Confirming that there were no enemies in the castle, Waltz called the three men who had kept them waiting in the dining room to the conference room.

To give Catalina healing for those brave men who are still unconscious.

Among them, the swordsman was severely ill, with not only a fractured bone in his face, but also a serious condition, such as a crushed lung or a partial rupture of his gut.

But thanks to Catalina, or whether her physical strength played a role, she painstakingly took her life and is now asleep quietly.

The others also had complicated fractures, dislocations, internal bleeding, etc. because they had received silicon masses exceeding 500 kg, but no one had a separate form in their lives.

Nevertheless, the healing magic was hanging as it was, because the bones could have made strange connections or a chunk of blood could have remained in the body, so she was to undergo surgery for Catalina.

At that time, he was a brave man who was in a mood when he saw how his fellow men were being chopped up, but he was again crawling to the ground under "May" and Waltz's gravitational control (10G).

It goes without saying that he was then thanking Catalina in tears to see how his companions were back on track after finishing treatment.

By the way, the brave man himself didn't seem to have had that many major injuries, just bruises.

That is the 'brave man' chosen by God.

Now, the problem is not physical wounds.

It's a heartbreak.

Body wounds don't matter with healing magic or Catalina treatment.

But for the wound of the heart, if the healing magic doesn't work, there's no medicine to put on it.

The treatment of Catalina is not universal.

In the modern world, there are treatments such as counseling and psychiatry, but unfortunately, this is a different world.

Waltz doesn't record any means of healing the spirit, even if he has information on how to heal his body's wounds.

If he is heartbroken, he will have to do something about it.

And all Waltz could do was help with that... kind of thing.


Waltz has no reaction when he talks to him.

Already the tears had dried up, his eyes turned bright red, and one, sat up.

... and the other troublemaker is Julia.

"Please let me die!

He removed the sword on the wall, put it on his neck, and tried to kill himself.

Just was it luck or bad luck?

The sword was dull and could not hurt Julia's neck.

Now, the hunter is holding me back so I can't hurt myself any more.

It was one of Julia's companions and bosses who took Teresa's family and wore her heart out.

Julia herself felt so responsible for it.

Until morning, everyone said that they were amiable, but now they were quite different.


Did Lucia get anxious, holding Waltz's hand and looking up at her face?

"... Lucia. It's okay. People aren't as vulnerable as they seem."

Waltz himself, I didn't know what to do, but I didn't think everything would work out if I gave up here, and I told Lucia that, but I told myself the same.

And then we get closer to Julia.

"Mr. Hunter. Please let him go. I'll do the rest."

"... at a time like this, I can't believe I can only hold on to my people... you're helpless too."

"That's what I'm helping you with. Don't let it get you down."

That said, Waltz received Julia from the hunter.

Even though I said I received it, Waltz is not holding Julia back either.

Full of it, I set Julia free and simply stood before her.


Waltz speaks to Julia lying on the ground.

"I'm responsible for this one, too. So if you're responsible, I'll carry you with me."

"Oh, no..."

I couldn't deny it without that, Julia.

In fact, this happened because Waltz erased the angel that was in the king's capital.

"But yeah. Now is the time to think about responsibility like this?

Waltz told Julia quietly.

"I don't know why your boss was connected to Altair anymore. But isn't it weird to think that you're going to die but live even though you know the culprit and you might still be plotting something by hiding Homunculus?


To Waltz's words, Julia's face turns blue.

"I haven't finished anything yet. So..."

With that said, Waltz let Julia stand under gravitational control.

"So now's not the time to close your eyes."

"... eh..."

You remembered your lost companions, and the captain, tears spilled out of Julia's eyes.

Waltz grabs Julia and squeals.

"I told you, didn't I? He said I'd carry that responsibility with me. So don't ever want to die again."

Julia turned to Waltz's shoulder and started ringing out loud.

After a while, Waltz decided to leave Julia to the hunter.

And I took to Teresa.

As Waltz walked over, Teresa had eyes without light, looking somewhere far away.

Is this what you say about a state where your soul has fallen out?


Waltz spoke again.

She herself did not expect Teresa to react with this call.

Let's take the time to open her heart, that's what I thought.

But contrary to that expectation, Teresa turned her bright red eyes to Waltz and opened her mouth.

"Nothing... it's gone..."

The family, the kingdom, even the prime ministers and maids I've known for a long time...

I can't see them anymore.

"Teresa... I have something to apologize to you for."

Waltz told Teresa with a bitter face.

"I'm the one who took your family's life."

"... you know."

Teresa returned unexpected words.

"Wasn't it your lord who put a hole in everyone's chest then...?

At that time, that is, when we let the underground door disappear and enter.

"Yes, I am."

Waltz answers Teresa's questions without getting lost.

"... I'm sorry about that. Thank you."

So she's been bowing her head.

"Because the Lord did it, He gave my father and my mothers rest..."

There is no word I can return to Waltz.

After a little silent time, Teresa started talking again.

"Even concubines are royal. I was prepared to lose my family in battle, but..."

Teresa holding her knees with both arms.

"It's cold..."

Did you want to say you're lonely, or did you want to say you're miserable?

Teresa shrugged at the unspeakable words.

Waltz watched Teresa like that, sat on her knees behind her, and hugged her.

