And after seeing Catalina (Greater) to make sure she doesn't have a problem. Catalina (Jr.) stepped out of the infirmary and onto the ship of Energia. Nevertheless, it's just a matter of walking around the ship alone ——

"Why don't you call me out loud when you're out of line?

"In that case, should Theresa rush you right away?

"... is that just the concubine?

"Yeah!" and...

—— Looks like Teresa and Beatrice are going to be accompanying us, too. It should be noted that, in deciding on that, some people tell Catalina (Jr.) two weird ways to talk (?) seemed concerned that it would not move...... So far, the problem doesn't seem to be there.

And quickly. Catalina (Jr.) rushed straight to a certain place to find something in the hallway on board when she left the infirmary. So she lays her hands on both knees, observing the object with a shiver, and mouths this inquiry against the two people who follow her from behind.

"Hey, sisters. This, what?

That being said, Catalina (Small) pointed to the door opening and closing switch that had a small touch panel built in. Apparently, she was interested in that switch, which was blurring in search of security card contact.

"This is the key to the latest formula!

"Keys? Keys... the ones that keep that door closed?

"Isn't that right? Look, you're watching this, right?

With that said, Teresa puts her palm to the device. Her body like that, with the body of the machine...... There may be a built-in master key for energy in the body.

Results ——

Pippi...... Gash!!

—— and an automatic door that opens momentum. Katarina (Jr.), who was watching how it was, raised her voice "ooh" with her eyes round. Exactly, I am impressed with the things I see for the first time, and so on.

That's right......

Catalina (Jr.) wasn't the only one who had a surprise look at the door opening. And whoever was on that other side of the open door--

"Hmm?! What, Theresa and the others...... Knock me before you open it, will you?

—— and he was raising his voice unexpectedly. He is a hunter who was organizing tools in his own room.

Teresa utters an apology for the bitterness directed at her like that.

"Whoa, I'm sorry about this. You... you want to show the little Catalina around the ship? I taught you how to use the door keys, but I didn't think this was the Hunter's room..."

Listen to that--

"Well, you mean... Which means this kid... which one?

—— The hunter who was taking his own gains out of the tool bag, when he stood up with it on the spot...... I crouched in front of Catalina (Jr.), who seemed unusual to peek into the room in front of the door, and spoke to her.

"Hello, Catalina. I'm a hunter. Say hello?"

"Mm-hmm... Mr. Calude?

"Oh, he's a hunter. You think that's an unusual name, don't you? I agree... that's what they call me, so call me a hunter, too, Catalina."

"Mr. Kaliudo............................................. I remember!

That's what I said, hey, and a grin about Catalina (Jr.).

When the hunter invites her into the room... Looks like he decided to behave like a good tea, including Theresa and Beatrice.

Meanwhile, in the infirmary where Catalina and the others were, there seemed to be some conversation going on.

"Well, what do we do?

"Is this an interrogation of Master Enders? Leave it to me......! ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"Well, that's true, too, but there's one thing I need to do in a hurry right now. Hey? Catalina."

"... Yes. The children have been kidnapped from the orphanage, so we have to go get them back. Even if that--"

"No, it's okay, it's okay. If you're saying history changes to the extent that we've done something, because we've just come to this time and breathed air, and it must have changed before. But so far, there doesn't seem to be any change in us, so I guess you can do whatever you want with some things, okay? (Well, I can't be sure...)"

As Waltz and the others conversed...... They seemed to be discussing the recovery of children who had been taken from orphanages by the Enders boys.

"Hmm, but where did they take you?

"After all, isn't it the area around Endercia? The truth is... it's best to wake up Endels sleeping there and ask him directly... but given the magical nature of the hanging on him, I can't wake him badly..."

and where I answered Lucia's query so much ——

"... Oh yeah!

--Waltz seems to have noticed that there is.

"Because we can talk over future Endels and bear dolls, let's ask him directly where he did the kids, shall we?

Whereas ——

"Oh, you had that hand, didn't you?

"That's a good idea."

"So hurry up...... see, Dahlia? Let me out, will you?

"... ok"

—— and those on the spot who return such a reaction to each of them.

And Dahlia put the bear doll she was holding on the chair in front of her... They started communicating with the future world.

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