—— Grocery store. It's called, it's a store for everything. From furniture, ornaments and carriages to windows in the house, they handled a wide variety of products, and the plates that Catalina and the others were looking for should also be here. It's like a home center, if you compare it to what's in the modern world.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry!

"Oh, I'm sorry?

Catalinas entering the store for all three. In part, there seemed to be someone whose words were suspicious, but, well, let's just leave him alone.

They reacted to that voice, and from the counter in the back of the store, the voice comes back from an old man.

"Oh, there you are. Are you a traveler? Look what you like."

Catalina (Greater) asked the old man who said so.

"Excuse me. Do you keep your plate?

"Plates? What kind of plates?

"Plates roughly this size, the depth doesn't matter"

"Hmm. There's a plate of trees just the right size. Sepi? Just give me a minute."

"Yes... (wooden plate, is it...)"

As for Catalina, I just wanted to buy a plate of pottery. The plates in the cafeteria were made of ceramic, so if you're thinking about replenishing them, you thought the new plates should be made of the same ceramic. But given the times and culture, you can't be so selfish, because if you don't buy it here, the hunters and crew will also have trouble...... In the meantime, it looks like she decided to look at the real thing and decide whether to buy it or not. If the quality doesn't seem good, let's look for another store...

By the way, Catalina's prediction of seeing a plate brought to her by the grocery store owner would be betrayed in a different way. The size and shape of the plate was exactly what she was looking for, and in that regard she had cleared the conditions. And the quality wasn't bad either.

The problem is--

"... beautiful"


—— and because Catalina (Jr.) and Van were also surprisingly beautiful plates of lacquer. It is true that it is a wooden dish, but the quality was too good. How much on earth would it cost...... The Catalinas didn't even know what to expect.

As a result, Catalina (Greater), trying to say no, accidentally --

"Oh, no, because I need a number --"

—— and I try to use numbers as an excuse ——

"We have a lot of inventory.

—— I couldn't find the right time to say no. Wouldn't it be pushed and sold if it stayed this way...... Such concerns were beginning to swirl in her.

And get ready, Catalina asks.

"... how much is it?

I thought about turning it down because of the amount.

But her predictions will once again be betrayed.

"600 gold."

"Really? Again, k... Huh?

"So I'm saying 600 gold a piece"

"(600 gold...... Not at all, it's cheap......)"

Apparently, it was considerably cheaper than Catalina thought. That, too, is literally in the wrong digits......

"So, how many do you want?

"... about 30 sheets"

"... are you a traveler or a merchant? Sometimes, like you, there's a merchant who likes and buys dishes from us ghosts."

"Oh, no, I'm not a merchant. It's just that we have a lot of fellow travelers. But you don't have exactly 30, do you?

"It would be 30 sheets, but it would be 300 sheets, but I have constant stock replenishment so I can have it ready?

And the store owner who answers all the time.

Fine plates with lacquer paint are in stock over 300 sheets at 600 gold per sheet...... In advance of that fact, Catalina asked unexpectedly. No, I had to ask.

"... how many stores are we in here?

"It's a grocery store that keeps everything. It was supposed to be on the sign?


And the silent Catalina. Apparently, in her head, the definition of a grocery store was gradually being rewritten.

And that's when. Someone emerges who will confuse her even more.

Giggy, giggy...

"Oh, I'm home now"

Coming to the grocery store was a haunted middle-aged man carrying a bag (...) without a big (...) on his back. Guess from that mouthful, he's not a customer, he's an associate of the store.

... If that's all, Catalina shouldn't have been confused.

"Is that you guys... from the trip we just met?"

"Ah, it's a pharmacist!

"Sure, you're a pharmacist."

The person who came to the grocery store was the pharmacist Catalina met on the way here.

"Welcome to our store."

Hearing the words, Catalina asks again.

"... excuse me. How many stores are here?

"So, what did I just say? It's a grocery store."

"No, no, this is a pharmacist with everything"


And frowning, Katarina closing her mouth. Where the hell should I go in from, or should I dare not touch it...... Distressed she seems, after all, to have chosen the latter.

This is how the Catalinas get to the plates they needed, as well as unwillingly, the pharmacists (?) We also decided to stop by.

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