"Nanomachine ~? No ~, that can't be right. There's no information that the nanomachines we manage have leaked outside, and there's no way for me, for Waltz sister, for Tempo sister, for Strella sister, to leak out how to manufacture nanomachines as a single person ~. Right ~? Atlas ~?

'No, I didn't even build a micromachine in the first place, instead of a nanomachine, and of course I didn't leak your manufacturing methods, did I?... or you just leaked it and it's impossible for the others to create it using the technology of this world... It's hard to imagine just how much equipment you have to put in place to get there, even though you just need to create a shape, at the very least, a lysography of a liquid immersion self-organizing system...'

"What is it that the concubine who became the body of the machine says... the words of Atlas today are just spells for the inhabitants of this world. I just taught it, and I don't think I can understand it at all. If you understood... wouldn't a scientific state be born just like the modern world?

and the homunculus, all of whom wave their heads together after hearing the words of an incredible dawn at King Endelusia's behold. The content of that conversation was an exchange that seemed to be going on in some mural, not to mention that someone in Homunculus had betrayed and circulated information somewhere, just to say that there was a traitor in this.

Such a fold, Waltz, who knew why the goddess could use a nanomachine, opened his mouth and began to speak, in the main.

"I'm talking about it... we leaked the information, didn't we? Or I don't think anyone's leaked it from the beginning."

"What does that mean? Does Waltz know anything about this?

"That's the goddess... maybe she's my relative"

"" 'Relatives...?

"This... I'm not sure how to explain it either, so I'll say what I saw on the ground... but that goddess, she probably has manoeuvre armor. It's also a dimensional concealer."

"" "Eh" "

"But, Sa, you've never seen such a brother or sister, and even if you gave up 100 steps and were a sister, you don't think my sister would be such a serious character... I still think it's more realistic to say that tempo will be the god of the new world."

Going further back in time, waltz of how he had thought about the possibility of making a sister like the Cortex and how long it would be since she became a goddess and appeared before us. But she will recall the Goddess's words and deny the possibility. Well, at the time you're using the term "serious personality," it's like you're denying it.

"But I guess you're not my sister... The reason that goddess said it existed...... At least I myself can't explain clearly why I exist, but that goddess had it right and said something like the purpose was to get rid of me... Because I don't think I'll ever have a sister with a purpose I don't know why... Yeah. I knew it, someone else in red. Relatives..."

"... so, after all, are you a relative ~? Or is it someone else ~?

"Relatives or something like someone else from the" same race "? Like a foreigner to the Japanese, right? So, I'm talking about the nanomachine earlier..."

'I mean, sister, other than yourself... no, a Guardian other than ourselves came here from the original world, and so we became goddesses... we build nanomachines like sister, and we do all kinds of things, right?

"I don't like the fact that what you're doing is the same... I mean, that's what you're doing? Do you know anything about Enders around here? I don't know where that goddess came from or who she is."

In response to that waltz inquiry, Enders said, clarity.

'Let me assure you this is all. I don't know anything but he's a goddess. "

Listen to that, Waltz asks again.

"Oh, yeah. So, what else are you hiding? You didn't know who the goddess was for saying you couldn't tell me everything earlier, did you?

'Oh, I don't know about the birth of a goddess. But... what else do you not know about the goddess? If we talk about it, or maybe Ms Waltz will rewrite the past... do you still want to know? At that moment, I think Ms Waltz knows more about what's going to happen than I can explain.

"The way I put it, I just feel like something really bad is going to happen next, soon... right. It's so hard for Lucia and the others to disappear from this world, I don't think I'm gonna ask. Is that okay with the brave?

Listen to that inquiry--

"… Your Majesty. Can you tell us more about it someday?

—— and Leonardo, the brave man who asks his own king.

In contrast, Enders concurs briefly with...

He seems, at the end of the day, to have left a bomb statement again.

'... oh, yeah. I remember there was one more thing I could say at this point. Probably by now... Catalina noticed the "goddess nanomachine" in my body and should have started removing it. It's a nanomachine made by Ms Waltz, isn't it? Because of that, to me, to a real undead body--'

"" "'Hey?!

And in the bridge again wrapped in chaos. Apparently, Waltz and I are going to continue to be haunted by King Endelusia's bomb statements every night.

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