do I do it, too?

Lucia begins to build magic in her hands.

"No, the general public eats the convolutions too, so let's not?


"But with a laser, just enough to pierce your leg."


Then the demons that surrounded the waltzes fell in unison.

"Ugh... my leg!!

"Damn, I didn't see anything..."

"What the hell..."

It's an infrared laser.

Infrared can't be seen in people's eyes.

It seemed the same for the demons, and when they realized it, they lay low on the ground.

Thus a line walks down the boulevard, which is cleaned in an instant, towards the royal castle, as if it were a walk.

Then we reach before the castle gate of the royal castle.

The royal castle was surrounded by a moat about 30 m wide and connected with the king's capital by three bridges.

And the iron closed castle gate, connected from the largest central bridge, had about 3m of holes that people could easily pass through.

Of course, it is a trail through which Waltz's attacks penetrated.

"Uh... Catalina? Can you use the anti-metastasis junction?

Even if I hear it from time to time, it's a juncture I've never actually used.

"Yep. Should I call the royal castle?

"Yeah, yeah."

Then Catalina exercises the magic of the junction.

"Now, I think we're good. But please be aware that we can't use metastases either."

"Yeah. Okay."

Lucia answered the only one at the party that could use metastatic magic.

"All right, hurry up!

To the royal castle in front of him, Teresa seemed unable to hold back the feeling of deviation, but...

"Hey. There's still something we need to do, isn't there?

That said, he changed the color of Waltz's eyes to red.

The anti-gravity reactor was activated in combat.


Dogo, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

All three bridges collapse with the roar of

Furthermore, all the water in the moat fell out and disappeared somewhere.

"Okay, now you've lost your escape route."

That being said, Waltz restored the color of his eyes to their normal blue eyes.

"Mm-hmm?... what did you do?

"Maybe Teresa just doesn't know, and the way out was hidden somewhere in the royal castle itself. I wonder if the underground corridor, for example, is an iron plate. So, I hope the king escapes, because it's troublesome when used by the enemy, so I crushed him beforehand."

In other words, it supergravitated across the moat, crushing every bridge underground passage.

The passage that would be beneath it would have been crushed together.


"But if we drop the bridge, we can't cross either... because we can fly."

"That sort of thing."

With that said, Waltz floated everyone and crossed the moat.

And he finally reached the royal castle.

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