
"... calm, calm..."

Eve was trying unwittingly to calm herself down. In an unusual situation where we don't know what happened, there is nothing we can do. The opposite is directly linked to anxiety as it is... Though she didn't put it on the table, she seemed desperate to contain herself.

"... yeah, okay! It's okay!"

Eve manages to change her mind and tries to get back to cleaning. But when I turned around ——

"... eh..."

—— It seemed to be the limit of her calmness.

"It's... who?

A strange boy fell on the white floor of the cafeteria. It doesn't get a thread together either, in what's called a spompous state...... Is he about the same age as Rosemary?

As soon as I saw that appearance, Eve was confused. Where the hell did he come from, why he's naked, why he's grabbing a mop, and who he is...... Even Eve, who tried to be calm, couldn't just look and pretend not to see, and she rushed to the side of the boy who was falling.

"So, are you okay?!...... ha. Maybe he's breathing, huh?

And, put your finger on the boy's neck, Eve checking his pulse.

Then Fei Long, who was nearby, began to talk about the situation with regret.

"... Lord. This one is ba (...) n (...)"

"Van? Fenrill's?

"Mm-hmm. Actually... I let him drink my mana"

"That's what happened... But why?"

"This guy wants to reward me for my benevolence, and he wants me to do something, so I thought I'd leave it to him to clean up. But I can't grasp the mop... So I heard.... I was wondering if you wanted to be human."

"Then you said you might want to be?

"Uhm...... But now that I think about it, I might have been reckless. I'm now reflecting that it wasn't too late after things were cleared up a little bit. I seem to have been relieved because of all the experience I've been through."

And, in an extremely calm way, a flying dragon remembers the old days. That said, what she was remembering was recently. It seemed like a long time since I started acting with the waltzes.

Eve on the other hand doesn't know what Fei Long is thinking...... It appears that she had received her words on par. I mean, I guess there were a lot of things going on in Fei Long's life experience, you know?

As a result, Eve continued the conversation without touching on Fei Long's "experience".

"... it might be subtle if this were the case right now. But I can't help but say what's done...... anyway, now, maybe we should get Van back to consciousness. Maybe they'll say," Evacuate. "Oh, and I have to get dressed!

"People don't have hair or scales..."

"Yeah. Well, Eve, maybe you'll find some clothes. So Dragon wakes Van up?

That's what I said, Eve heading towards the kitchen. Apparently she's going to look for something Van can wear there.

Meanwhile, the flying dragon left on the spot was twilight on the way.

"... Speaking of which, how do I wake you up?

Human experience (?) She didn't seem to know how she could wake Van, who was unconscious.

"(slap? But how much force do I have to tap? If you do poorly, you could get hurt... So you're on fire with a brace?... No, we haven't seen dragons before, like people waking up with fire...)"

And for a while, think about it... Fei Long reached a certain conclusion.

"(If you don't know how strong to beat it, you should shock it in a way other than beating it. The shouting... the Lord hears it too, so let it stop... Then grab it and shake it...... hmm. Let's do that!

That's what I decided ——


—— and with thin arms, a flying dragon grabbing up about Van. Apparently, her arm strength, even if it's transformed into a person's appearance, remains to some extent.

And she tries to shake Van--

"... what? Speaking of which, what should I call you?

—— Need words of call (?) She immediately stopped her hand because she noticed something. … it is needless to say, there is no need to hang the words of the call to wake people up.

"... right. I've only seen it once before. Lord Ene was saying something to wake the sleeping Lord Victor..."

Words hung by the Energy Sisters, a collection of micromachines, against swordsmen. Fei Long, who remembers it, speaks the words that the Energizers were saying, toward Van. That too, while grabbing his body with his all-powerful arms and swinging it around trying to handle a doll or something......

As a result, the ship will be engulfed in a different kind of chaos than the chaos caused by physical phenomena that were occurring outside. It was still her human experience (?) because it was shallow, maybe it is.

"Whoa ho............ Victor! If you don't wake up soon, I'll take something important from Mr. Victor. ♪ Boom, boom, boom ♪

"" "Hmm?!

... thus again today, on board the ship of Energia, at a time of peace (?) flows......

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