Sacubus, known as the captain, was a magic specific.

The demon (Magimouse) that the knights were fighting before when the hunters were badly injured in South Fortress is a precedent encountered by the waltzes.

Magic specifics are not expressed only in demons, but also in demons and people.

The characteristic of magic specifics is that they tend to be more aggressive and more aggressive than other homologues in their attempts to use magic.

If we were to rephrase this to people, it could be described as a state of drowning in one's own power and being driven by a desire to keep exaggerating one's power.

The mechanism to be aggressive is not something that makes such a difference to people and animals alike.

But the big difference between people and demons and animals is whether they use intelligence to build society and live in it or not.

It is not easy (or easy) to live off a person's business, even if it is magic specific, but it is normal to live a life while hiding it, even if it has power.

However, on rare occasions, those who try to help their power for the world appear.

For example, in the case of men, the 'sorcerer', the country's leading wizard, is a good example.

They will always be on the front lines and still be leading the soldiers in the fight to protect their country and their homeland.

However, in the case of women, if they had more than a certain amount of magic, as in the witch certification of Waltz and the others (especially Lucia and Catalina), they would be mistaken (executed) by angels.

It is often people who are the subject of this, but the Demons are not the exception to it.

Called captain, she used to live in seclusion so that she wouldn't get caught up in this, too, in the area where the Demons lived.

From time to time, transformative magic ran wild, lets just say that she had labyrinthed the area around which she lived, but had no other major problems in particular, and lived a calm life.

But it was Sirius, the current Lord, who laid eyes on her like that.

Originally, the fact that the place where she lived was within the country where Sirius would fit in, and the fact that Sirius saw her illusion rampant during a regional leg, prompted her to scout.

Then Sirius leaps (and does) to add her to his own subordination.

Sirius, who hangs his approach over and over again, as if a man were going to tell a woman.

But she wanted to hide it because she herself was a magical idiosyncratic.

That's why I kept saying no to Sirius for years.

But three years to continue the approach.

Suddenly, she accepts to join Sirius.

The hell, I still don't know what kind of change of heart happened to her.

Sirius was very pleased that she had joined her subordination for whatever reason.

Sirius' troops were more specialized in defense than in attack.

And Sirius himself was striving to keep the war from happening as he presided over national politics.

In other words, the country of Sirius stood around like Japan in the modern world, where no battle was fought as far as possible.

But still, it's not like there 'll be no more victims.

Sirius therefore sought to defend his country in a manner that was neither offensive nor defensive.

That's why intelligence units are formed.

To pick that bud before things happen.

Alternatively, gather information to prepare in advance to minimize damage even if it becomes a battle.

That's the role of the intelligence unit.

Sirius set her at the top of the table, capable of compatibility.

That's all Julia knows about her captain.

"... hahaha... then, you idiot"

"Huh! Everybody close your eyes!

But Theresa and Julia, whose reactions have been delayed, can't make it... they get the demonic eye effect.

"Kuhaha... kuhaha..."

You convinced that you had fitted the two people in front of you during your own surgery, captain with a grin as you were drawn to the pain.

However, this development has proven that there are no problems in the village of Alk.

"Why not, Captain!


The look on the face of the captain who was laughing hardens as it is.

"Hey, why..."

Why does the devil's eye not work?

It is the effect of the bangle that Waltz and the others always wear (Invalid Attraction).

To the captain's doubts, no one talks about it.

Catalina then approaches the captain, alert but held down by Waltz.

As Waltz said, it would be to extract information forcefully, without questioning the means.

"Mr. Catalina! Mr. Waltz! Wait, please!

Julia stops.

But it doesn't shelter the former captain.

"... would you let me do it?

To her eyes, who said so, anger, sorrow, suffering, loneliness..., all sorts of things seemed to swirl.

The captain of his unit who took the lives of his dear companions, Teresa's family (royalty), and knights and guards.

Julia was never too small a responsibility for the actions of her associates.

"... Fine. I'll take care of it, but make sure you give me information on what the hell you did this for."

Waltz said in both manoeuvre armor and holograms.

"... okay"

There is no stray in Julia's eyes.

And she turned to the captain as she looked like a demon.

"Excuse me."

With that said, Julia exercises her demonic eye as well.

"Hmm, Julia. You think I'm going to be fascinated by that amount of magic?

I don't know what the rationale is, but they don't see Yulia's transformation.

"... yes"

To the captain's question, Julia answered quietly.

"Good luck."

That's what I said. Close your eyes, Captain.

Julia and the devil's eyes in Sacubus don't work when their eyes are closed.


"... please open your eyes, Rosalie (Captain)"

To Julia's words, the captain who opens his eyes honestly.

"Huh?! Then, stupid!

The captain was already in Julia's surgery.

Is that the effect of the enchant that Julia herself granted to the bangle, or is it the result of her own training...

"Then I'll ask you a question."

Julia tells.

Then the captain tries to resist with his whole body.

And tried to exercise illusion.

But that, too,

"... you won't forgive me..."

Soon, next to Julia, it is overthrown by Theresa, who stood as if she were a ghost.

The world that Teresa confronted with illusion.

It was a white world.

The workshop is also shining on one side, but there are nevertheless connections between the panels, so it is not entirely white.

But the world that Teresa created, it's completely white.

There is no shadow anywhere, and as far as I can see, all directions are light sources.

"Dear Teresa..."

"... you can't kill him until you spit on the information."

Teresa's bright red eyes were shooting through the gap in her hair as she leaned down and backed forward, the captain's figure.

"Oh, no..."

Even though it is a magical specificity, neither illusion magic nor demonic eye works.

