"... can you please stop now and stay home ~? As it is, this side also has to exercise strength in order to leave m --"

'... you mean run away?

"... Huh. Ok ~. I don't know what happens anymore ~?

When Cortex said so, he crouched into the spot and wrote a square window-like picture on the ground of the spot. And put your right hand there ——

"You may think it's safe to hide in different spaces ~... door anywhere (...), open!

—— and start a demon prop with a name like you've heard somewhere.

At that moment, open to the ground, a small square window. Cortex goes into that hole ——

"Mana Bomb Dropped ~"

—— I threw in the silver cylinder I took out of my pocket, and closed the window.

And when she...

"Discovery ~"

—— and it is the moment when I utter it with a voice like a loose in between.

"Say what t --"

The word of the goddess suddenly interrupts there. Apparently something went wrong with the body of the goddess in different spaces.

Then, even then, Cortex looks back...... This is what I say to the fox girls who were there.

"Come on, shall we run ~? When I'm grumbling, a goddess appears from different spaces, and he's going to come after me ~"

In contrast, Lucia and Teresa ask.

"Cor, are you done?

"I haven't seen where I knocked him down, so I'm just willing to keep the flag..."

"I don't think you've probably knocked it down ~? Harmful to those in this day and age is too dangerous, because you don't aggressively attack ~. Anyway, now, let's slip away. It's a lot of hassle when you can come after me. One of these days, singing a strange song, it must come"

That's what I said, Cortex climbing the energy talap shitty as he mumbled a theme song for a horror movie. Lucia and Teresa followed with a strange look afterwards...... Everyone climbed through the talap.

Shortly thereafter ——


—— and something like a high-energy beam strikes from behind the three of us. It was to Teresa's back, who was walking at the rear ——


--and hit it, making a whimpering noise.

"Ouch......" Sassu

"Yeah? What's wrong, Teresa?

"No... I just felt like I hit my back..."


"I felt like it was just a little big for a bug..."

"I don't have a choice anymore..."

With that said, Lucia turns her right hand out of the hatch. The behavior itself is in a casual way as if trying to magically burn mosquitoes drifting outside...... It was an occasional sight to see in this world of using magic to kill insects.

Cortex, however, seemed to have rushed to stop Lucia from doing so. Something outrageous is about to happen, he was so sure.

She just didn't force herself to stop until she stood up. What if something happened and Lucia's magic turned to her... Because I was extremely likely to be erased like a bug myself then.

For example ——


—— At this moment, like a goddess who might be ahead of that beam......

"... for once, mind you, the beam didn't concentrate, did it? I also knew that if I did something to rewrite the map, it would change the future..."

"... So Lucia is convinced of the status quo ~? Even if the wilderness is not just wilderness, it is burning wilderness ~"

"Ugh......" puffy

"Already...... please be careful. If you're as powerful as that goddess, even if you stand upside down, you won't even be able to hurt Energia, so if this one gets in, you don't have to dare."

"Teresa said she got stung by a bug so loud... but I'm sorry..."

"Why is it the concubine's fault... wait a minute, it's Bear. Lord, where are you going to apply the ointment you have in that hand... hey... stop...!

A line that moves energy from where the goddess was and changes place. At that time, the three Cortex, Lucia and Teresa who came to the bridge and Plus Alpha seemed to be holding a reflection.

Such reflections, too, come to an end...... Cortex seems to have decided to contact Waltz and the hunter via radio.

and before that.

Cortex questioned his companions who were gathered at the bridge.

"Did you contact anyone, your sister, while we were dealing with the goddess ~?

"" "………" "Shh.

"... you didn't take anyone ~. It would be helpful if you could take it from next. Well, if there's a next time, though."

and Cortex spilling the depression he was looking for when he was dealing with the goddess.

Then she starts the communication terminal that was on the bridge... He spoke to the waltzes, who would be somewhere in the wilderness.

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