Deprexa apologizing to Endels boy, as if collecting a water cover that won't return to the basin.

Behind that, different problems had arisen again. Catalina came back to the gate, holding a certain girl. Yes, with an unconscious Lucia thing......

Seeing how it goes, Julia and the others react in unison.

"" Le, Lucia?!

"Are you all right?!

In response to that inquiry, Catalina answered.

"Yes, it should be okay. I think I'm just tired and temporarily asleep because of the use of great magic"

"Oh well..."

"" Good...... "

and Julia exhaling in relief at the same time.

Catalina's expression, on the other hand, did not appear to float unlike everyone else. Lucia said she was safe, and Catalina had this look on her face like she was headed for dark cloudy weather.

Seeing the look on her face like that and how Teresa was coming back earlier, Julia asked if she had guessed anything.

"Dear Catalina, Something wrong? For example... it seems to have something to do with Theresa..."

"There was no problem, I can't say..."

Julia heard that heavy word that Catalina utters--

"... ok. I'll see you later."

—— Seems to have decided to stop asking the circumstances on the spot. There was still confusion, and on top of that, there was Teresa, the party, so she decided she couldn't hear it out now.

Such a fold. Good timing, Lucia herself wakes up. When she slowly opened her eyes, she cut out the story herself.

"... yeah. Explain it to me. Because this... is my problem"

Lucia said so, descending from Catalina's arm. At that time, she was seemingly floating because she was floating lightly under the influence of Waltz's gravity control system?

Catalina pinches her mouth just before she says the words that go on. But that didn't mean doctor stop, it seemed to be the result of her attention.

"... Isn't there something Lucia needs to do first before she can explain the situation?... right? Dear Teresa."

Catalina spoke to Teresa, who was reacting only slightly to Lucia's return to consciousness. But as soon as Catalina calls on her, she begins to have a face that doesn't float again.

Besides, Lucia also shut up for some reason...



Silence engulfed the scene for a while.

And a little while later, it was the older Teresa who opened her mouth.

"... the concubine has a lot to apologize for. But? Miss Lucia, I'm sorry, but you don't have the Lord's name in it. Because the concubine was told a while ago to beat someone up.... I was wondering why you said things that demean you, why you don't know how you feel worrying about yourself. If you think about it, I don't think the concubine made a mistake."

After using so much magic as to penetrate the Great River, Lucia's magic fell into a state of rampage. At that time, in order to save her life, Teresa was forced to rewrite her consciousness by exercising her spiritual magic. Theresa says she doesn't apologize for that.

Lucia objected to that.

"So what am I supposed to do? I couldn't contain my magic, and I could have killed dozens, hundreds, maybe tens of thousands... and still tell me to use my magic? Again and again..."

"I'm tired of talking about" maybe. "What if I told you, you don't have any kiri?... Maybe whenever Miss Energia lands, someone there will be underneath --"


"Perhaps whenever Lord Yuki eats spicy food, there are those who are dying of spices in the dishes"

"... I'm so sorry"

"And maybe... the concubine killed her family too... Miss Alto... he is the Demon King Altair..."

As soon as I heard that word--

"" "Hmm?!

—— and the air on the spot that solidifies. No one seemed to think that they would come to this age and hear its name.

But no one tried to block Teresa's words along the way. Because the story between her and Lucia was still going on.

"... but it won't be a good reason for me to use any more magic... The more magic I use, the stronger my magic gets, and maybe next time, something even scarier will happen to me. I know that, but I can't believe I'm using magic... I can't be afraid of that..."

"That's not why it explodes magic in your body. Even if the Lord refuses, the concubine will let the Lord use magic again and again. Whether the moon is gone or the sun is gone, that's not what I found out."

And it was the moment Teresa spoke. Now, there's a view outside that was almost back to normal ——


It was dyed white again.

Its source of light was heaven, and one of two moons began to shine as if it were the sun, illuminating the world at night as if it were day.

The people on the bridge were confused again when they saw it. They couldn't understand what had happened. Some of them seemed worried that they might have time-warped again.

But Teresa, who knew the circumstances --today, who knew the moon would be gone, immediately began to speak again to Lucia as if nothing had happened after a glance at the dazzling sky.... with a look that only Lucia could see because everyone was pointing at the sky.

"... Miss Lucia is a brave man, isn't she? Then let fate and victory prevail. As long as the Lord continues to fight, the concubine will try to save him, no matter what."

"That means I... can't lose, can it?

"Uhm. Your Lord will never forgive and admit to losing. Was it good? Miss Lucia. Such a sweet sister (...) doesn't, does she?

"... Teresa, you admit you're talking about yourself, your sister?

"………" Here we go.


When Lucia said so and sighed heavily, she seemed to drop her shoulder with the same look on her face as Teresa. It should be noted that Waltz and Catalina also listened to the exchange between the two...... They just watched quietly and never seemed to speak out.

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