"An inspiring reunion between mother and child... isn't it? I don't care what you think..."

"What can I say..."

"Parents and children... I don't know..."

With that said, a pair of black objects (?) Waltz and others with a far-sighted view of the exchange. There, "something" emerged from the labyrinth and Schwartz exchanged what only they could understand. Well, if I'm being precise, maybe I should describe it as an exchange that (...) doesn't even (...) know.

Anyway, the labyrinth in front of me is just like a newborn baby. Even with instinct, there should have been no intelligence. Schwartz, by contrast, understood a man's words, and although he could not pronounce them, he could write the letters: two (?) The exchange is like having a conversation between a baby and a child, if you like…. Decent communication could not be done as well as human beings.

So what were they doing...... If we were to limit ourselves to Schwartz, who can understand the words of the Waltz, he would no longer need any further explanation for what the labyrinth was like in front of him.


".................." Null?

To that black object that came out of the labyrinth, as if to say hello, the meeting (?) Cheval to do. The opposing black object seemed to have a strange reaction to what Schwartz was trying to do.

Such a girlfriend (?) whereas Schwartz goes into some action.


He took something out of his body.

It was food. Red colored fruit. I'm going to have it for a snack, and I probably brought it from the energy ship. When Cheval grabbed it with his tentacles, he offered it forward in front of the black object.

Then, if you are a black object, observe the fruit carefully before ——

".................." Nurr

—— and received it from Schwartz, and seemed to hold on. At that time, it was probably my fault that Cheval was about to be eaten with every tentacle.

Seeing how it went, Schwartz reacted satisfactorily, going into the next act.


Once again, I removed an object from my body.

The moment I saw it, now Waltz raised his voice.

"What, hey... wait, Cheval?! Which one of you brought that gold?!


"... I was watching Lucia's magic, and she gave me what she was making then"

"What are you giving Cheval, that girl..."

Listen to Catalina's translation, waltz holding her head. While there are questions about why Lucia gave Schwartz the gold, it also seems that Schwartz did not interpret Schwartz's previous carrying of the gold.


It wasn't just the gold that Cheval took out.


"... Hey, Cheval. So... did Lucia give you the Orihalcon too?


"Oh, yeah... yeah..."

Apparently, Schwartz also received a super expensive metal, the Orihalcon mass, from Lucia. It should be noted that when Cheval took the gold and orihalcon out of his system, Dahlia seemed flabbergasted not knowing the details... Well, with all the derailments, we won't be able to talk about it, so I'll just leave her alone.

Cheval then offered those two pieces of metal toward the black object. As for him, he didn't try to give it to me with the intention of eating it, he seemed to give it to me as a gift...... If you are a black object, did you think that was food, or immediately Cheval's hand (?) Upon receipt from ——

………… ♪ Bakun!

—— and stuck with it.

But needless to say, whether it's gold or orihalcon, it's not food. Results ——

………… "Biku!!

—— Black objects that took in metal chunks, when they grew togues from all over their bodies in a surprising fashion ——


—— I closed the entrance to the labyrinth and pulled a cage in it.


"Uh... did they hate you?

"You just have a little chest pain..."

".................. (In Cheval's body... Could it be full of gold and silver treasures?

Rejected by the black objects created by the labyrinth, Waltz, Catalina and Dahlia each show such a reaction before the flashing Schwartz.

Then I tried to wait on the spot for a while, but the mouth of the labyrinth would not open again...... The waltzes followed the scene with a soggy schwartz.

However, the experience seems to have meant something special to the newborn Proti Vixen. After this, in 1300, she (?) although I never had a connection with Cheval...... She (?) is the future in 1300 years, because she will entrust my son to Catalina...

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