Nike and the others jump in time magic (?) that we are having a discussion about ——

"…………" chira

…… What's the matter, kid? If you still don't have enough cuddles, why don't you just give me a full hug?

"Yes, no..."

—— Nike asked him directly if he could finally ignore the Endels boy, who had been sending a flicker and gaze all along. In contrast, the Endels boy shakes his head as he sifts...... Nike, rising from his seat, said standing behind the Enders boy ——


—— its breast fat, which can also be described as quite large (?) over the Endels boy's head.


"Beginning? ♪ To

When Nike has a satisfying look at the Endels boy's reaction, now ——


—— Deprexa slaps the desk and crushes it as it is.

"... oops, excuse me. Chi (...) Hey (...) and (...) My hand slipped. That was close, wasn't it? Nike, maybe this is what happened to your head?" Biki.

and a deprexa with a cold grin as she raised her blue muscles.

And things go a long way to getting worse.

"What, are you jealous? I mean, is this kid... is that his little finger?

"... nike. Apparently, the time has come to destroy you for real? ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"Not at all...... When you get older, you don't even get to make jokes? This is why I'm getting older..."

"Look in the mirror! Mirror!"

and thousands of years old to stick together (?) of two.

Exactly when you left it any longer, you felt it was going to develop into a dispute involving a ruinous phenomenon... A brave man tries to pinch his mouth to get into two arbitrations.

but before that. Oil the fire (?) A person appeared. It is Leah.

"... both of you... you're close"

Go to "………"


"Hey... Wait, wait. Both of you!

"... right. I couldn't grow up."

"... I'm sorry.... child. You were scared, weren't you? You're gonna have to hug me for the rest of my life./(adv, adv-to) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) refreshing/

".................." Biki

And a barren battle repeated around the Endels boy. Each time the brave man stops the two and Leah stirs them up...... And the Endels boy went debilitated or not......

Meanwhile, even on the ships of Energia, there was a lot of confusion. However, unilaterally.

"... sushi"

"... don't you keep a ton of frozen stuff in your pochette? You have to thaw it and eat it."

"I want sushi that's not frozen"

"... tell your concubine to make it because she doesn't like rapid thawing?

"'Cause no one else can make sushi but Teresa."

"... Miss Marie's, curry-flavored Inari Sushi --"


"I'm sorry Marie, but that's no sushi!

"Ugh, um..."

Lucia, who had just woken up around noon and left the room, ran into Teresa by chance, enough to have an eclampsia, which was outrageous....... the beginning of the day (?) The meal you eat in should be delicious Inari sushi that wakes you up. But this morning I fell asleep tired, so I forgot to naturally thaw Inari sushi...... I mean, she only has rice sushi in a frozen state on hand, and breakfast it (?) I have no choice but to thaw rapidly when eating as, but rapid thawing, which impairs flavor and texture, seemed an absolutely unacceptable outrage as OSUSHIST (ossist).... I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but it's very important to her. Yes, very......

As a result, Teresa said she was looking like a fox caught by a beast ——

"Ah, Lucia. You're up, huh?

—— The goddess of salvation appeared. However, it is not from Deprexa.

"Good morning, sister"

"Oh dear. Lucia. So, just now, do you have a minute?

"Yeah? Something wrong?

and lucia a little wary before waltz looking serious somewhere. She didn't have a very good feeling about what the words flying from her sister were.

But the words that flew in from Waltz were just as different from what Lucia had assumed.

"Lucia, do you remember talking about me destroying the world before?

"Your sister made the world...... oh, yeah. You mean when the enchanted bracelet helped you, right?

"What? An enchanted bracelet?

"Yeah. You mean the blue and white bracelet I enchanted myself to make before, right? I think it might be an illusion right now, but after your sister changed the world to black, her bracelet glowed... and she came back some time ago. At that time, I think there was a lot going on, but I have a vague memory, so I was wondering if I could remember any details. But I'm pretty sure the bracelet helped you, right? 'Cause that bracelet, it disappeared after time rolled back."

"Hmm... I see..."

…… Ah! Could it be...!

"Yep. I was wondering if I could use a time warp."

Both Lucia and Teresa opened their eyes to such Waltz's words. Maybe if we use Enchant well, we can make a time jump...... They also saw such hope.

It's just... At this time, the three of them did not seem to realize what was very important. It was only after rumors spread on the ship that we might be able to return to the original world.

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