"This is all I can do for you, but..."

That's what I say. Face Teresa's cheek.

"I will do everything I can to help you."

"Um, I promise."

That being said, Teresa also stuck her face to Waltz's cheek and meditated her eyes.

"Yeah, I promise."

Theresa seems to have fallen asleep after a while.

Waltz floats sleeping Teresa in the air and asks the brave man.

"So, who's Altair?

Waltz and the others have the Demon King (?) There was no information about Altair at all.

"... I don't even know..."

"I don't know, what kind of brave man are you fighting?"

I think you know too little about them (Demon King), Waltz.

"... we do have a job to fight demon kings against. But they're not telling us to destroy all demon kings. And we're not even that strong."

That's what I said, a brave man looking at the hunter.

Apparently, hunters have more longing than love.

"... then do you know anything about how I can get information?

"... I'm sorry. Even we collect information on our own feet. I used to have a airship, so I was free to move..."

That's what I said. A brave man who chills at Waltz and looks away as soon as he meets his gaze.

"... I apologize for that. I didn't think there was anything else flying in the sky besides us..."

It was an accident with overlapping bad luck.

Lucia also has a crease between her eyebrows and looks uncomfortable somewhere.


Waltz thinks a lot.

The most troublesome thing most recently would have been getting eyes on Altair.

The quick thing was to get rid of Altair quickly, but the problem was that there was absolutely no information about Altair.

Even to ask the Water Dragon, a former Altair subordinate, he is in a state where no information can be drawn at all about Altair because he is bound by the Spirit.

Even as we walk to gather information, Altair flies piles with transfers, so it was very dangerous to act outside the town where the anti-transfer junction was stretched or where the junction for the city (hereinafter referred to as the urban junction) was stretched.

Of course, if Waltz can react every time and hold the pile, there's no problem.

But there must always be a situation where Waltz's eyes are out of reach more than acting with everyone else.

Alternatively, it is possible to think of a way to keep the anti-metastasis junction up and moving all the time, but there is no way we can keep putting that much load on Catalina.

"After all, we'll have to do something about the city..."

Waltz shrugged bosomly.

I hear you have a plan.

"Is that it? Speaking of which, what happened to the kingdom of the capital?

Waltz asked the brave man.

"No, we were attacked before we could do something about it, so there's nothing we can do."

"What... so you're saying they're still after us now?! Catalina, can you do something?

"Uh... to not find out..."

The information on the urban juncture was given to me by Catalina, but she was also the first to deal with the juncture itself, she said.

"Do you know where the place is? Brave?"

"Uh, sure, a wise man said it was in the highest part of the royal castle."

Starting with the sage, his fellow brave men remain unconscious due to the effects of the anesthesia they used for Catalina's surgery.

"The most expensive... Catalina, are you coming?

That's what I said, waltz floating Catalina with gravity control, blowing windows out and out on the surface.

Teresa was the only one, so I put her to bed on the floor on the spot.

(... that one)

It was a clear glassy object on the roof of the royal castle that came into Waltz's eyes.

Step down with Catalina on that side.

"So far, there seems to be no attack from Altair, but can you hurry and see if the junction can be used?

"... yes. I'll take a moment."

Catalina then began to examine the clear glass sphere.

After about 10 minutes, a voice hangs from Catalina.

"Mr. Waltz. For once, I know how to use it..."

That's what I said. Her teeth are broken badly.

"You don't have enough magic?


"Okay. Well, keep your ears shut. Because I'll call Lucia."

When Waltz left here to call Lucia, he threatened to be attacked by Altair, so instead,

"Tempo!! Bring Lucia!!

I called.

Then Tempo, who heard it, hacked the manoeuvre armor and borrowed it from Waltz (took it?) On his palm, he flew in with himself and Lucia.

"I've come to Lucia's courier"

"Good girl."

Aren't you afraid of the high places, Lucia jumped off her palms onto the roof and ran over to the waltzes.

"Did you call?

"Yep. I want you to put magic into this sphere. Oh, you don't have to do everything you can, do you?

"Huh?... yeah..."

Such a pity, Lucia.

And it was the moment Lucia started pouring magic.


A bell-ringing sound rang around.

It is an attack from Altair.

Apparently, the target was Lucia, but the wary waltz took the pile.

Lucia stops an unexpected hand pouring magic into the roar that rang in her ear.

"Lucia, hurry up"

Catalina rushes Lucia.

In the meantime,






As many as five piles flew in to keep standing.

But it's all shot down by waltz.

It seems like a good thing to destroy before the Waltz and the others realize the urban juncture, but when they saw where they didn't destroy it, they probably didn't know where the other side was either.

"Hey... Catalina? Antimetastasis. Can you tie the line?

But the answer I got back from Catalina...

"The anti-metastasis junction cannot prevent metastasis from the outside, even if it can prevent metastasis from the inside."

"Uh... oh, yeah..."

Unfortunately, Waltz is likely to need to watch out for flying piles until Lucia's work is done.

And after about two minutes,

"Enough, Lucia."


Enchantment of magic into the urban juncture was completed.

"I'll go then!

The moment Catalina shrugged something by touching the urban juncture,


When I wondered if the inside of the glass sphere glowed as if it were a lighthouse, something like a transparent wave spread around it, enveloping the entire king's capital.

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