When he says he can manipulate the entire Wang capital as he pleases with his own power, it doesn't make any sense to the two people in front of him.

Sacubus, called captain, this time lost all means to defy him.

Therefore, there is one means of taking it.

"Sorry! Master Altair!

That's what I said, I tried to chew my tongue off a thousand times.

... but that's also unacceptable.

The waltz's gravitational control fixed the jaw.


Yes, there's nothing the captain can do.

To move, to think freely, to die...

... Therefore, it should have been predictable for Waltz that this would happen.


The cigarette suddenly covers the side of the area.

but in less than a second, rising Chile was knocked down to the ground by Waltz.

And the sight that came into their eyes...


Columns like black metal about 30 cm in diameter (pile? arrow?) was the figure of a captain pierced by

"Oh, Altair!

Sometimes the captain was screaming earlier, but Waltz has seen this pile in South Fortress.

It was an attempt to kill the water dragon that was under Altair, but Waltz took it and got it.

This time, however, the distance was too far away for Waltz to react.

Apart from the distance being away, there was a reason Waltz couldn't react.

In the first place, this pile emerged from the transfer, but the transfer itself should have been cancelled by the junction that protects the city.

She thought the effect was still ongoing.

But apparently, this king's capital nowadays has also stopped the protective junction because the center is not functioning.

"Catalina! They're poisoning the pile, so hurry up with the detoxification and treatment! Brave men, check the city's boundaries!


I get a reply right back from Catalina.

"And urban boundaries?!

"... okay. Dear Teresa, please let us out of the illusion."

Apparently, the brave didn't know what the city's boundaries were like, but the wise reacted instead and took the brave men and ran outside.

Waltz, the figure of the hologram, instantly approaches the captain pierced by the pile and begins to check his condition with Catalina.

The pile was piercing the captain's lower abdomen and his upper and lower body were completely separated.

He still seems conscious, but he'll have it for a few minutes if it's this minute.

"Catalina! Stop the bleeding as a top priority! When you're done with that, prevent your medullary fluid from leaking while detoxifying!

Waltz skips instructions.


"Captain! Answer me! What did you do this for!

Julia was trying to get information from the captain, who was losing consciousness.


"... to Lord Altair, the Demon King, commanded, because"

The captain starts talking interruptively.

"... what the hell were you doing here?

Julia, who felt there was little time left for the captain, continues to ask questions as soon as she succeeds.

"Homunculus, was making"

"Where the hell is that homunculus?

"I don't know... locked me in here, out"

In other words, was the metal door that Waltz disassembled created by Homunculus?

"How did you get locked up?

"I don't know..."

"Where have you been?


Julia slaps the cheek of the captain who is about to fly in consciousness.

"... I don't know"

Captain to start talking again.

"... what are the people who came out yesterday evacuated to the Bridge of the Royal Castle?

Now Waltz heard as he proceeded with his treatment.

Waltz himself didn't see it in person, but when he jumped out of Royal Castle yesterday, there was definitely a life form on the bio-reaction sensor that was tunneling (or rather) near the moat.

There is no way that the people who lived until yesterday were the ingredients of homunculus today, etc.

"... that's my, user-demon. Altair, dear, because there's a special guy, and he said... to the phantom... I could sneak it."

(... eh! I found out...)

Waltz who is convinced and bitter that Altair has put his eyes on him.


It was when Julia tried to open her mouth.


The captain, who is supposed to be under the demonic eye effect, opens his mouth.

"... it was... me... who put my people in my hands."


"In illusion... I killed..."

Apparently, this was the reason Waltz didn't know when he looked into the cause of death.

The body wasn't killed, the spirit was killed.

If there is such a thing as instant death magic, it is probably the same principle.

And the captain said.


Her words like that did not include defiant attitudes until earlier.

"I'm gonna say... excuse... ha ha ha!

Blood spitting captain.

"... yuri... a... homun... kuru... su... have... mind... mind..."

The word was finally lost light from the captain's eyes.

"Mr. Waltz. No. If you touch this pile of poison, the blood itself will degenerate..."

"... that's enough, Catalina. 'Cause I could hear a lot about it."

(But I wonder what you did this for...)

Julia's question was' Why did you build Homunculus', and the captain's answer was' Because Altair commanded you '.

What Waltz and the others wanted to hear was, 'What did you build Homunculus for?' but Julia was in a hurry, too, so I guess she didn't care that much.

I still have some questions.

Why did you use royalty as an ingredient for homunculus?

Can't be a regular city guy, was there any special reason?

Why did you move from under Sirius the Demon King to Altair?

Were you caged, or were you threatened?

Seeing as I was apologizing for killing a fellow trooper at death, maybe Altair was manipulating me with spirits or something.

It is one of the mysteries of why you killed your friends in the intelligence forces.

Did you find out what happened inside the Imperial Castle?

We should have interrogated them carefully, but Waltz and the others had no further means of obtaining information than to allow mouth sealing by Altair.

Even Catalina, the boulder, cannot bring him back to life until he is dead.

And most importantly,

"I wonder where the homunculus went..."

According to Waltz's bio-response sensors, there were no creature reactions inside the royal castle except for themselves underground and the brave men who went up the stairs.

Waltz is relieved by that.

In the meantime, he said there would be no more fighting.

But I remember.

(... that... yesterday, when we arrived, you said you used a demon to disguise a biological reaction...)

And then he said this, too.

(And I was stuck in Homunculus...)

In other words, from a trapped basement, he was releasing demons against the outside world?

(If it wasn't a mechanism that could be summoned remotely...)

That was when Waltz thought about it and tried to open his mouth to ask his people about how the demon works.


A loud earthquake swayed the ground surrounded the area.

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