"Ugh?!/(v5k, vi) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

"Hey, Master Teresa? Maybe not if I abuse you about Van, huh?

"Hih, bad listening...... How could I do that? First, when did the concubine abuse Van?

Based on the testimony of the victim (Van), Teresa was to be questioned by Eve. As for her, I'm not going to abuse Van, not even this--

"So maybe you didn't do anything to Van?

"... it looks like a fox in the long run, so I just watched it fly."

—— But it didn't seem like he was doing anything either.

"Van, it's not a fox, it's probably Wang"

"No, no, I, not a fox, not a dog, because it's Fenrill"

"... a fuzzy tail as long as your body length, a shiny, pointed nose tip, and a body that seems easy to grasp by it... It just looks like a big fox, no matter where you look from. Sure, the color of the hair isn't yellow or red, but at this point, the difference is trivial."

"... Dear Teresa, after all, what might you want to say?

"... I'm not even sure my concubine understands"

Teresa seems to have overlaid Van's appearance with her favorite fox figure, but that's why she didn't even seem to know what to do. No way, keep the beast who speaks people's words as they desire (?) There's no reason to stroke it...

Turning to her like that, when Eve tried to say, 'Maybe you should let me honestly stroke you' and you have no body or lid... Yet another person, a certain figure, appeared in the cafeteria.

"............" katsunkatsunkatsunkatsung......

It is Lucia, a fox beast man girl with a yellow tail growing from her waist and pointed black beast ears. Apparently, she had been specializing in autospelling all night and decided to stop by the cafeteria on her way home. There seemed to be a big bear under its eyes.

Theresa had hardened as she scratched her cold sweat, something like that since she arrived. By analogy, is it like the relationship between Van and Teresa moved straight to Teresa and Lucia? … but not the fox. The relationship between the strong and the weak is.

"... Good morning, Teresa"

"Good morning, Miss Lucia..."

"Isn't it a long day early in the morning?

"Ugh... it's a coincidence..."

"... So, what were you doing here?

"Ma, I haven't done anything yet... I was just talking about how Lord Van resembles a fox..."



And the heavy air to visit. In that unusual atmosphere of unknown origin, all Teresa can do is wait for things to pass... Meanwhile, the hunters, Eve and Van seemed to have left the scene softly and disappeared into the back of the kitchen.

As a result, only two people will remain on the spot: Lucia, the Zito's eye, and Teresa, who strays from her gaze.

"Teresa... you were trying to abuse me about Van, weren't you?

"... how did this happen..."

Theresa was thus clothed with an unknown sin (?), was to be preached by Lucia.

".................. zzz"

"Guru... you Lucia lady..."

Approximately half an hour later. Uh, no. While I was listening to you say it wasn't Ko, Lucia couldn't stand sleepers anymore... While Teresa was picking up her drink, she slammed to her desk and fell asleep.

"Shall I write a letter on your forehead?... Well, I'm afraid of retaliation if I do that, so I guess I'll stop..."

That's what I said, sighing Teresa.

Then she took her own jacket from inside her sleeve, which turned into a different space, and hung it on Lucia, she threw her voice towards the back of the kitchen.

"The Hunter Hall? I'm sorry I'm busy, but could you help me carry Miss Lucia for a minute?

Then, soon, the hunter appears.

"Is the fight over?

"No, we're not fighting or anything. The concubine was just being abused more unilaterally. Damn...... what's wrong with loving a fox? Lord Van may not be a fox, but he's almost a fox, isn't he? Or you say you haven't done anything yet...... It's getting more and more uncomfortable.... The Hunter Hall? Your lord loves cats, doesn't he? Then can you understand the concubine's impatient feelings about this fox?

"Well, I don't deny that you like cats... but you like dogs, too, huh?


"I can't take a cat hunting, but a dog can come with me."

Theresa solidified when she heard her words about the hunter, the cat beast man, which was surprising. However, it also seemed to give a convincing look after hearing the phrase "I can't take you hunting".

To Theresa like that, the hunter said.

"Right. Teresa loved foxes. So... what about Lucia? (and Catalina...)"


"'Cause Lucia's a fox, too, right?

"... the hunter's house? Okay? Miss Lucia is not a fox or anything. It's a fox-skinned ghost or something. Otherwise, I can't explain why I feel chills when Miss Lucia stares at me...... Like this, you feel like a predator..."

"Yes, sir. They say we're close enough to fight."


"Before Lucia catches a cold, she's gonna take you to your room, okay? (If you really don't like it, you can't hang your jacket...)"

A hunter who turns a narrower gaze at Theresa for what she's saying and doing. She didn't seem to think Teresa was abusing Van or Eve. Distorted expressions of affection, or tundelies...... He seemed to think that would be the place.

It is unclear what the opposing Teresa thought when she heard the hunter's words. Let me just write down that I wasn't the hunter who carried Lucia to the room.

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