Waltz descended into the deep woods, which were beyond the first mountain range, using rear metamorphosis magic. So the Endels boy seemed to lean his neck wonderfully. My body was strangely lighter when I descended from the mountain peaks into the woods.


"See, I don't blur. Walk away!"

"Oh, I know that. But..."

"But what?

"... no. I was wondering where to go..."

At the end of the gaze of the Endels boy, who so uttered, a narrow road that could not be described as a street continued to sew through the gaps in the trees. But it's not like there's a sign indicating where we're going, or that people are going and going... As an Endels boy, I didn't seem to be able to make a decision as to whether it was okay to go that way.

"Oh, how strange, isn't it? I don't get it either, do I?


"I think maybe Dwarf lives here (not in the future after 1300...). The first goal is to find their village. After that...... well, then you just have to think about it....... so please pay for the expose. That way, isn't it?

"... ok"

The Endels boy who, without interrogation, goes silently down the road north. Walk behind it in the order of Waltz, Lucia, the brave, Leah, and the wise.

A person at the rear of them spoke to the fourth person from before.

"Hey, Leo." That "is... you did it?

"" That "? Could it be that hey k... is it about Master Enders' body?

"Oh. But how it goes... it's not you, is it?

Nicole, the wise man who narrows his eyes by saying so. Apparently he suddenly noticed the Endels boy was moving better.

The opposing brave Leonardo was also aware of the matter, but apparently he did not use the magic of physical strengthening or the magic of recovery.

"No, not me"


After saying so, the brave men turn their gaze from the beginning to the person who was walking the second. Then, from her side, the bitterness flies.

"See, brave and wise? I don't talk about anything extra."

"Sorry (was it Waltz......)"

"... ok (I knew it was Master Waltz...)"

Brave men with a small grin as they said so and shut their mouths, both of whom seem to have understood what happened to the Enders boy's body.

The place where the line was walking with such an exchange was at the bottom of that valley, sandwiched between the mountains and the mountains. The narrow road leading north and south was heading north. To be more specific, towards where there was the town of Zapato in the future world.

But go, go, go, go. In the woods. Instead of the town of Dwarf, I can't even see the village, the settlement.

In the end, I walked for about 4 hours, and I said, come on, my legs are starting to hurt, when Lucia started magically floating in the universe. The line leads to the swamps that were in the woods. It's a marsh about 30 meters in diameter that was blowing out of the sandy ground at the bottom with clear water.

Waltz lifts his roots as he stops at the abyss and peeks into the swamp.

"... wouldn't it be better here at this time? Could this swamp be a landmark?

"But, sister? What is this swamp...... Sylvia, I wonder if you have much left until the time your sisters are waiting for you? One of these days, I feel like I'm going to bury it and it's gone..."

"That. It's not noticeably small from the sky, and if there's a landslide or something like that, it's going to disappear..."

That's what I said, waltz crouching into the ground and putting his hands on it. Apparently, she's exploring the ground to check the water and the mineral veins.

And then Waltz finished his investigation in no time.

"... hmm. There seems to be some pretty thick water underneath because of the mountains and the surrounding mountains. If this were you, if you could dig a hole enough to change the terrain, it might be easy to build a lake?

—— and so on, when I uttered an insane statement, I meant that.


and bubbles appear on the surface of the swamp.

It was, in the beginning, a small bubble, which looked as if it had floated with the water that was gushing from the bottom of the swamp. But ——


—— The momentum is gradually increasing….

And finally ——


—— and blew up. And with the water column, something that isn't foam shows up in the middle of the swamp.

It's a glowing blue object. It also looks like a hazy fog and not like a flame...... Something like that appeared on the surface of the swamp.

"Is that something?

"Big Fluorescent?

And when I'm tilting my neck...... The wise man raised his voice as surprised.

"That's..." The Spirit "!

"" Spirit?

"What's that fantastic creature... no way, pissed off because I said" I'm gonna make a lake here "..."

"No. It's not a creature. That 's--"

Just before the wise man uttered an explanation ——


—— and the floating sensation that strikes about the waltzes. Metastatic magic was activated around the waltzes. It should be noted that neither Leah, the Endels boy, nor Lucia, who can use metastatic magic, have exercised magic.

As a result, they come to a certain place... When we got there, the words the wise man uttered could be said to have been too late.

"--Ancient magic."

That's what I said, a wise man with a wand in his hand. The other members, too, put up their weapons reflexively.

What preceded such a line was an iron fence that grew from the ground at intervals to such an extent that people could not pass through. And the ceilings and walls are surrounded by seemingly sturdy rocks... Situationally, they seem to have been forced to move into the cage.

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