"" ".................. humbu!

"Become... Duh, why are you laughing?!

When Esta saw something like the likeness of Teresa and the others --and became that model, they unwittingly blew it out. Yes, no one understood what was painting there except the person who painted it.

"Hey, for once, listen, Ko, these are the concubines... heh, heh... is that good? [incomprehensible]

"Naturally. Look, this is Teresa, this is Beatrice, and this is Lucia."

"... e, Master Esta? Have you ever shown anyone else a painting that you've painted? ♪ Puffy ♪

"Yeah, of course there is, isn't there? Everyone's always happy."

"Damn that feeling... damn... I don't even know... maybe"

Esta paintings seen by 3 people. There are about 3 of them ecstatic about something beyond UMA...... It had created an atmosphere that no longer even felt malicious before resembling Theresa and the others. That seemed to haunt Teresa's bumps, and all three of them couldn't contain what was coming up.

However, as for Esta, naturally there was no offense (wagging), she seemed to draw extremely seriously... It seemed out of her mind that the three of them would laugh at the painting.

"Me too! Fool people's paintings!

"So you're not making fun of me? Rather, hello r... aren't you thankful? Bear and Miss Lucia, right?

"That's right, isn't it?

"Ugh, yeah. Oh, yeah."

"" ".................. Pfft!

"That's good enough! I'll never draw again!

And it swells my cheeks, Esta. I'm just not really mad at that, it seemed like half of it was a joke. Well, what ingredients the other half make up is indescribable.

Then the three of us held our bellies for a while and just finally settled down...... Teresa asked Esta, who still looked grumpy with Punska.

"Lord Esta, by the way? Didn't the concubines come here on some business?

"Oh, I was. I almost forgot. Because I laugh at people's paintings already!

"I'm really sorry. So, what can I do for you?

And when Teresa asks, Esta, who looks frightened, speaks of the requirement with an intact look.

"Mr. Teresa, how did you come to this town? I don't care what you think, you don't look like an adventurer..."

"Hmm... it's true that the concubines are enrolled in the (future) Adventurer Guild, but I certainly didn't come to this town as an adventurer. If, Lord Esther, the concubines caused this incident and --"

"No. I'm not suspicious, am I? However, some of the people in town suspect that Teresa is more involved in the [illness] thing or the [explosion of the inn] thing... I wanted to solve that misunderstanding, so I came to ask you what Teresa and the others were up to.... I can't stand it. You know, revenge for someone who saved the town..."

"Hmm...... I see. That feeling hurts. Indeed, the concubines may have caused the explosion of the Inn... No, it's nothing."

"... Huh?

"As for the disease, as Lord Esta knows, Waltz and Lord Catalina saved everyone, didn't they? Of course, it wasn't the concubines who sprayed the disease."

"Then to help us, to this town?

In response to that Esta inquiry, Teresa shakes her head.

"Just a coincidence. It's just the way it is. If you walk around the area with a bluff, by chance, you're getting to this town? Then Miss Alto --No, when I met the Apostle of the Goddess and we had a roundabout and had a fight, the Inn blew up. Totally...... ayatsu. What are you thinking about using such powerful magic in town..."

"Uh... goddesses, apostles, Mr. Alto, we can fight a war... the story is leaping too far, I'm not sure..."

"Well, that would normally happen..."

I always feel like Waltz somehow figured out why he omitted the explanation, and Teresa drops her shoulder. How can I explain my interaction with a goddess, who is also to be called a presence on a cloud, to ordinary people who are not directly connected to a goddess, even though she is a nun... Teresa didn't immediately seem to have a good idea.

That's the same for the other two...... Lucia and the others seemed to wonder if there was any way to explain it in a straightforward way. However, it seems that it has become a hassle gradually because of the amount of information that should not be talked about... In the end, 'a gas explosion blew the inn away' and seemed forced to convince me about Esta.

… it is unclear whether Esta understands "gas".

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