"Thank you for dinner. It was so delicious. Besides, please give me a lift here and get me a souvenir..." Juru

"Well, it's a neighborhood...... you can't eat souvenir curry, alone, can you? Look, I'm drooling. Amber."

After dinner, the waltzes sent Esta to church. The pot with the souvenir curry was heavy, so as we carried it, we all decided to send it.

"Aww..." Fukifuki "Phew... Now we're good."

"I'm worried..."

"And worried, do you think I might just eat alone?

"Of course not, you think? Right?"

".................." jyu


"... I won't eat it."

"I don't know, distractions, salivation... that's suspicious..."

At the same time, waltz about how he decided to believe Esta.

Then Lucia offered something to Esta.

"Mr. Esta. I'll give you this."

"What?... cold?!

"Yeah. It's freezing, so melt it down and eat it, okay? But when you melt it, you can't use fire or anything, okay? I think I can eat it in the morning because I think it will melt in the night if I leave it there."

"What? This..."


Wrap handed to Esta by Lucia. That was Mid-Eden Inari sushi, which she kept frozen in a special bag she was carrying. The same goes for the "sign of proximity", but there seems to have been another reason.

"Thank you for trying to break the curse of not being able to cook."

"No... After all, I couldn't curse..."

"We may have failed as a result, but even if we just found out what prevented us from cooking, it was an amazing advance for us... Never mind?

"Really...? Uh... well, thank you."

That being said, Esta receives Inari sushi from Lucia looking sorry.

Then she asks the waltzes.

"Gentlemen, how long have you been in this town?

In contrast, Teresa now replied.

"Tomorrow morning, I think I'm leaving."

"Oh, tomorrow? Are you leaving already?

"Mm-hmm. Neither Miss Lucia nor Bear have the symptoms of the [disease] in the example, and besides, a little further away from here, the rest of us will be waiting. We can't keep him waiting forever."

"Then I... no, I can't thank you for anything from us"

"What, I don't care. From Lord Esta, in a way, it's like you've already received a thank you."


"Hmm. Maybe."

With that said, Teresa remembered that it was still today at the cafeteria in Energia, about Rosemary, who would be doing the waitress. I'm not sure if Esta and Rosemary are related in blood, but as far as location and race are concerned, I don't think they are irrelevant...... Teresa seemed almost certain. Especially if Esta doesn't know anything about Rosemary, who may be descendants of the future 1300 years away.

And finally, Waltz opened his mouth again.

"... esta? Even if they abuse you because you're a sacubus, you shouldn't snap at me, right? In the world, there are even Thakuvas who have risen to the top of the country's institutions… like ministers. It's human country, too, isn't it?

"I knew... you knew I was Sacubas, didn't you?

"Well, I'm, like, a demon, so there's a lot of information coming in."

"Really............... eh? Seriously......?

"Well, shall we go"

When Waltz said so, he started walking with his back to Esta, who tilted his neck. He decided to withdraw from the scene before being extraneously pryed.

The others go after her like that... Towards the back of a line, Esta threw her voice.

"Thank you! Please come back sometime!

That's what I said, Esta waving at the waltzes leaving.... Note that Esta seems to see this moment as if it were a farewell to the Waltz, but it is not tonight, but the next morning, that they leave this town.

Then the waltzes returned to their private homes.

It seems, however, that they did not enter the private house. Because just before Waltz entered the private house, he stopped on his feet.

"There's someone in there..."

"" "Huh?

"Maybe... Mr. Thief?

"What do you think? You can't deny the possibility of people in town? For example... people who are disgusted with us and Esta getting along."

I heard that. Lucia...

"... hey, I'm complaining!/(adv, adv-to) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (

—— and swelled his cheeks, standing in front of the door of the private house where he was based. And then...

"Wait a minute, Miss Lucia. It's not like there are people your Lord thinks they are."

—— Teresa chases.

"So who's there?

"... Are you a thief?

"So, if they're thieves, shouldn't they complain?

"I don't mind that..."

"Well, whoever's in there, you can complain, right?

"No, well, that's..."

And, while Teresa was wrapping her tongue around, Lucia opened the door to the private house.

And the person who waited there comes into their sight. But it was neither a man of the town nor a thief.

"... ah! Welcome home!

"A, Alto..."

"A, Miss Alto..."

And Lucia and Teresa solidified. Somehow I was there because it was Alto, the wizard girl who was supposed to have repelled me yesterday...

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